Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, Ask.fm, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

< Feedback em Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 13/02/2020

Works really well

Thanks a ton to the developer! I do work on Instagram and it is very important for me to stay disconnected to not get my activity counter going. This script helps me a lot!

Publicado: 14/02/2020
Editado: 14/02/2020

You're welcome! I'm glad my script is helpful to you.

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