Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext

Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied

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Może Ci się również spodobać. Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations

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// ==UserScript==
// @name         Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext
// @namespace    1N07
// @version      0.9.2
// @description  Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied
// @author       1N07
// @license      unlicense
// @compatible   firefox v0.9.2 Tested on Firefox v134.0.1 and Tampermonkey 5.3.3 (Likely to work on other userscript managers, but not tested)
// @compatible   chrome v0.9.2 Tested on Chrome v132.0.6834.84 and Tampermonkey 5.3.3 (Likely to work on other userscript managers, but not tested)
// @compatible   opera untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey
// @compatible   edge untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey
// @compatible   safari untested, but likely works with at least Tampermonkey
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=youtube.com
// @match        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
	let getVideoTitle = GM_getValue("getVideoTitle", true);
	let getVideoChannel = GM_getValue("getVideoChannel", false);
	let getVideoURL = GM_getValue("getVideoURL", false);
	let videoListSeperator = GM_getValue("videoListSeperator", " ; ");

	let listCreationAllowed = true;
	let urlAtLastCheck = "";
	let buttonInsertInterval;

	//add some CSS
		tp-yt-paper-listbox#items { overflow-x: hidden; }

		#exportPlainTextList {
			cursor: pointer;
			height: 36px;
			width: 100%;
			display: flex;
			align-items: center;
		#exportPlainTextList > img {
			height: 24px; width: 24px;
			color: rgb(144, 144, 144);
			padding: 0 13px 0 16px;
			filter: contrast(0%);
		#exportPlainTextList > span {
			font-family: "Roboto","Arial",sans-serif;
			color: #d9d9d9;
			white-space: nowrap;
			font-size: 1.4rem;
			line-height: 2rem;
			font-weight: 400;

		#exportPlainTextList:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1); }
		ytd-menu-popup-renderer.ytd-popup-container { overflow-x: hidden !important; max-height: none !important; }

		#listDisplayContainer {
			position: fixed;
			z-index: 9999;
			margin: 0 auto;
			background-color: #464646;
			padding: 10px;
			border-radius: 5px;
			left: 0;
			right: 0;
			max-width: 100vw;
			width: 1200px;
			height: 900px;
			max-height: 90vh;
			top: 5vh;
			resize: both;
			overflow: hidden;
		#listDisplayContainer p {
			text-align: center;
		#listDisplayContainer .title {
			font-size: 21px;
			font-weight: bold;
			color: #d9d9d9;
		#listDisplayContainer ul {
			list-style: none;
			font-size: 12px;
			scale: 1.4;
			color: #d9d9d9;
			width: -moz-fit-content;
			width: fit-content;
			margin: 40px auto;
		#listDisplayContainer > textarea {
			box-sizing: border-box;
			width: 100%;
			margin: 10px 0;
			height: calc(100% - 40px);
			background-color: #262626;
			border: none;
			color: #EEE;
			border-radius: 5px;
			resize: none;
		#listDisplayContainer #listDisplayGetListButton {
			position: relative;
			margin: 10px 0;
			font-size: 13px;
			left: 50%;
			transform: translateX(-50%);
		#closeTheListThing {
			float: right;
			font-weight: bold;
			background-color: RGBA(255,255,255,0.25);
			border: none;
			font-size: 17px;
			border-radius: 10px;
			height: 25px;
			width: 25px;
			cursor: pointer;

		#closeTheListThing:hover { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); }

		tp-yt-iron-dropdown.ytd-popup-container #contentWrapper > yt-sheet-view-model.ytd-popup-container {
			max-height: unset !important;

		.yt-pl-export-loading-popup {
			position: fixed;
			top: 50%;
			left: 50%;
			transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
			background-color: #262626;
			padding: 20px;
			box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
			z-index: 9999;
			border-radius: 8px;
			text-align: center;
		.yt-pl-export-loading-popup-message {
			font-size: 2rem;
			color: #d9d9d9;

	setInterval(() => {
		if (urlAtLastCheck !== window.location.href) {
			urlAtLastCheck = window.location.href;
			if (urlAtLastCheck.includes("/playlist?list="))
	}, 100);

	function InsertButtonASAP() {
		buttonInsertInterval = setInterval(() => {
			//wait for possible previous buttons to stop existing (due to how youtube loads pages) and for the space for the new button to be available
			if (!document.getElementById("exportPlainTextList")) {
				let place = document.querySelector("tp-yt-iron-dropdown.ytd-popup-container .yt-list-view-model-wiz[role='menu']");
				if (!place)
					place = document.querySelector("tp-yt-iron-dropdown.ytd-popup-container tp-yt-paper-listbox.ytd-menu-popup-renderer[role='listbox']");
				if (place) {
					const div = document.createElement('div');
					div.id = 'exportPlainTextList';

					const img = document.createElement('img');
					img.src = 'https://i.imgur.com/emlur3a.png';

					const span = document.createElement('span');
					span.textContent = 'Export Playlist';


					div.addEventListener('click', ScrollUntillAllVisible);

