Kraj pochodzenia produktów Amazon

skrypt użytkownika do pobierania i wyświetlania kraju pochodzenia produktów Amazon. początkowo opracowany, aby ułatwić bojkot KPCh.

< Opinie na Kraj pochodzenia produktów Amazon

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 08-12-2021

hello, it doesnt work for me. It just spins around but dont show the country flag

I have other amazon userscripts Maybe amazon just thinks it is too much?(Bot activity) :)

Napisano: 08-12-2021

It is working now
Installed this Script:
It collect and resolve amazon bot errors

Thank you a very good script

Napisano: 08-12-2021
Edytowano: 08-12-2021

Hello, thank you for the feedback.
Yes Amazon starts temporarily blocking the script after too many requests are made. So this can happen when running multiple scripts or when opening many tabs in a short time.


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