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Wyszukiwanie obrazów Google - Pokaż wymiary obrazu

Wyświetla wymiary obrazu (np. "1920 × 1080") dla każdej miniaturki na stronie wyników wyszukiwania obrazów Google.

< Opinie na Wyszukiwanie obrazów Google - Pokaż wymiary obrazu

Ocena: OK - skrypt działa, ale ma błędy

Napisano: 23-04-2024

Script might not work when you press the images button after an 'All' search, but it seems to work if you press the refresh button (so probably the script doesn't trigger in the first case).
What I would like to see, is 'direct links' to the image when you click on it from the search page, and a link to the page that hosts the image, if you click to the tile below (like the Google DWImages script that doesn't work anymore). Google images interface is terrible.


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