		}, 100);

	function ScrollUntillAllVisible() {
		if (!listCreationAllowed)

		const popup = createPopup("Scrolling to load all videos in the playlist. Please wait...");
		listCreationAllowed = false;
		const scrollInterval = setInterval(() => {
			if (document.querySelector("ytd-continuation-item-renderer.ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer")) {
				window.scrollTo(0, (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollHeight);
			} else {
		}, 100);

	function DisplayListOptions() {
		//#region listDisplayContainer
		// Create elements programmatically to avoid inline HTML generation
		const container = document.createElement('div');
		container.id = 'listDisplayContainer';

		// Create the content structure
		const p = document.createElement('p');
		const span = document.createElement('span');
		span.textContent = 'Playlist in plain text';
		const closeButton = document.createElement('button');
		closeButton.id = 'closeTheListThing';
		closeButton.textContent = 'X';


		const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
		textarea.style.display = 'none';

		const ul = document.createElement('ul');
		ul.id = 'listDisplayOptions';

		// Helper function to create a list item with a checkbox
		function createListItem(labelText, checkboxId, checked) {
			const li = document.createElement('li');
			const label = document.createElement('label');
			const input = document.createElement('input');
			input.type = 'checkbox';
			input.id = checkboxId;
			input.name = checkboxId;
			input.value = checkboxId;
			if (checked) input.checked = true;
			return li;

		// Add list items
		ul.appendChild(createListItem('Get titles', 'getVideoTitleCB', getVideoTitle));
		ul.appendChild(createListItem('Get channel names', 'getVideoChannelCB', getVideoChannel));
		ul.appendChild(createListItem('Get URLs', 'getVideoURLCB', getVideoURL));

		const nameSeparatorInput = document.createElement('input');
		nameSeparatorInput.type = 'text';
		nameSeparatorInput.id = 'videoListSeperatorInput';
		nameSeparatorInput.name = 'videoListSeperatorInput';
		nameSeparatorInput.value = videoListSeperator;
		nameSeparatorInput.style.width = '40px';
		nameSeparatorInput.style.textAlign = 'center';

		const nameSeparatorLabel = document.createElement('label');
		nameSeparatorLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' Name/Author/URL separator'));

		const nameSeparatorLi = document.createElement('li');

		const getListButton = document.createElement('button');
		getListButton.id = 'listDisplayGetListButton';
		getListButton.textContent = 'Get list';

		const buttonLi = document.createElement('li');


		// Append the container to the body

		document.getElementById("getVideoTitleCB").addEventListener("change", function () {
			getVideoTitle = this.checked;
			GM_setValue("getVideoTitle", getVideoTitle);
		document.getElementById("getVideoChannelCB").addEventListener("change", function () {
			getVideoChannel = this.checked;
			GM_setValue("getVideoChannel", getVideoChannel);
		document.getElementById("getVideoURLCB").addEventListener("change", function () {
			getVideoURL = this.checked;
			GM_setValue("getVideoURL", getVideoURL);
		document.getElementById("videoListSeperatorInput").addEventListener("change", function () {
			videoListSeperator = this.value;
			GM_setValue("videoListSeperator", videoListSeperator);
		document.getElementById("listDisplayGetListButton").addEventListener("click", BuildAndDisplayList);
		document.getElementById("closeTheListThing").addEventListener("click", () => {
			listCreationAllowed = true;

	function BuildAndDisplayList() {
		document.getElementById("listDisplayOptions").style.display = "none";
		document.querySelector("#listDisplayContainer > textarea").style.display = "block";

		const videoTitleArr = [];
		const videoChannelArr = [];
		const videoURLArr = [];
		let videoCount = 0;

		for (const element of document.querySelectorAll("ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer > #contents.ytd-playlist-video-list-renderer > ytd-playlist-video-renderer #content")) {
			if (getVideoTitle)

			if (getVideoURL)

			if (getVideoChannel)
				videoChannelArr.push(element.querySelector("#channel-name yt-formatted-string.ytd-channel-name > a").textContent);


		let list = "";
		for (let i = 0; i < videoCount; i++) {
			if (getVideoTitle)
				list += videoTitleArr[i];

			if (getVideoChannel)
				list += (getVideoTitle ? `${videoListSeperator}` : "") + videoChannelArr[i];

			if (getVideoURL)
				list += (getVideoTitle || getVideoChannel ? `${videoListSeperator}` : "") + videoURLArr[i];

			list += "\n";

		document.querySelector("#listDisplayContainer > textarea").value = list;

	function createPopup(message) {
		// Create the popup container
		const popup = document.createElement('div');
		popup.classList.add('yt-pl-export-loading-popup'); // Apply the popup class

		// Create the message element
		const messageElem = document.createElement('p');
		messageElem.classList.add("yt-pl-export-loading-popup-message"); // Apply the message class
		messageElem.textContent = message;

		// Append the popup to the body

		// Return an object that can be used to close the popup later
		return {
			close: closePopup

		// Function to close the popup
		function closePopup() {