Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.1 2024-05-11

< Feedback em Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 20/11/2022

你好Jefferson Scher,这个脚本支持基本上所有的搜索引擎,所以我希望给这个脚本添加简体中文的语言支持,我已经完成了部分内容的翻译,请问一下我可不可以在greasyfork.org上发布简体中文的版本,或者是否可以让您添加简体中文的版本,谢谢。
Hello Jefferson Scher, this script supports almost all search engines, so I want to add simplified Chinese language support to this script. I have completed the translation of some of the content. Please ask me if I can publish a simplified Chinese version on greasyfork. org, or if I can let you add a simplified Chinese version. Thank you.

Publicado: 22/12/2022


Publicado: 01/01/2023

Hi, sorry for the delay. It would be simplest if you publish the script.

Please update the copyright to yourself, with just a reference back to this script.

Maybe you can also look at Bing CN which is blocked for me. Here is one of the user requests:

Publicado: 06/01/2023

Thank you for your authorization. I have released the script now. This is the first time I have released the script. Please point out any mistakes.


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