UD Underline Related Profile Links

Modernized take on Bradley Sattem's (a.k.a. Aichon) idea to underline all related profile links on mouse hover

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v1.2 03/07/2024
  • v1.2 19/06/2024
    • Fixed the link CSS attribute selector from a starts-with operator to a contains-operator to allow interoperability with other user scripts.
    • Added @match https://ispy.dxavier.net/* to allow the script to run on the iSpy webpages to help with investigations.
    • Added @inject-into auto to try alternative injection methods if one fails.
  • v1.1 18/06/2024

    Added @run-at document-end to only run the script once the document is finished loading.

  • v1.0 06/06/2024