Poipiku Downloader

Download images or text from Poipiku

< Feedback em Poipiku Downloader

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 16/06/2024
Editado: 16/06/2024

If you want to download images that is password-protected for viewing, please delete the code on lines 471-473.

if (!pageInfo.hasPassword) {

This code hides the input form that requires a password, but it seems to be not working correctly now.
By deleting this, the form will be displayed, and you can enter the password.

If you want to enter a password here by default, please change the code on line 427 as follows.

)} [input type='text' class="password">

)} [input type='text' class="password" value='YourDefaultPassword'>[/div>

Please replace < with [.

Publicado: 29/06/2024

thank you very much

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