Audible Metadata to MAM JSON script (with multiple AI model options)

Copies audiobook metadata to JSON and opens MAM upload page. Optionally offers multiple AI models for category selection.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Audible Metadata to MAM JSON script (with multiple AI model options)
// @namespace
// @version      1.4.2
// @license      MIT
// @description  Copies audiobook metadata to JSON and opens MAM upload page. Optionally offers multiple AI models for category selection.
// @author       SnowmanNurse (Parts from and inspired by script by Dr.Blank)
// @include*/pd/*
// @include*/ac/*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

const RIPPER = "MusicFab"; // yours can be Libation, OpenAudible, MusicFab, InAudible etc. or Blank if Encoded
const CHAPTERIZED = true; // yours will be false if not properly ripped

// Category selection method: 1 for direct mapping, 2 for scoring method, 3 for AI-based selection

// AI model selection (only used if CATEGORY_SELECTION_METHOD is 3)
// 0: None (fall back to direct mapping), 1: ChatGPT (OpenAI), 2: Meta Llama, 3: Google Gemini 128K,
// 4: Mistral AI, 5: Google Gemini 1M, 6: Anthropic Claude 3
const AI_MODEL = 1;

// API keys for different AI models
const CHATGPT_API_KEY = "";
const META_API_KEY = "";
const GOOGLE_API_KEY = "";
const MISTRAL_API_KEY = "";

    "Audiobooks - Art", "Audiobooks - Biographical", "Audiobooks - Business", "Audiobooks - Crafts",
    "Audiobooks - Fantasy", "Audiobooks - Food", "Audiobooks - History", "Audiobooks - Horror",
    "Audiobooks - Humor", "Audiobooks - Instructional", "Audiobooks - Juvenile", "Audiobooks - Language",
    "Audiobooks - Medical", "Audiobooks - Mystery", "Audiobooks - Nature", "Audiobooks - Philosophy",
    "Audiobooks - Recreation", "Audiobooks - Romance", "Audiobooks - Self-Help", "Audiobooks - Western",
    "Audiobooks - Young Adult", "Audiobooks - Historical Fiction", "Audiobooks - Literary Classics",
    "Audiobooks - Science Fiction", "Audiobooks - True Crime", "Audiobooks - Urban Fantasy",
    "Audiobooks - Action/Adventure", "Audiobooks - Computer/Internet", "Audiobooks - Crime/Thriller",
    "Audiobooks - Home/Garden", "Audiobooks - Math/Science/Tech", "Audiobooks - Travel/Adventure",
    "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig", "Audiobooks - General Fiction", "Audiobooks - General Non-Fic"

    "Arts & Entertainment": "Audiobooks - Art",
    "Biographies & Memoirs": "Audiobooks - Biographical",
    "Business & Careers": "Audiobooks - Business",
    "Children's Audiobooks": "Audiobooks - Juvenile",
    "Comedy & Humor": "Audiobooks - Humor",
    "Computers & Technology": "Audiobooks - Computer/Internet",
    "Education & Learning": "Audiobooks - Instructional",
    "Erotica": "Audiobooks - Romance",
    "Health & Wellness": "Audiobooks - Medical",
    "History": "Audiobooks - History",
    "Home & Garden": "Audiobooks - Home/Garden",
    "LGBTQ+": "Audiobooks - General Fiction",
    "Literature & Fiction": "Audiobooks - General Fiction",
    "Money & Finance": "Audiobooks - Business",
    "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense": "Audiobooks - Mystery",
    "Politics & Social Sciences": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "Relationships, Parenting & Personal Development": "Audiobooks - Self-Help",
    "Religion & Spirituality": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "Romance": "Audiobooks - Romance",
    "Science & Engineering": "Audiobooks - Math/Science/Tech",
    "Science Fiction & Fantasy": "Audiobooks - Science Fiction",
    "Sports & Outdoors": "Audiobooks - Recreation",
    "Teen & Young Adult": "Audiobooks - Young Adult",
    "Travel & Tourism": "Audiobooks - Travel/Adventure"

