// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitch Drop Auto-Claim
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/1077259-synthetic
// @version 0.13
// @description Auto-Claims drops, while attempting to evade bot detection and claim quickly.
// @author @Synthetic
// @license MIT
// @match https://www.twitch.tv/inventory
// @match https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=twitch.tv
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// The current version
const VERSION = 0.13;
// Page element selectors
const PROGRESS_BAR = 'div.tw-progress-bar';
const CLAIM_DROP = 'button.ScCoreButton-sc-ocjdkq-0.ScCoreButtonPrimary-sc-ocjdkq-1.caieTg.eHSNkH';
// Handy constants
const NOW = (new Date()).getTime();
* The rate to use if none can be calculated, in seconds.
* The rate is used to calculate the next refresh,
* and is defined as the time taken to progress 1%.
const THIRTY_RATE = 18; // seconds
* The maximum time before the next refresh, in seconds.
* We don't want to calculate too early, as the longer the timeframe
* we have the more accurate the rate calculation will be.
* We also don't want to trigger the bot by refreshing too much.
const MAX_REFRESH = 1800; // seconds
* The maximum age of a previous read, in seconds.
* If we find a previous read but it's too old we just ignore it,
* as it is unlikely to be relevant to this drop.
const THRESHOLD = 15000; // seconds
* A buffer to add to the final refresh to ensure we have hit 100%, in seconds.
* As we try to accurately calculate the time required to reach 100% we may fall just short.
* This buffer is used to try to ensure we are just over rather than just under.
const TIME_BUFFER = 10; // seconds
* A buffer to add when checking expected refresh times.
* Even though we set a refresh of a specific interval the difference
* between load times will not exactly match that figure, so we use this buffer
* when checking whether the load time is expected.
const REFRESH_BUFFER = 30; // seconds
* The delay between clicking multiple Claim Now buttons.
* If we click too quickly we are identified as a bot.
const CLICK_DELAY = 8000; // miliseconds
* The delay to wait to see if all mutations are done.
const MUTATE_DELAY = 5000; // miliseconds
* Dumps an object to the console.
* @param object o The object to dump.
* @return void
const dump = (o) => {
for (var p in o) {
if ((o[p] != null) && (typeof o[p] == 'object')) {
} else {
console.log(p, o[p]);
* Returns the base storage object.
* @return object
const getDefaults = () => {
return JSON.parse(
base: {
time: null,
progress: null,
offset: null,
last: {
time: null,
progress: null,
expected: null,
version: VERSION
* Retrieves stored data
* @return object|boolean
const getPrevious = () => {
var previous = GM_getValue('previous');
if (typeof previous == 'undefined' || previous == false) {
return false;
try {
previous = JSON.parse(previous);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return previous;
* Converts a calculated progress rate into a fixed value (30m, 45m, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, ... 15hr).
* @param integer rate The calculated rate.
* @return integer The fixed rate.
const fixedRate = (rate) => {
var diff = 10000;
var fixed = THIRTY_RATE;
const options = [18, 27];
for (var i = 1; i <= 15; i++) {
options.push(i * 36);
options.forEach((r) => {
if (Math.abs(rate - r) < diff) {
diff = Math.abs(rate - r);
fixed = r;
return fixed;
* Sets the timer to refresh the page.
* @param integer refresh The number of seconds to wait before refreshing.
* @return void
const setTimer = (refresh) => {
console.log('Setting refresh of', refresh, 'seconds');
console.log('Next load', new Date((new Date()).getTime() + refresh * 1000));
() => {
refresh * 1000
* Clicks any Claim button, with a short delay between each click.
* @return Promise
const claimDrop = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(CLAIM_DROP);
if (nodes.length == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
(node) => { node.click(); console.log('click') },
window.setTimeout(() => { resolve(true); }, --i * CLICK_DELAY);
const startCountdown = () => {
() => {
document.title = title + ' (' + (--refresh).toString() + ')';
* Runs once the widgets have finally load.
* Contains all the logic used to calculate the page refresh.
* @param integer progress The largest progress value.
