General URL Cleaner

Cleans URL's from various popular sites.

< Feedback em General URL Cleaner

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 05/09/2016

Hangouts Widget not showing in Gmail

The widget on the left will not load if this script is enabled. This started since the last update.

Publicado: 05/09/2016

Can you show me a screenshot with the script disabled so I know what to look for?

Publicado: 05/09/2016

In the right image the script is disabled.

Publicado: 06/09/2016
Editado: 06/09/2016

Seems to be Firefox specific. It works in Chrome. Adding an // @exclude* seems to work.

Publicado: 06/09/2016

OK, looks like the issue was that it was also deleting the hash values at the end of some URL's.

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