    "science fiction": "Audiobooks - Science Fiction",
    "sci-fi": "Audiobooks - Science Fiction",
    "fantasy": "Audiobooks - Fantasy",
    "magic": "Audiobooks - Fantasy",
    "mystery": "Audiobooks - Mystery",
    "detective": "Audiobooks - Mystery",
    "crime": "Audiobooks - Crime/Thriller",
    "thriller": "Audiobooks - Crime/Thriller",
    "suspense": "Audiobooks - Crime/Thriller",
    "horror": "Audiobooks - Horror",
    "romance": "Audiobooks - Romance",
    "love story": "Audiobooks - Romance",
    "historical": "Audiobooks - Historical Fiction",
    "history": "Audiobooks - History",
    "biography": "Audiobooks - Biographical",
    "memoir": "Audiobooks - Biographical",
    "business": "Audiobooks - Business",
    "finance": "Audiobooks - Business",
    "self-help": "Audiobooks - Self-Help",
    "personal development": "Audiobooks - Self-Help",
    "science": "Audiobooks - Math/Science/Tech",
    "technology": "Audiobooks - Math/Science/Tech",
    "computer": "Audiobooks - Computer/Internet",
    "programming": "Audiobooks - Computer/Internet",
    "travel": "Audiobooks - Travel/Adventure",
    "adventure": "Audiobooks - Travel/Adventure",
    "cooking": "Audiobooks - Food",
    "recipe": "Audiobooks - Food",
    "health": "Audiobooks - Medical",
    "wellness": "Audiobooks - Medical",
    "fitness": "Audiobooks - Medical",
    "sports": "Audiobooks - Recreation",
    "outdoor": "Audiobooks - Recreation",
    "philosophy": "Audiobooks - Philosophy",
    "religion": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "spirituality": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "politics": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "social science": "Audiobooks - Pol/Soc/Relig",
    "art": "Audiobooks - Art",
    "music": "Audiobooks - Art",
    "photography": "Audiobooks - Art",
    "craft": "Audiobooks - Crafts",
    "diy": "Audiobooks - Crafts",
    "humor": "Audiobooks - Humor",
    "comedy": "Audiobooks - Humor",
    "funny": "Audiobooks - Humor",
    "children": "Audiobooks - Juvenile",
    "kid": "Audiobooks - Juvenile",
    "young adult": "Audiobooks - Young Adult",
    "teen": "Audiobooks - Young Adult",
    "language": "Audiobooks - Language",
    "linguistics": "Audiobooks - Language",
    "nature": "Audiobooks - Nature",
    "environment": "Audiobooks - Nature",
    "western": "Audiobooks - Western"

function cleanName(name) {
    const titlesToRemove = [
        "PhD", "MD", "JD", "MBA", "MA", "MS", "MSc", "MFA", "MEd", "ScD", "DrPH", "MPH", "LLM", "DDS", "DVM", "EdD", "PsyD", "ThD", "DO", "PharmD", "DSc", "DBA", "RN", "CPA", "Esq.", "LCSW", "PE", "AIA", "FAIA", "CSP", "CFP", "Jr.", "Sr.", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "Dr.", "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms.", "Prof.", "Rev.", "Fr.", "Sr.", "Capt.", "Col.", "Gen.", "Lt.", "Cmdr.", "Adm.", "Sir", "Dame", "Hon.", "Amb.", "Gov.", "Sen.", "Rep.", "BSN", "MSN", "RN", "MS", "MN"

    let cleanedName = name.trim();

    titlesToRemove.forEach(title => {
        const regexBefore = new RegExp(`^${title}\\b`, 'i');
        const regexAfter = new RegExp(`\\b${title}$`, 'i');
        cleanedName = cleanedName.replace(regexBefore, '').replace(regexAfter, '');

    // Remove any remaining titles that might be in the middle of the name
    titlesToRemove.forEach(title => {
        const regexMiddle = new RegExp(`\\s${title}\\s`, 'gi');
        cleanedName = cleanedName.replace(regexMiddle, ' ');

