Greasy Fork is available in English.

IdlePixel UI Tweaks

Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         IdlePixel UI Tweaks
// @namespace    com.anwinity.idlepixel
// @version      1.3.26
// @description  Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
// @author       Anwinity
// @license      MIT
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const LEVELS = function(){
        let result = [];
        result[1] = 0;
        for(let lv = 2; lv <= 100; lv++) {
            result[lv] = Math.ceil(Math.pow(lv, 3+(lv/200)));
        return result;

    function xpToLevel(xp) {
        if(xp <= 0) {
            return 1;
        if(xp >= LEVELS[100]) {
            return 100;
        let lower = 1;
        let upper = 100;
        while(lower <= upper) {
            let mid = Math.floor((lower + upper) / 2);
            let midXP = LEVELS[mid];
            let midPlus1XP = LEVELS[mid+1];
            if(xp < midXP) {
                upper = mid;
            if(xp > midPlus1XP) {
            if(mid<100 && xp == LEVELS[mid+1]) {
                return mid+1;
            return mid;

    // will be overwritten if data available in
    const SMELT_TIMES = {
        copper: 3 ,
        iron: 6,
        silver: 15,
        gold: 50,
        promethium: 100,
        titanium: 500

    const IMAGE_URL_BASE = $("itembox[data-item=copper] img").attr("src").replace(/\/[^/]+.png$/, "");
    const FONTS = [];
    const FONT_DEFAULT = "IdlePixel Default";
    const FONT_FAMILY_DEFAULT = "pixel, \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace";
    (async() => {
        const FONTS_CHECK = new Set([
            // Windows 10
            'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Bahnschrift', 'Calibri', 'Cambria', 'Cambria Math', 'Candara', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Consolas', 'Constantia', 'Corbel', 'Courier New', 'Ebrima', 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Gabriola', 'Gadugi', 'Georgia', 'HoloLens MDL2 Assets', 'Impact', 'Ink Free', 'Javanese Text', 'Leelawadee UI', 'Lucida Console', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Malgun Gothic', 'Marlett', 'Microsoft Himalaya', 'Microsoft JhengHei', 'Microsoft New Tai Lue', 'Microsoft PhagsPa', 'Microsoft Sans Serif', 'Microsoft Tai Le', 'Microsoft YaHei', 'Microsoft Yi Baiti', 'MingLiU-ExtB', 'Mongolian Baiti', 'MS Gothic', 'MV Boli', 'Myanmar Text', 'Nirmala UI', 'Palatino Linotype', 'Segoe MDL2 Assets', 'Segoe Print', 'Segoe Script', 'Segoe UI', 'Segoe UI Historic', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'SimSun', 'Sitka', 'Sylfaen', 'Symbol', 'Tahoma', 'Times New Roman', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana', 'Webdings', 'Wingdings', 'Yu Gothic',
            // macOS
            'American Typewriter', 'Andale Mono', 'Arial', 'Arial Black', 'Arial Narrow', 'Arial Rounded MT Bold', 'Arial Unicode MS', 'Avenir', 'Avenir Next', 'Avenir Next Condensed', 'Baskerville', 'Big Caslon', 'Bodoni 72', 'Bodoni 72 Oldstyle', 'Bodoni 72 Smallcaps', 'Bradley Hand', 'Brush Script MT', 'Chalkboard', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Chalkduster', 'Charter', 'Cochin', 'Comic Sans MS', 'Copperplate', 'Courier', 'Courier New', 'Didot', 'DIN Alternate', 'DIN Condensed', 'Futura', 'Geneva', 'Georgia', 'Gill Sans', 'Helvetica', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Herculanum', 'Hoefler Text', 'Impact', 'Lucida Grande', 'Luminari', 'Marker Felt', 'Menlo', 'Microsoft Sans Serif', 'Monaco', 'Noteworthy', 'Optima', 'Palatino', 'Papyrus', 'Phosphate', 'Rockwell', 'Savoye LET', 'SignPainter', 'Skia', 'Snell Roundhand', 'Tahoma', 'Times', 'Times New Roman', 'Trattatello', 'Trebuchet MS', 'Verdana', 'Zapfino',
            // other
            'Helvetica', 'Garamond',
        await document.fonts.ready;
        for(const font of FONTS_CHECK.values()) {
            if (document.fonts.check(`12px "${font}"`)) {
        FONTS.unshift("IdlePixel Default");

