[ 2 in 1 ] The Best Youtube Downloader and End screen remover, [Download: 320Kbps MP3 / 4K MP4]

Download any video and/or audio from youtube.com in HIGH Quality and remove annoying end-screens

// ==UserScript==
// @name        [ 2 in 1 ] The Best Youtube Downloader and End screen remover, [Download: 320Kbps MP3 / 4K MP4]
// @description Download any video and/or audio from youtube.com in HIGH Quality and remove annoying end-screens
// @homepage    https://products.agarmen.com/
// @namespace   https://agarmen.com/
// @version     1.7
// @date        2021-03-01
// @author      #EMBER
// @compatible  chrome
// @compatible  firefox
// @compatible  opera
// @compatible  safari
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=youtube.com
// @match       *://*.youtube.com/*
// @match       *://*.yt-download.org/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
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    const downUrl = "https://yt-download.org/api/button/mp";
    const audioDownUrl = "https://ytmp3x.com/";
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    function callYoutube()
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      if(document.getElementById("removedess") != null)

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        el.innerHTML = "*Attention: This is an external website and the contained ads in this site are not related to the script! Please use "+
        "<a target=\"_blank\" style=\"color:blue\" href=\"https://adblockplus.org/\">AdBlock Plus</a> or any other ad blockers to download files without seeing ads!";
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    function removeEndScreens(className) {
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        let ress = document.getElementById("removedess");
        while (elements.length > 0) {
            if (elements[0].parentNode.removeChild(elements[0])) {
                ress.innerHTML = '<span title="Total removed EndScreens: ' + i + '">[' + i + ']</span>';
                console.log("Removed ES Count: " + i);

     function DownloadConfirm(cond) {
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            link += "?url="+ window.location.href;
            window.open(link, '_blank');
            return false;

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    function extClicked(e)
        let link = audioDownUrl + getVidId(window.location.href);
        return false;

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        ext.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

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    function clickDownload() {
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     function writeTitle() {
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                videohref.href = downUrl + getVidId();
            return false;

        function getVideoName() {
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            return getLang() + " " + ret;

        function getLang() {
            let tx = "Download";
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                case "en":
                    tx = "Download";
                case "ru":
                    tx = "Скачать";
                case "az":
                    tx = "Yüklə";
            return tx;

        function getVidId(url) {
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                video_id = video_id.substring(0, ampPosition);
            return url ? video_id : window.location;

    function actionClick(){
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                console.log("Confirmation DIV was not loaded correctly. Initializing...");
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    // Script by #EMBER