Monitors for HITs
What are you trying to run it on? I'm not sure if the new GreaseMonkey is functional with it. You might need to try Tampermonkey and/or Violentmonkey.
I'm running GreaseMonkey, but I'm not on FF 57. I'm on the ESR track, and my extensions should work through 7/2018. Just D/L TamperMonkey. I'll have to wait till I retire to do the script transfers.
Sorry, I only have FF 57 to test with and haven't messed with it in there. If I have a chance tonight I'll see if I can recreate the issue, but I use chrome for my turking, so I don't have personal experience with getting it working with FF...will check if I can!
It's OK. 57 wouldn't run like 52ESR anyway because of all the changes. I'll fool around with it.
I don't know if this will fix the older firefox problem but it did on ffox55 I may not have the latest version if it's been fixed already
this errors in the console unless you hit start and stop a bunch of times var tukerview = { };
shouldn't it be var turkerview = { };
I posted that problem over 6 weeks ago. It's been updated since then, but thanks for the reply.
regression then? I never noticed a cache problem before on greasyfork just looked at fresh download
var tukerview = { }; var turkerview_update = 0;
chrome probably doesn't complain weird that firefox does error, but you can bypass it somehow with multiple start and stop
Crap. Fixed it. Sorry about that.
I have tampermonkey and hit forker is not working in chrome or firefox. Any ideas?
Hit Forker on Firefox
I have FF 52.5.2ESR. Hit Forker does nothing. Is it only for Chrome?