    // Remove any extra spaces
    cleanedName = cleanedName.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();

    return cleanedName;

function cleanSeriesName(seriesName) {
    const wordsToRemove = ["series", "an", "the", "novel"];
    let cleanedName = seriesName.toLowerCase();

    wordsToRemove.forEach(word => {
        const regex = new RegExp(`\\b${word}\\b`, 'gi');
        cleanedName = cleanedName.replace(regex, '');

    cleanedName = cleanedName.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
    return cleanedName.replace(/\b\w/g, l => l.toUpperCase());

function getLanguage() {
    let languageElement = document.querySelector(".languageLabel");
    let patt = /\s*(\w+)$/g;
    let matches = patt.exec(languageElement.innerHTML.trim());
    return matches[1];

function getSeriesInfo() {
    let seriesElements = document.querySelectorAll(".seriesLabel");
    let seriesInfo = [];

    seriesElements.forEach(element => {
        let seriesLink = element.querySelector("a");
        if (seriesLink) {
            let seriesName = cleanSeriesName(seriesLink.textContent);
            let bookNumberMatch = element.textContent.match(/Book\s*?(\d+\.?\d*-?\d*\.?\d*)/);
            let bookNumber = bookNumberMatch ? bookNumberMatch[1] : "";

            seriesInfo.push({ name: seriesName, number: bookNumber });

    return seriesInfo;

function getAudibleCategory() {
    let categoryElement = document.querySelector(".categoriesLabel");
    if (categoryElement) return categoryElement.innerText;

    categoryElement = document.querySelector("nav.bc-breadcrumb");
    if (categoryElement) return categoryElement.innerText;

    return "";

function smartCategoryMatcher(audibleCategory, title, description) {
    let possibleCategories = {};

    // Start with the Audible category mapping
    if (AUDIBLE_TO_MAM_CATEGORY_MAP[audibleCategory]) {
        possibleCategories[AUDIBLE_TO_MAM_CATEGORY_MAP[audibleCategory]] = 5;

    // Function to add scores based on keyword matches
    const addScoreForKeywords = (text, weight) => {
        text = text.toLowerCase();
        for (let [keyword, category] of Object.entries(KEYWORD_TO_MAM_CATEGORY_MAP)) {
            if (text.includes(keyword)) {
                possibleCategories[category] = (possibleCategories[category] || 0) + weight;
                // Give extra weight to romance keywords
                if (category === "Audiobooks - Romance") {
                    possibleCategories[category] += 2;

    // Check title (higher weight)
    addScoreForKeywords(title, 3);

    // Check description (lower weight)
    addScoreForKeywords(description, 2);

    // Find the category with the highest score
    let bestMatch = Object.entries(possibleCategories).reduce((a, b) => a[1] > b[1] ? a : b)[0];

    // If no match found, default to "General Fiction" or "General Non-Fic"
    return bestMatch || (audibleCategory.includes("Fiction") ? "Audiobooks - General Fiction" : "Audiobooks - General Non-Fic");

async function getCategoryFromAI(title, description, audibleCategory) {
    const prompt = `Given the following audiobook information, select the most appropriate category from this list: ${AVAILABLE_CATEGORIES.join(", ")}

Title: ${title}
Description: ${description}
Audible Category: ${audibleCategory}

Please respond with only the category name, nothing else.`;

    switch (AI_MODEL) {
        case 1: return await getCategoryFromChatGPT(prompt);
        case 2: return await getCategoryFromMetaLlama(prompt);
        case 3: return await getCategoryFromGoogleGemini(prompt, false);
        case 4: return await getCategoryFromMistralAI(prompt);
        case 5: return await getCategoryFromGoogleGemini(prompt, true);
        case 6: return await getCategoryFromAnthropicClaude(prompt);
        default: return null;

async function getCategoryFromChatGPT(prompt) {
    if (!OPENAI_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18",
            messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }],
            temperature: 0.7,
            max_tokens: 50
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.choices[0].message.content.trim();

async function getCategoryFromChatGPT(prompt) {
    if (!CHATGPT_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${CHATGPT_API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }],
            temperature: 0.7,
            max_tokens: 50
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.choices[0].message.content.trim();

async function getCategoryFromMetaLlama(prompt) {
    if (!META_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${META_API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "llama-2-13b-chat",
            prompt: prompt,
            max_tokens: 50
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.choices[0].text.trim();

