Greasy Fork is available in English.

Auto Load Big Image

Auto expand image width height quality for image urls with custom sizes.

Instalar o script?
Script sugerido do autor

Você também pode gostar de Google Image Direct View.

Instalar o script
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Auto Load Big Image
// @version      1.6
// @description  Auto expand image width height quality for image urls with custom sizes.
// @author       navchandar
// @match        http*://*/*
// @exclude      http*:**/*
// @grant        none
// @license      MPL-2.0
// @run-at       document-start
// @homepage
// @homepage
// @homepageURL
// @contributionURL
// @contributionAmount $1.00
// @copyright    2019, navchandar (
// @supportURL
// @setupURL
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function isNum(num) {
  return !isNaN(num)

function getNum(text) {
  return parseInt(text.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, ''), 10);

function Load(uri) {
  window.location.href = uri

function has(String, search) {
  try {
    if (String.indexOf(search) > -1) {
      return true;
  catch (err) {}
  return false;

function getRegexMatch(String, regex) {
  var finalText = "";
  try {
    var arr = String.match(regex);
    if (arr != null && arr.length >= 1) {
      finalText = arr[0];
  catch (err) {}
  return finalText;

function widthUpdate(uri, w) {
  if (has(uri, w)) {
    var res = uri.split(w);
    if (res.length == 2) {
      if (res[1] != "10000" && isNum(res[1])) {
        var newuri = res[0] + w + "10000";

function sizeUpdate(uri, w) {
  if (has(uri, w)) {
    var res = uri.split(w);
    if (res.length == 2) {
      var end = "";
      var width = "";
      if (has(res[1], "&")) {
        var arr = res[1].split("&");
        for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
          end += "&" + arr[i];
        width = arr[0]
      else {
        width = res[1]
      if (width != "6000" && isNum(width)) {
        var newuri = res[0] + w + "6000" + end;

function WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, format, width, height) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(width);
    if (res1.length == 2) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(height);
      if (res2.length == 2) {
        if (res2[0] != "6000" && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res2[1])) {
          var w = getNum(res2[0]);
          var h = getNum(res2[1]);
          var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
          var newuri = res1[0] + width + "6000" + height + newh;
        else {
          if (res2[0] != "6000" && has(res2[1], "&") && (has(res2[1], "quality=") || has(res2[1], "q="))) {
            var qual = "";
            if (has(res2[1], "quality=")) {
              qual = "&quality=";
            if (has(res2[1], "q=")) {
              qual = "&q=";
            var res3 = res2[1].split(qual);
            if (res3.length >= 2 && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res3[0]) && isNum(res3[1])) {
              w = getNum(res2[0]);
              h = getNum(res3[0]);
              newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
              newuri = res1[0] + width + "6000" + height + newh + qual + "100";

function HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, format, height, width) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(height);
    if (res1.length == 2) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(width);
      if (res2.length >= 2) {
        var end = "";
        var w = "";
        var h = res2[0];
        if (has(res2[1], "&")) {
          var arr = res2[1].split("&");
          for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
            end += "&" + arr[i];
          w = arr[0]
        else {
          w = res2[1]
        if (w != "6000" && isNum(w) && isNum(h)) {
          var w1 = getNum(w);
          var h1 = getNum(h);
          var newh = parseInt((h1 / w1) * 6000);
          var newuri = res1[0] + height + newh + width + "6000" + end;

function QualityUpdate(uri, format, start, end) {
  if (has(uri, format) && has(uri, start) && has(uri, end)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(start);
    if (res1.length >= 2 && has(res1[1], end)) {
      var res2 = res1[1].split(end);
      if (res2.length > 0 && res2[0] != 100 && isNum(res2[0])) {
        var newuri = uri.replace((start + res2[0] + end), (start + "100" + end));

function ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, regex, replacement) {
  if (has(uri, format)) {
    try {
      if (regex.test(uri)) {
        var newuri = uri.replace(regex, replacement);
    catch (err) {}

function UpdateCustomWidthandHeight(uri, format, regex) {
  if (has(uri, format)) {
    try {
      if (regex.test(uri)) {
        var res = getRegexMatch(uri, regex);
        var rep = res.replace("/", "");
        rep = rep.replace("/", "");
        if (has(rep, "x") && has(rep, ",")) {
          var res1 = rep.split("x");
          var res2 = res1[1].split(",");
          if (res1[0] != "6000" && res2.length >= 2 && isNum(res1[0]) && isNum(res2[0]) && isNum(res2[1])) {
            var w = getNum(res1[0]);
            var h = getNum(res2[0]);
            var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
            var replacement = "/" + 6000 + "x" + newh + ",100" + "/";
            var newuri = uri.replace(res, replacement);
    catch (err) {}

