Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
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@version 2.0.1Fixed rocket speed not updating with potion
@version 2.0.0Increased the base versioning at this point to 2.0 as we are nearing as many alterations as the original at this pointTweaked the calculations for rocket speeds with running pots that are less than the overall travel time neededAdded a notification to the top bar for when you have a loot potion active in the game, this is meant to help in case you either drank one on accident or lost a fight after using it to remind you that it is still active
@version bug in sun calculation
@version in new rocket quest info/calcs
@version the onClick for the Waves Available box to now direct you to the robot waves selection screen.
@version a notification to the top bar for if you have the robot waves available.
@version to tweak the code some for those that dont have Merchant or Mixer unlocked. Was causing UI Updates to fail.
@version in a notification for the following:Brewing Mixer (If Unlocked, will show time until next mixer reset timer should trigger and number of charges remaining to use)Merchant Available (If Unlocked and Merchant is there, will show "Merchant Ready")If clicking on either of these notifications, it will direct you to the applicable pages for them.
@version Giant and Massive excavators to the items that can be controlled in the mining tab with arrows for quantities.
@version option to change the color of the Level in the diffferent skilling tabs.
@version moon timer to show correctly for players with Mega Rockets.
@version the code with the info from Cullen for the XP to next level to show again.Cullen — 02/23/2023 12:13 AMThe "Next level" display part of IdlePixel UI Tweaks broke with the recent ui tweaks and doesn't display anymorequick fix is to edit the script then find and replace $(".color-grey.font-small item-display") with $("span:contains(Current XP:) item-display") then save and refresh
More rocket pot fixes for sun
1 FEB 2023 - calculations on rockets to now incorporate changes in time with rocket pots.
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