    const BG_COLORS = {
        "#chat-area .server_message": "",
        "body": 'rgb(200, 247, 248)',
        ".top-bar": $(".top-bar").css("background-color"),
        "#menu-bar": $("#menu-bar").css("background-color"),
        "#chat-area": $("#chat-area").css("background-color"),
        "#game-chat": $("#game-chat").css("background-color"),
        "#panels": $("#panels").css("background-color"),

    const FONT_COLORS = {
        "#chat-area .server_message": "",
        "#chat-area": $("#chat-area").css("color"),
        "#chat-area .color-green": $("#chat-area .color-green").css("color"),
        "#chat-area .color-grey": $("#chat-area .color-grey").css("color"),
        "#chat-area .chat-username": $("#chat-area .chat-username").css("color"),
        "#panels": $("#panels").css("color"),
        "#panels .color-grey": $("#panels .color-grey").css("color"),

    const CHAT_UPDATE_FILTER = [
        "#chat-area .color-green",
        "#chat-area .color-grey",
        "#chat-area .chat-username",
        "#chat-area .server_message"


    class UITweaksPlugin extends IdlePixelPlusPlugin {
        constructor() {
            super("ui-tweaks", {
                about: {
                    version: GM_info.script.version,
                    description: GM_info.script.description
                config: [
                        label: "General Stuff",
                        type: "label"
                        id: "font",
                        label: "Primary Font",
                        type: "select",
                        options: FONTS,
                        default: FONT_DEFAULT
                        id: "sideChat",
                        label: "Side Chat",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "chatLimit",
                        label: "Chat Message Limit (&leq; 0 means no limit)",
                        type: "int",
                        min: -1,
                        max: 5000,
                        default: 0
                        id: "imageTitles",
                        label: "Image Mouseover",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "heatInFishingTab",
                        label: "Heat In Fishing Tab",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "fightPointsStats",
                        label: "Fight Points in Left Menu",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "miningMachineArrows",
                        label: "Mining Machine Arrows",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "oilSummaryMining",
                        label: "Oil Summary, Mining Panel",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "oilSummaryCrafting",
                        label: "Oil Summary, Crafting Panel",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "lowerToast",
                        label: "Lower Toast (top-right popup)",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "condenseWoodcuttingPatches",
                        label: "Condensed Woodcutting Patches",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "condenseFarmingPatches",
                        label: "Condensed Farming Patches",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "condenseGatheringBoxes",
                        label: "Condensed Gathering Boxes",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        label: "Notifications",
                        type: "label"
                        id: "oilFullNotification",
                        label: "Oil Full",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "smeltingNotificationTimer",
                        label: "Smelting Notification Timer",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "rocketETATimer",
                        label: "Rocket Notification ETA",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: true
                        id: "hideRocketKM",
                        label: "Rocket Notification Hide KM",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        label: "BG Color Overrides",
                        type: "label"
                        id: "color-enabled-body",
                        label: "Main Background: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-body",
                        label: "Main Background: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["body"]
                        id: "color-enabled-panels",
                        label: "Panel Background: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-panels",
                        label: "Panel Background: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["#panels"]
                        id: "color-enabled-top-bar",
                        label: "Top Background: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-top-bar",
                        label: "Top Background: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS[".top-bar"]
                        id: "color-enabled-menu-bar",
                        label: "Menu Background: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-menu-bar",
                        label: "Menu Background: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["#menu-bar"]
                        id: "color-enabled-chat-area",
                        label: "Inner Chat BG: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-chat-area",
                        label: "Inner Chat BG: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["#chat-area"]
                        id: "color-enabled-game-chat",
                        label: "Outer Chat BG: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-game-chat",
                        label: "Outer Chat BG: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["#game-chat"]
                        id: "color-enabled-chat-area-server_message",
                        label: "Server Message Tag: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "color-chat-area-server_message",
                        label: "Server Message Tag: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: BG_COLORS["#chat-area .server_message"]
                        label: "Text Color Overrides",
                        type: "label"
                        id: "font-color-enabled-chat-area",
                        label: "Chat Text: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-chat-area",
                        label: "Chat Text: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area"]
                        id: "font-color-enabled-chat-area-color-green",
                        label: "Chat Timestamp: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-chat-area-color-green",
                        label: "Chat Timestamp: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area .color-green"]
                        id: "font-color-enabled-chat-area-chat-username",
                        label: "Chat Username: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-chat-area-chat-username",
                        label: "Chat Username: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area .chat-username"]
                        id: "font-color-enabled-chat-area-color-grey",
                        label: "Chat Level: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-chat-area-color-grey",
                        label: "Chat Level: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area .color-grey"]
                        id: "font-color-enabled-chat-area-server_message",
                        label: "Server Message Tag: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-chat-area-server_message",
                        label: "Server Message Tag: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area .server_message"]
                        id: "serverMessageTextOverrideEnabled",
                        label: "Server Message Text: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "serverMessageTextOverrideColor",
                        label: "Server Message Text: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: "blue"
                        id: "font-color-enabled-panels",
                        label: "Panels 1: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-panels",
                        label: "Panels 1: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area"]
                        id: "font-color-enabled-panels-color-grey",
                        label: "Panels 2: Enabled",
                        type: "boolean",
                        default: false
                        id: "font-color-panels-color-grey",
                        label: "Panels 2: Color",
                        type: "color",
                        default: FONT_COLORS["#chat-area .color-grey"]

