Auto Skip YouTube Ads

Automatically skip YouTube ads instantly. Remove the ad blocker warning pop-up. Very lightweight and efficient.

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Może Ci się również spodobać. YouTube Shorts To Normal Video

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// ==UserScript==
// @name               Auto Skip YouTube Ads
// @name:vi            Tự Động Bỏ Qua Quảng Cáo YouTube
// @name:zh-CN         自动跳过 YouTube 广告
// @name:zh-TW         自動跳過 YouTube 廣告
// @name:ja            YouTube 広告を自動スキップ
// @name:ko            YouTube 광고 자동 건너뛰기
// @name:es            Saltar Automáticamente Anuncios De YouTube
// @name:ru            Автоматический Пропуск Рекламы На YouTube
// @name:id            Lewati Otomatis Iklan YouTube
// @name:hi            YouTube विज्ञापन स्वचालित रूप से छोड़ें
// @namespace
// @version            4.6.4
// @description        Automatically skip YouTube ads instantly. Remove the ad blocker warning pop-up. Very lightweight and efficient.
// @description:vi     Tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo YouTube ngay lập tức. Loại bỏ cửa sổ bật lên cảnh báo trình chặn quảng cáo. Rất nhẹ và hiệu quả.
// @description:zh-CN  自动立即跳过 YouTube 广告。删除广告拦截器警告弹出窗口。非常轻量且高效。
// @description:zh-TW  立即自動跳過 YouTube 廣告。刪除廣告攔截器警告彈出視窗。非常輕巧且高效。
// @description:ja     YouTube 広告を即座に自動的にスキップします。広告ブロッカーの警告ポップアップを削除します。非常に軽量で効率的です。
// @description:ko     YouTube 광고를 즉시 자동으로 건너뜁니다. 광고 차단 경고 팝업을 제거하세요. 매우 가볍고 효율적입니다.
// @description:es     Omita automáticamente los anuncios de YouTube al instante. Elimine la ventana emergente de advertencia del bloqueador de anuncios. Muy ligero y eficiente.
// @description:ru     Автоматически пропускайте рекламу YouTube мгновенно. Удалите всплывающее окно с предупреждением о блокировке рекламы. Очень легкий и эффективный.
// @description:id     Lewati iklan YouTube secara otomatis secara instan. Hapus pop-up peringatan pemblokir iklan. Sangat ringan dan efisien.
// @description:hi     YouTube विज्ञापनों को तुरंत स्वचालित रूप से छोड़ें। विज्ञापन अवरोधक चेतावनी पॉप-अप को हटाएँ। बहुत हल्का और कुशल।
// @author             tientq64
// @icon     
// @match    *
// @match    *
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_registerMenuCommand
// @license            MIT
// @compatible         firefox
// @compatible         chrome
// @compatible         opera
// @compatible         safari
// @compatible         edge
// @noframes
// @homepage 
// ==/UserScript==

 * Skip ads. Remove ad blocker warning.
function skipAd() {
    video = null
    fineScrub = document.querySelector('.ytp-fine-scrubbing')

    // Check if the current URL is a YouTube Shorts URL and exit the function if true.
    if (window.location.pathname.startsWith('/shorts/')) return

    const player = document.querySelector('#movie_player')
    let hasAd = false

    if (player) {
        hasAd = player.classList.contains('ad-showing')
        video = player.querySelector('video.html5-main-video')

    if (hasAd) {
        const skipButton = document.querySelector(`
        // Click the skip ad button if available.
        if (skipButton) {
        // Otherwise, fast forward to the end of the ad video.
        // Use `9999` instead of `video.duration` to avoid errors when `duration`
        // is not a number.
        else if (video && video.src) {
            video.currentTime = 9999

    if (video) {
        video.addEventListener('pause', handleVideoPause)
        video.addEventListener('mouseup', allowPauseVideo)

    // Remove ad blocker warning dialog if it appears.
    const adBlockerWarningDialog = document.querySelector(
    if (adBlockerWarningDialog) {

    // Handle when ad blocker warning appears inside video player.
    // Currently there is NO WAY TO REMOVE it.
    // Temporary workaround is to reload the page.
    const adBlockerWarningInner = document.querySelector(
    if (adBlockerWarningInner) {
        if (config.allowedReloadPage) {

    // Video pause button.
    const playButton = document.querySelector('button.ytp-play-button')
    if (playButton) {
        playButton.addEventListener('click', allowPauseVideo)

    // Remove short video ads.
    // Can't just use CSS to hide it, because it will cause problems when scrolling
    // to the next video.
    const adShortVideos = document.querySelectorAll(
    for (const adShortVideo of adShortVideos) {

 * Temporarily allows the video to be paused, for a short period of time.
function allowPauseVideo() {
    pausedByUser = true
    allowPauseVideoTimeoutId = window.setTimeout(disallowPauseVideo, 500)

 * Pausing the video is not allowed.
 * The purpose is to prevent video from being paused, against the behavior of pausing
 * video when YouTube ad blocking warning dialog appears. Unless certain conditions,
 * such as pausing by user, etc.
function disallowPauseVideo() {
    pausedByUser = false

 * Handle when video is paused.
 * If certain conditions are not met, it will continue playing.
function handleVideoPause() {
    if (isYouTubeMusic) return
    if (pausedByUser) {
    if (document.hidden) return
    if (fineScrub && !== 'none') return
    if (video === null) return
    if (video.duration - video.currentTime < 0.1) return

 * Handle both keyboard press or release events.
function handleGlobalKeyDownAndKeyUp(event) {
    if (isYouTubeMusic) return
    if (document.activeElement?.matches('input, textarea, select')) return
    const code = event.code
    if (event.type === 'keydown') {
        if (code === 'KeyK' || code === 'MediaPlayPause') {
    } else {
        if (code === 'Space') {

 * Save current configuration.
function saveConfig() {
    GM_setValue('config', config)

 * Register menu commands, or update the menu.
function registerMenuCommands() {
        `Reload page if ad cannot be skipped: ${config.allowedReloadPage ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`,
        () => {
            config.allowedReloadPage = !config.allowedReloadPage
            id: 0,
            autoClose: false

 * Default configuration.
const defaultConfig = {
    allowedReloadPage: true

// Load configuration.
const config = GM_getValue('config', defaultConfig)
for (const key in defaultConfig) {
    if (config[key] == null) {
        config[key] = defaultConfig[key]

 * Is the current page YouTube Music?
const isYouTubeMusic = location.hostname === ''
 * Current video element.
let video = null
let fineScrub = null
 * Is the video paused by the user, not paused by YouTube's ad blocker warning dialog?
let pausedByUser = false
let allowPauseVideoTimeoutId = 0

// Observe DOM changes to detect ads.
if (window.MutationObserver) {
    const observer = new MutationObserver(skipAd)
    observer.observe(document.body, {
        attributes: true,
        attributeFilter: ['class', 'src'],
        childList: true,
        subtree: true
// If DOM observation is not supported. Detect ads every 500ms (2 times per second).
else {
    window.setInterval(skipAd, 500)

window.addEventListener('keydown', handleGlobalKeyDownAndKeyUp)
window.addEventListener('keyup', handleGlobalKeyDownAndKeyUp)

// CSS hides some ad elements on the page.
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.textContent = `
    ytmusic-mealbar-promo-renderer {
        display: none !important;
