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Twitter: view more replies and remove useless sections

View more replies and remove useless sections from twitter

< Feedback em Twitter: view more replies and remove useless sections

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 15/07/2023

Bug found: something in the script causes the trackbar and "watch again" prompt to disappear from videoComponent after a video ends (since I think Twitter changed something so videos no longer loops automatically (AMEN!))

Publicado: 15/07/2023
Editado: 15/07/2023

Seems to relate to
// @require

Anytime it does anything, Firefox's debugger points to Line 6, which contains a garbaged line, but removing that require stops the issue.

Publicado: 15/07/2023

Alright, this isn't a consistent bug... Might require some investigation.

This is one of the videos where the bug happened:

Publicado: 16/07/2023

Thank you for report. This is the result of hiding the sensitive content warning. I have disabled it temporarily until I find a proper solution. In the new version this bug is fixed.

Publicado: 16/07/2023
Editado: 16/07/2023

I should be thankful as well for your work with this script, you have been very quick to address issues as they come.

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