TW Friends

Friend Management for The West Events

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v0.17 13/04/2015 Sorting
  • v0.16 11/04/2015 Construction Log
  • v0.15 11/04/2015 Log Analyzer and Layout Changes
  • v0.14 24/03/2015 Easter 2015 support
  • v0.13 11/02/2015
  • v0.13 11/02/2015 https support
  • v0.12 24/10/2014 DayOfDead support
  • v0.11 22/07/2014 minor (event end accurate time)
  • v0.10 22/07/2014 support more events
  • v0.09 17/07/2014 minor (table row background image)
  • v0.08 17/07/2014 minor (@grant)
  • v0.07 17/07/2014 minor (tabs to space)
  • v0.06 16/07/2014 time difference
  • v0.05 16/07/2014 countdown (timer and script auto-hide)
  • v0.04 07/07/2014 Update FriendsBar event activation times + misc cleanups
  • v0.03 06/07/2014 First official release
  • v0.02 04/07/2014
  • v0.01 04/07/2014

Mostrar todas as versões do script