        onConfigsChanged() {
            $("body").css("font-family", "");
            const font = this.getConfig("font");
            if(font && font!=FONT_DEFAULT) {
                const bodyStyle = $("body").attr("style");
                $("body").attr("style", `${bodyStyle}; font-family: ${font} !important`);

            const sideChat = this.getConfig("sideChat");
            if(sideChat) {
            else {

            if(this.getConfig("fightPointsStats")) {
            else {

            const condenseWoodcuttingPatches = this.getConfig("condenseWoodcuttingPatches");
            if(condenseWoodcuttingPatches) {
                $("#panel-woodcutting .farming-patches-area").addClass("condensed");
                $(`#panel-woodcutting .farming-patches-area img[id^="img-tree_shiny"]`).each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    el.attr("width", "");
                    el.attr("height", "");
            else {
                $("#panel-woodcutting .farming-patches-area").removeClass("condensed");
                $(`#panel-woodcutting .farming-patches-area img[id^="img-tree_shiny"]`).each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    el.attr("width", el.attr("original-width"));
                    el.attr("height", el.attr("original-height"));

            const condenseFarmingPatches = this.getConfig("condenseFarmingPatches");
            if(condenseFarmingPatches) {
                $("#panel-farming .farming-patches-area").addClass("condensed");
                $(`#panel-farming .farming-patches-area img[id^="img-farm_shiny"]`).each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    el.attr("width", "");
                    el.attr("height", "");
            else {
                $("#panel-farming .farming-patches-area").removeClass("condensed");
                $(`#panel-farming .farming-patches-area img[id^="img-farm_shiny"]`).each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    el.attr("width", el.attr("original-width"));
                    el.attr("height", el.attr("original-height"));

            const condenseGatheringBoxes = this.getConfig("condenseGatheringBoxes");
            if(condenseGatheringBoxes) {
                $("#panel-gathering .gathering-box").addClass("condensed");
            else {
                $("#panel-gathering .gathering-box").removeClass("condensed");

            if(this.getConfig("imageTitles")) {
                $("img").each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    let src = el.attr("src");
                    if(src && src!="x") {
                        src = src.replace(/.*\//, "").replace(/\.\w+$/, "");
                        el.attr("title", src);
            else {
                $("img").each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    el.attr("title", "");

            if(this.getConfig("miningMachineArrows")) {
            else {

            const toast = $(".toast-container");
            if(this.getConfig("lowerToast")) {
                toast.css("top", "45px");
            else {
                toast.css("top", "");

            const oilSummaryMining = this.getConfig("oilSummaryMining");
            if(oilSummaryMining) {
            else {

            const oilSummaryCrafting = this.getConfig("oilSummaryCrafting");
            if(oilSummaryCrafting) {
            else {

            const smeltingNotificationTimer = this.getConfig("smeltingNotificationTimer");
            if(smeltingNotificationTimer) {
            else {