async function getCategoryFromGoogleGemini(prompt, isLargeModel) {
    if (!GOOGLE_API_KEY) return null;
    const model = isLargeModel ? "gemini-1.5-flash-1m" : "gemini-1.5-flash";
    const response = await fetch(`${model}:generateContent?key=${GOOGLE_API_KEY}`, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify({
            contents: [{ parts: [{ text: prompt }] }]
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.candidates[0][0].text.trim();

async function getCategoryFromMistralAI(prompt) {
    if (!MISTRAL_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${MISTRAL_API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "mistral-large-latest",
            messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }],
            max_tokens: 50
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.choices[0].message.content.trim();

async function getCategoryFromOpenAI(prompt) {
    if (!OPENAI_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "gpt-4",
            messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }],
            temperature: 0.7,
            max_tokens: 50
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.choices[0].message.content.trim();

async function getCategoryFromAnthropicClaude(prompt) {
    if (!ANTHROPIC_API_KEY) return null;
    const response = await fetch("", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "x-api-key": ANTHROPIC_API_KEY
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
            max_tokens: 50,
            messages: [{ role: "user", content: prompt }]
    const data = await response.json();
    return data.content[0].text.trim();

async function getMAMCategory() {
    let audibleCategory = getAudibleCategory();
    let title = getTitle();
    let description = document.querySelector(".productPublisherSummary>div>div>span") ?
        document.querySelector(".productPublisherSummary>div>div>span").textContent :
        "No description available";

        case 1: // Direct mapping
            return AUDIBLE_TO_MAM_CATEGORY_MAP[audibleCategory] || "";
        case 2: // Scoring method
            return smartCategoryMatcher(audibleCategory, title, description);
        case 3: // AI-based selection
            const aiCategory = await getCategoryFromAI(title, description, audibleCategory);
            if (aiCategory && AVAILABLE_CATEGORIES.includes(aiCategory)) {
                return aiCategory;
            // If AI fails or no API key, fall back to direct mapping
            return AUDIBLE_TO_MAM_CATEGORY_MAP[audibleCategory] || "";
            return "";

function getTitle() {
    let title = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].innerText;
    return title;

function getSubtitle() {
    let sLoggedIn = document.querySelector(".subtitle");
    let sLoggedOut = document.querySelector("span.bc-size-medium");
    let subtitle = "";

    if (sLoggedIn) {
        subtitle = sLoggedIn.innerText;
    } else if (sLoggedOut) {
        subtitle = sLoggedOut.innerText;

    if (!subtitle) return "";
    if (subtitle.trim() === "+More") return "";

    let seriesInfo = getSeriesInfo();
    let isSubtitleSeries = seriesInfo.some(series =>

    if (isSubtitleSeries) return "";

    return subtitle;

function getTitleAndSubtitle() {
    let subtitle = getSubtitle();
    if (subtitle) {
        return `${getTitle()}: ${subtitle}`;
    return getTitle();

function getReleaseDate() {
    let element = document.querySelector(".releaseDateLabel");
    let patt = /\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}/;
    let matches = patt.exec(element.innerText);
    return matches ? matches[0] : "";

function getPublisher() {
    let publisherElement = document.querySelector(".publisherLabel>a");
    return publisherElement ? publisherElement.innerText : "Unknown Publisher";

function getRunTime() {
    let runtimeElement = document.querySelector(".runtimeLabel");
    let runtime = runtimeElement ? runtimeElement.textContent : "Unknown";
    let patt = new RegExp("Length:\\n\\s+(\\d[^\n]+)");
    let matches = patt.exec(runtime);
    return matches ? matches[1] : "Unknown";

function getAdditionalTags() {
    let tags = [];
    tags.push(`Duration: ${getRunTime()}`);
    if (CHAPTERIZED) tags.push("Chapterized");
    if (RIPPER) tags.push(RIPPER);
    tags.push(`Audible Release: ${getReleaseDate()}`);
    tags.push(`Publisher: ${getPublisher()}`);
    return tags.join(" | ");

function getASIN() {
    const urlMatch = window.location.pathname.match(/\/([A-Z0-9]{10})/);
    if (urlMatch && urlMatch[1]) {
        return "ASIN:" + urlMatch[1];

    const productDetails = document.querySelector('#detailsproductInfoSection');
    if (productDetails) {
        const asinMatch = productDetails.textContent.match(/ASIN:\s*([A-Z0-9]{10})/);
        if (asinMatch && asinMatch[1]) {
            return "ASIN:" + asinMatch[1];

