Remove Youtube Ads(Works)

Removes all ads including video ads

< Feedback em Remove Youtube Ads(Works)


Publicado: 09/03/2017


Too much ads not removed

Publicado: 10/03/2017

Do you have the 0.6 update, In 0.6 it works 100% of the time.

Publicado: 21/03/2017

Yes but some movies have ads not removed

Publicado: 22/03/2017

Movies? you are using youtube correct?

Publicado: 22/03/2017

Also make sure your browser is fully updated

Publicado: 23/03/2017

Yes i have latest version of chrome x64 Version 57.0.2987.110 (64-bit)
I use normally youtube ,

Publicado: 23/03/2017

Are you running windows 10?

Publicado: 24/03/2017

nope it's windows 7 x64

Publicado: 26/03/2017

That could be your problem I had a couple issues when using windows 10 because some features may not be supported

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