Picviewer CE+

Poderosa ferramenta de visualização de imagens on-line, que pode pop-up/dimensionar/girar/salvar em lote imagens automaticamente

< Feedback em Picviewer CE+

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Very useful script! But on some pages that cannot scroll (such as Google homepage), when I put the mouse on the picture, the scrollbar will appear and disappear when the mouse left. Making the screen keep shaking. It is a bug or what?

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Thank you for feedback.
I think it's not caused by Picviewer CE+.
This is my Google homepage under Chrome.

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Thanks for the fast reply. I figure out this bug occurs because I set "hide" for the floatbar, if I choose a position, the scrollbar of the browser won't appear. Pretty sure it's a small bug.

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Yes, there it is! thank you for report the bug. I'll fix it now.

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Thank you very much! It really makes my day.

Publicado: 12/03/2022

Thank you for fixing it so fast. It's a perfect script now!

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