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Avaliação: Ruim - o script não funciona

Publicado: 25/07/2018

Is the script still working? July 2018

I tried using this script today and it doesn't seem to work for me, I might be doing something wrong. Using - Chrome and Tampermonkey

This is what the website looks like to me while running the script

Publicado: 01/08/2018

Yeah, broken for me as well. Same issue

Publicado: 02/08/2018

same for me

Publicado: 10/08/2018
Editado: 10/08/2018

I guess Wish.com changes its code on purpose to make this greasyfork-wish filter code disworking.

Publicado: 09/09/2018

I don't know if Wish update his website to break script like mine, but Wish does a lot of updates every f***ing months

Try the new 5.3 version I just realased today

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