            const rocketETATimer = this.getConfig("rocketETATimer");
            if(rocketETATimer) {
            else {

            const hideRocketKM = this.getConfig("hideRocketKM");
            if(hideRocketKM) {
            else {

            const heatInFishingTab = this.getConfig("heatInFishingTab");
            if(heatInFishingTab) {
                $("#heat-fishing-tab").attr("data-item", "heat");
            else {

            this.onVariableSet("oil", window.var_oil, window.var_oil);


        updateColors(filter) {
            Object.keys(BG_COLORS).forEach(selector => {
                if(!filter || filter.includes(selector)) {
                    const key = selector.replace(/[#\.]/g, '').replace(/-?\s+-?/, "-");
                    const enabled = this.getConfig(`color-enabled-${key}`);
                    const color = enabled ? this.getConfig(`color-${key}`) : BG_COLORS[selector];
                    let selected = $(selector);
                    selected.css("background-color", "");
                    selected.css("background-color", color);

            Object.keys(FONT_COLORS).forEach(selector => {
                if(!filter || filter.includes(selector)) {
                    const key = selector.replace(/[#\.]/g, '').replace(/-?\s+-?/, "-");
                    const enabled = this.getConfig(`font-color-enabled-${key}`);
                    const color = enabled ? this.getConfig(`font-color-${key}`) : FONT_COLORS[selector];
                    let selected = $(selector);
                    selected.css("color", "");
                    selected.css("color", color);

            const serverMessageTextOverrideEnabled = this.getConfig("serverMessageTextOverrideEnabled");
            const serverMessageTextOverrideColor = serverMessageTextOverrideEnabled ? this.getConfig("serverMessageTextOverrideColor") : "blue";
            $("#chat-area .server_message").parent().css("color", serverMessageTextOverrideColor);


        onLogin() {
            // fix chat
            const self = this;
            const chat = $("#game-chat > :first-child");
            const chatTop = $('<div id="chat-top"></div>"');
            const chatArea = $("#chat-area").detach();
            const chatBottom = $("#game-chat > :first-child > :last-child").detach();
            $("#game-chat > :first-child > *").detach().appendTo(chatTop);

            <style id="styles-ui-tweaks">
            #chat-top {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: row;
              justify-content: left;
            #chat-top > button {
              margin-left: 2px;
              margin-right: 2px;
              white-space: nowrap;
            #content.side-chat {
              display: grid;
              column-gap: 0;
              row-gap: 0;
              grid-template-columns: 2fr minmax(300px, 1fr);
              grid-template-rows: 1fr;
            #content.side-chat #game-chat {
              max-height: calc(100vh - 32px);
            #content.side-chat #game-chat > :first-child {
              display: grid;
              column-gap: 0;
              row-gap: 0;
              grid-template-columns: 1fr;
              grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
              height: calc(100% - 16px);
            #content.side-chat #chat-area {
              height: auto !important;
    	    .farming-patches-area.condensed {
	    	  display: flex;
		      flex-direction: row;
    		  justify-items: flex-start;
    		  width: fit-content;
    	    .farming-patches-area.condensed > span {
    		  width: 100px;
    		  max-height: 200px;
    		  border: 1px solid green;
    	    .farming-patches-area.condensed img {
    		  width: 100px;
	    	#panel-gathering .gathering-box.condensed {
		      height: 240px;
		      position: relative;
              margin: 4px auto;
              padding-left: 4px;
              padding-right: 4px;
		    #panel-gathering .gathering-box.condensed img.gathering-area-image {
		      position: absolute;
		      top: 10px;
		      left: 10px;
		      width: 68px;
		      height: 68px;
		    #panel-gathering .gathering-box.condensed br:nth-child(2),
		    #panel-gathering .gathering-box.condensed br:nth-child(3)
		      display: none;
            #panel-mining.add-arrow-controls itembox {
              position: relative;
            #panel-mining:not(.add-arrow-controls) itembox .arrow-controls {
              display: none !important;
            itembox .arrow-controls {
              position: absolute;
              top: 0px;
              right: 2px;
              height: 100%;
              padding: 2px;
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: column;
              justify-content: space-around;
              align-items: center;
            itembox .arrow {
              border: solid white;
              border-width: 0 4px 4px 0;
              display: inline-block;
              padding: 6px;
              cursor: pointer;
              opacity: 0.85;
            itembox .arrow:hover {
              opacity: 1;
              border-color: yellow;
            itembox .arrow.up {
              transform: rotate(-135deg);
              -webkit-transform: rotate(-135deg);
              margin-top: 3px;
            itembox .arrow.down {
              transform: rotate(45deg);
              -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
              margin-bottom: 3px;