    return "";

function getAuthors() {
    var authorElements = document.querySelectorAll(".authorLabel a");
    var authors = [];
    for (let element of authorElements) {
        if (element) {
            let authorName = element.textContent.trim();
            authorName = authorName.replace(/ - (foreword|afterword|translator|editor)/gi, "");
            authorName = cleanName(authorName);
            if (authorName &&
                !authors.includes(authorName) &&
                authorName !== "Prologue Projects" &&
                authorName.toLowerCase() !== "title" &&
                authorName.toLowerCase() !== "author + title") {
    return authors;

function getNarrators() {
    var narratorElements = document.querySelectorAll(".narratorLabel a");
    var narrators = [];
    for (let element of narratorElements) {
        if (element) {
            let narratorName = element.textContent.trim();
            narratorName = cleanName(narratorName);
            if (narratorName && !narrators.includes(narratorName) && narratorName.toLowerCase() !== "full cast") {
    return narrators;

async function generateJson() {
    var imgElement = document.querySelector(".bc-image-inset-border");
    var imageSrc = imgElement ? imgElement.src : "No image available";

    var descriptionElement = document.querySelector(".productPublisherSummary>div>div>span") ||
        document.querySelector("div.bc-col-6 span.bc-text") ||
    var description = descriptionElement ? descriptionElement.innerHTML : "No description available";
    description = description.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/<p><\/p>/g, "").replace(/<\/p>/g, "</p><br>").replace(/<\/ul>/g, "</ul><br>");

    var json = {
        "authors": getAuthors(),
        "description": description,
        "narrators": getNarrators(),
        "tags": getAdditionalTags(),
        "thumbnail": imageSrc,
        "title": getTitleAndSubtitle(),
        "language": getLanguage(),
        "series": getSeriesInfo(),
        "category": await getMAMCategory(),
        "isbn": getASIN()

    var strJson = JSON.stringify(json);
    await copyToClipboard(strJson);

function addOverlayAndButton() {
    const overlayHtml = `
    <div id="mam-overlay" style="display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); backdrop-filter: blur(5px); z-index: 9999;">
        <div style="position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background: white; padding: 20px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: center;">
            <p style="font-size: 18px; margin: 0;">Processing JSON data...</p>
            <p style="font-size: 16px; margin: 10px 0 0;">Please wait...</p>
            <div id="ai-gif" style="display: none; margin-top: 20px;">
                <img src="" alt="AI Processing" style="max-width: 200px;">

    document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', overlayHtml);

    const buyBoxElement = document.querySelector("#adbl-buy-box");
    if (!buyBoxElement) return;

    const isAISelected = CATEGORY_SELECTION_METHOD === 3 && AI_MODEL !== 0;
    const buttonText = isAISelected ? "Copy Book info to JSON with AI" : "Copy Book info to JSON without AI";

    const buttonHtml = `
    <div id="mam-metadata-button" class="bc-row bc-spacing-top-s1">
        <div class="bc-row">
            <div class="bc-trigger bc-pub-block">
                <span class="bc-button bc-button-primary">
                    <button id="copyMetadataButton" class="bc-button-text" type="button" tabindex="0" title="Copy book details as JSON">
                        <span class="bc-text bc-button-text-inner bc-size-action-large">

    buyBoxElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', buttonHtml);

    document.getElementById("copyMetadataButton").addEventListener("click", async function (event) {
        await generateJson();

function showOverlay() {
    document.getElementById("mam-overlay").style.display = "block";
    // Show GIF if AI model is selected
    if (CATEGORY_SELECTION_METHOD === 3 && AI_MODEL !== 0) {
        document.getElementById("ai-gif").style.display = "block";

function hideOverlay() {
    document.getElementById("mam-overlay").style.display = "none";
    // Hide GIF
    document.getElementById("ai-gif").style.display = "none";

async function copyToClipboard(text) {
    try {
        await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
        console.log('Copied to clipboard successfully!');"", "_blank");
    } catch (err) {
        console.error('Could not copy text: ', err);
        alert('Failed to copy metadata. Please check the console for errors.');

window.onload = function () {