
Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.

< Feedback em ViewTube_GM

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 08/09/2014

[Wishlist] Add video duration if possible...

I think this is a great script, I'd like to suggest the implementation of seeing the video duration before watching it, for example in the down right corner of the video window.


Publicado: 13/09/2014
Editado: 18/09/2014

This can only be done, if the duration is given in the HTML code or it would be required to download the video in advance (which I will not do). I will check what is possible.

Publicado: 18/09/2014

implemented for most sites in version 2014.09.16

Publicado: 22/09/2014

Thanks Tobias!

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