* @return void
const processPage = () => {
var rate = THIRTY_RATE;
var progress = 0;
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(PROGRESS_BAR);
if (nodes.length) {
progresses = [...nodes]
.map((node) => {
return Number(node.getAttribute('aria-valuenow'));
.filter((progress) => {
return progress <= 100;
.sort((a, b) => { return a == b ? 0 : (a < b ? -1 : 1) });
progress = progresses.pop();
console.log('Progress', progress);
.then((claimed) => {
if (claimed) {
progress = progresses.pop();
if (typeof progress == 'undefined') {
progress = 0;
refresh = rate * (100 - progress);
previous = getDefaults();
previous.base = {
time: NOW,
progress: progress,
offset: 0,
} else {
if (previous) {
const increase = {
base: progress - previous.base.progress,
last: progress - previous.last.progress,
if (increase.last < 1) {
previous = false;
console.log('No increase since last load, resetting data')
} else {
rate = fixedRate(Math.ceil(interval.base / increase.base));
if (previous.last.expected) {
var reduce = true;
var diff = 0;
console.log('Expected increase of', previous.last.expected);
console.log('Actual increase is', increase.last)
if (previous.last.expected == increase.last) {
diff = Math.floor(previous.last.rate * previous.base.offset);
} else if (Math.abs(interval.last - previous.last.refresh) > REFRESH_BUFFER) {
console.log('Not a full refesh');
const expected = Math.floor(interval.last / rate);
console.log('New expected increase of', expected);
if (increase.last > expected) {
diff = interval.last - expected * rate;
} else {
reduce = increase.last < expected;
if (diff > 0) {
console.log('Reduced base time by', diff, 'seconds');
previous.base.time -= diff * 1000;
if (reduce) {
previous.base.offset /= 2;
if (previous.base.offset < 0.01) {
previous.base.offset = 0;
if (!previous) {
previous = getDefaults();
previous.base = {
time: NOW,
progress: progress,
offset: 0.5,
console.log('Rate', rate);
refresh = (100 - progress) * rate;
previous.last.expected = null;
if (previous.last.progress !== null) {
if (refresh < MAX_REFRESH) {
var p = Math.min(100, previous.base.progress + (interval.base / rate));
console.log('Accurate progress', p.toFixed(3));
// NOTE:
// Sometimes p > progress
// Do we rely on time/rate (p), and assume ui has not been updated recently, or:
// p = Math.min(p, progress + 0.5);
refresh = Math.max(rate, Math.ceil((100 - p) * rate) + TIME_BUFFER);
} else if (previous.base.offset > 0) {
previous.last.expected = Math.floor(MAX_REFRESH / rate);
refresh = (previous.last.expected * rate) - Math.floor(rate * previous.base.offset);
refresh = Math.min(refresh, MAX_REFRESH);
console.log('Refresh', refresh);
previous.last.time = NOW;
previous.last.progress = progress;
previous.last.rate = rate;
previous.last.refresh = refresh;
GM_setValue('previous', JSON.stringify(previous));
* Runs when the dom updates, used to gain access to the progress bars, when they finally load.
* @param array mutationsList The list of mutations.
* @return void
const onMutate = (mutationsList) => {
loading = window.setTimeout(processPage, MUTATE_DELAY);
console.log('Loaded at', new Date());
var timeout;
var refresh = null;
var interval;
var loading;
var progresses;
const title = document.title;
var previous = getPrevious();
if (previous) {
console.log('Baseline', new Date(previous.base.time));
console.log('Last seen', new Date(previous.last.time));
interval = {
base: Math.round((NOW - previous.base.time) / 1000),
last: Math.round((NOW - previous.last.time) / 1000)
console.log('Interval', interval.base);
if ((interval.base > THRESHOLD) || (interval.last > MAX_REFRESH + REFRESH_BUFFER)) {
previous = false;
console.log('Interval is too large');
if (!previous) {
console.log('No relevant read');
// If we can't find a progress bar after 10s this will set a refesh
timeout = window.setTimeout(
() => {
GM_setValue('previous', false);
refresh = 100 * THIRTY_RATE;
var observer = new MutationObserver(onMutate);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });