IdlePixel Chat Functions - GodofNades Fork

Added personal mute functionality to chat. Usernames can be right clicked in chat and added. Must use settings menu to remove.

To są wersje tego skryptu, gdzie kod został zaktualizowany. Pokaż wszystkie wersje.

  • v1.1.6 09-10-2023

    @Version 1.1.6
    Slight re-order to settings

  • v1.1.5 31-03-2023
  • v1.1.4 31-03-2023
  • v1.1.3 28-03-2023

    @version 1.1.3
    Fixed poistioning of the right click window for the quick mute

  • v1.1.2 17-03-2023
  • v1.1.0.1 13-02-2023