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Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

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Publicado: 21/08/2016

Pandas wiped out twice

I'm using TM 1.4.5 on Firefox 48
Windows XP Pro SP3 (yes, I know, but I don't think it affects FF)

All my PANDAS have been wiped out twice in 2 weeks. I need a new set, which is a lot of work. Do you have any clue why this would happen?

Publicado: 25/08/2016

That's a bug that has bothered me for a long time and I have yet to figure out why it happens. It's the sole reason that I created the backup feature. Sorry that it has happened to you - especially twice in two weeks. This bug doesn't happen very often which makes it hard to track down and reproduce. If you (or anyone else) have (has) any ideas please let me know.

Publicado: 08/09/2016

I use the backup more often now.

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