function CustomWidthandHeightUpdate(uri, width, height) {
  if (has(uri, width) && has(uri, height)) {
    var res1 = uri.split(width);
    var res2 = res1[1].split(height);
    if (isNum(res2[0]) && res2[0] != "6000") {
      var w = getNum(res2[0]);
      var h = getNum(res2[1].split("-")[0]);
      var res = width + w + height + h;
      var newh = parseInt((h / w) * 6000);
      var replacement = width + 6000 + height + newh;
      var newuri = uri.replace(res, replacement);
      if (uri != newuri) {

function DPRUpdate(uri, d) {
  if (has(uri, d)) {
    var res = uri.split(d);
    if (isNum(res[1]) && res[1] < 3) {
      var newuri = res[0] + d + "3";
    else if (!isNum(res[1]) && has(res[1], "&")) {
      var res2 = res[1].split("&")[0];
      if (isNum(res2) && res2 < 3) {
        newuri = uri.replace((d + res2), (d + "3"));

function main(uri, format) {

  if (has(uri, "image/upload/")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /q\_auto\//g, "q_auto:best/");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /f\_auto\,|fl\_lossy\,|c\_limit\,/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /upload\/[hw]\_\d+\,[hw]\_\d+\//g, "upload/");

  if (has(uri, "wiki")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".svg", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.svg(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".jpg", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.jpg(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, ".png", /thumb\/|\/\d+px[-]?\w+(.)*.png(.)*/g, "");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/zoom\-crop\/(.)*/g, "");
  if (has(uri, "blogspot") && !has(uri, "/s6000/")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/s\d+\//g, "/s6000/");
  if (has(uri, "twimg") && !has(uri, "video")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\_normal\./g, ".");
    if (has(uri, "name")) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=jpg\&name\=(.)*/g, "?format=png&name=large");
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=png\&name\=[^(large)(4)](.*)/g, "?format=png&name=large");
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=png\&name\=medium/g, "?format=png&name=large");
    else if (has(uri, "format")) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?format\=jp(.)*/g, "?format=png");

  if (has(uri, "usercontent")) {
    CustomWidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "=w", "-h");
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?s\=\d+\&v\=\d+/g, "");

  widthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?w=");
  widthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?width=");
  WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "w=", "&h=");
  WidthandHeightUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "width=", "&height=");

  HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "h=", "&w=");
  HeightandWidthUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?", "height=", "&width=");

  // Remove crops
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+\,\d+\,\d+\,\d+\//g, "/");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\?crop=\d+\%\d\w\d+\%\d\w\w+\%\w+/g, "");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\?crop=\d+\%3A\d+|\?crop=\d+\:\d+/g, "");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /thumbor\/\d+x\d+\//g, "thumbor/origxorig/");
  if (!has(uri, "%2F2000")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\%2F\d+x0.jpg/g, "%2F2000x0.jpg");
  if (!has(uri, "/2000")) {
    ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+x0.jpg/g, "/2000x0.jpg");

  // Remove Blur and bring original
  if (has(uri, '.it/') && has(uri, 'blur') && !has(uri, 'external-preview.')) {
    if (has(uri, '?blur')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?blur\=(.)*/g, "");
    else if (has(uri, '?width=')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\?width\=(.)*/g, "");
    if (has(uri, 'preview.')) {
      ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /preview/, "i");

  // Remove watermark
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\&mark64\=(.)*/g, "");
  // Auto Enhance
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /auto\=compress/g, "auto=enhance");
  ReplaceCustomCrop(uri, format, /\&cs\=tinysrgb/g, "");

  UpdateCustomWidthandHeight(uri, "." + format, /\/\d+\x\d+\,\d+\//g);

  QualityUpdate(uri, "." + format, "/q_", "/");
  QualityUpdate(uri, "." + format, "/x,", "/");
  QualityUpdate(uri, format, "&q=", "&");

  sizeUpdate(uri, "." + format + "?size=");
  DPRUpdate(uri, "&dpr=");


(function () {
  'use strict';
  var uri = window.location.href;
  if (has(uri, "jpg")) {
    main(uri, "jpg");
  else if (has(uri, "png")) {
    main(uri, "png");
  else if (has(uri, "jpeg")) {
    main(uri, "jpeg");
  else if (has(uri, "webp")) {
    main(uri, "webp");
  else if (has(uri, "")) {
    main(uri, "usercontent");