            <span id="menu-bar-fight-points">
              <br />
              <img id="menu-bar-fight-points-img" class="img-20" src="${IMAGE_URL_BASE}/fight_points.png">
              <item-display data-format="number" data-key="fight_points">0</item-display>
              (<span class="fight-points-full-timmer"></span>)

            $('#menu-bar-hero item-display[data-key="energy"]').parent().after(`
            <span id="menu-bar-fight-points">
              <br />
              <img id="menu-bar-fight-points-img" class="img-20" src="${IMAGE_URL_BASE}/fight_points.png">
              <item-display data-format="number" data-key="fight_points">0</item-display>
              (<span class="fight-points-full-timmer"></span>)

            $(".color-grey.font-small item-display").each(function() {
                let el = $(this);
                let dataKey = el.attr("data-key");
                if(dataKey.endsWith("_xp")) {
                    <span class="ui-tweaks-xp-next">
                      &nbsp;&nbsp;Next Level:
                      <item-display data-format="number"data-key="ipp_${dataKey}_next"></item-display>

            // machine arrows
            ["drill", "crusher", "giant_drill", "excavator"].forEach(machine => {
                <div class="arrow-controls" onclick="event.stopPropagation();">
                  <div class="arrow up" onclick="event.stopPropagation(); IdlePixelPlus.sendMessage('MACHINERY=${machine}~increase');"></div>
                    <item-display data-format="number" data-key="${machine}_on">1</item-display>
                  <div class="arrow down" onclick="event.stopPropagation(); IdlePixelPlus.sendMessage('MACHINERY=${machine}~decrease');"></div>

            // custom notifications
            <div id="ui-tweaks-notification-oil-full" style="display:none;" class="notification hover" onclick="switch_panels('panel-mining')">
                <img src="${IMAGE_URL_BASE}/oil.png" class="w20">
                <span class="font-small color-yellow">Oil Full</span>

            $("#panel-mining .progress-bar").first().after(`
            <div id="oil-summary-mining" style="margin-top: 0.5em">
            	<strong>Oil: </strong><item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil"></item-display> / <item-display data-format="number" data-key="max_oil"></item-display><br>
            	<strong>In: </strong>+<item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil_in"></item-display>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            	<strong>Out: </strong>-<item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil_out"></item-display>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            	<strong>Delta: </strong><item-display data-key="oil_delta" data-format="number"></item-display><br>

            $("#panel-crafting .progress-bar").first().after(`
            <div id="oil-summary-crafting" style="margin-top: 0.5em">
            	<strong>Oil: </strong><item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil"></item-display> / <item-display data-format="number" data-key="max_oil"></item-display><br>
            	<strong>In: </strong>+<item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil_in"></item-display>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            	<strong>Out: </strong>-<item-display data-format="number" data-key="oil_out"></item-display>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
            	<strong>Delta: </strong><item-display data-key="oil_delta" data-format="number"></item-display><br>

            $("#notification-furnace-label").after(`<span id="notification-furnace-timer" class="font-small color-white"></span>`);

            $("#notification-rocket-label").after(`<span id="notification-rocket-timer" class="font-small color-white"></span>`);

            <itembox id="heat-fishing-tab" data-item="heat" class="shadow hover" data-bs-toggle="tooltip">
                <div class="center mt-1"><img src="" width="50px" height="50px"></div>
                <div class="center mt-2"><item-display data-format="number" data-key="heat"></item-display></div>

            // clear chat button
            $("#chat-auto-scroll-button").after(`<button id="chat-clear-button" onclick="IdlePixelPlus.plugins['ui-tweaks'].clearChat()" style="color: green">CLEAR</button>`);

            // override for service messages
            const original_yell_to_chat_box = Chat.yell_to_chat_box;
            Chat.yell_to_chat_box = function() {
                original_yell_to_chat_box.apply(Chat, arguments);


        clearChat() {

        limitChat() {
            const limit = this.getConfig("chatLimit");
            if(limit > 0) {
                const children = $("#chat-area").children();
                if(children.length > limit) {
                    const toDelete = children.length - limit;
                    for(let i = 0; i < toDelete; i++) {
                        try {
                        catch(err) {
                            console.error("Error cleaning up chat", err);
                    if(Chat._auto_scroll) {

        onPanelChanged(panelBefore, panelAfter) {
            if(panelBefore != panelAfter && panelAfter == "idlepixelplus") {
                const options = $("#idlepixelplus-config-ui-tweaks-font > option");
                if(options) {
                    options.each(function() {
                        const el = $(this);
                        let value = el.attr("value");
                        if(value == "IdlePixel Default") {
                            el.css("font-family", FONT_FAMILY_DEFAULT);
                        else {
                            el.css("font-family", value);
            if(["farming", "woodcutting", "combat"].includes(panelAfter) && this.getConfig("imageTitles")) {
                $(`#panel-${panelAfter} img`).each(function() {
                    const el = $(this);
                    let src = el.attr("src");
                    if(src && src!="x") {
                        src = src.replace(/.*\//, "").replace(/\.\w+$/, "");
                        el.attr("title", src);

        onVariableSet(key, valueBefore, valueAfter) {
            if(key.endsWith("_xp")) {
                const varName = `var_ipp_${key}_next`;
                const xp = parseInt(valueAfter||'0');
                const level = xpToLevel(xp);
                const xpAtNext = LEVELS[level+1];
                const next = level>=100 ? 0 : xpAtNext-xp;
                window[varName] = `${next}`;
            if(["oil", "max_oil"].includes(key)) {
                const oil = IdlePixelPlus.getVar("oil");
                const maxOil = IdlePixelPlus.getVar("max_oil");
                if(oil && oil==maxOil && this.getConfig("oilFullNotification")) {
                else {
            if(["oil_in", "oil_out"].includes(key)) {
                const oilIn = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("oil_in", 0, "int");
                const oilOut = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("oil_out", 0, "int");
                window.var_oil_delta = `${oilIn-oilOut}`;
            if(["fight_points", "max_fight_points"].includes(key)) {
                // fight-points-full-timmer
                const max = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("max_fight_points", 0, "int");
                const current = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("fight_points", 0, "int");
                const remaining = max-current;
                if(remaining==0) {
                else {
            if(["furnace_ore_type", "furnace_countdown", "furnace_ore_amount_at"].includes(key)) {
                const el = $("#notification-furnace-timer");
                const ore = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("furnace_ore_type", "none");
                if(ore == "none") {
                const timerRemaining = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("furnace_countdown", 0, "int");
                const timePerOre = SMELT_TIMES[ore] - 1;
                const startAmount = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("furnace_ore_amount_set", 0, "int");
                const doneAmount = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("furnace_ore_amount_at", 0, "int");
                const remaining = startAmount - doneAmount - 1;
                const totalTime = (remaining*timePerOre) + timerRemaining;
                el.text(" - " + format_time(totalTime));

                // console.log(`${key}: timerRemaining=${timerRemaining}, start=${startAmount}, done=${doneAmount}, left=${remaining}, total=${totalTime}`);
            if(["rocket_km", "rocket_status"].includes(key)) {
                const status = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("rocket_status", "none");
                const km = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("rocket_km", "none", "int");
                const total = IdlePixelPlus.getVarOrDefault("rocket_distance_required", "none", "int");
                let label = "";
                if(status=="to_moon" || status=="from_moon") {
                    const remaining = status=="to_moon" ? total-km : km;
                    const eta = Math.round(remaining / 1.5);
                    label = format_time(eta);
                    if(this.getConfig("rocketETATimer") && !this.getConfig("hideRocketKM")) {
                        label = " - " + label;
            if(key == "rocket_status") {
                if(valueAfter == "from_moon") {
                    $("img#notification-rocket-image").css("transform", "rotate(180deg)");
                else {
                    $("img#notification-rocket-image").css("transform", "");

        onCombatEnd() {

        onChat(data) {


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    const plugin = new UITweaksPlugin();
