AO3 Bookmarking Records

To keep track of bookmarks. Automatically adds on the current date and most recent chapter of the fic you are reading into the bookmark notes. Used for keeping track of when you last read a fic, and what chapter you were on.

< Opinie na AO3 Bookmarking Records

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 24-07-2022

Love this! Is useful and works great. Same as hepalienwrites, I wonder if it's possible to add the title and author of the fic, maybe even the summary since that's often what I remember fics by rather than title? It's the only way to be able to know which fic was deleted. Or possible to have it before the regular bookmarkers notes rather than after? Though this is already a great way to keep track, I didn't expect to find having the date I last read it as useful as I do, it's not something I ever considered noting in the bookmarks before. And I do like that it's pretty simple to change how the date is displayed (even though I prefer to keep it in the default dd/mm/yyyy format. mm/dd/yyyy is the standard here but it never made sense to me). It doesn't quite mesh easily with my usual method of how I order things in my notes but still removes a tedious extra step of my bookmarking process.

Napisano: 26-02-2023
Edytowano: 26-02-2023

The most recent update does include the title and author, as well as URL, and series integration. Summary is a very good idea, but it wouldn't work if you are bookmarking on a page which isn't the first chapter. So I could add it, but it would only add to the note when on the first chapter of the fic, and wouldn't reappear if you edited the bookmark later while on a different chapter. So, we'll see.

If you want to have it before the regular bookmarker's notes, it is possible. I can make a list of the things you'll have to change here:
23: var bookmarkNotes = (document.getElementById("bookmark_notes").innerHTML).split(divider)[0]; <- change this 0 to a 1
16: const divider = "Last Read: "; <- change this to some unique text that you will not ever write in a bookmark notes i.e. like a unique phrase
125: var newBookmarkNotes = title + divider + bookmarkNotes <- difference here is the divider and bookmark notes are at the end rather than start

Hopefully that helps? I can provide some example code of the changes if you can't figure it out yourself. Thank you for using!


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