// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro GroPro
// @version 1.6
// @description Enhance your group experience!
// @author Ko
// @supportURL https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Wilcooo
// @website https://redd.it/7rbvi4
// @icon https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/gropro.png
// @match *://*.koalabeast.com/*
// @match *://*.jukejuice.com/*
// @match *://*.newcompte.fr/*
// @grant GM_notification
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @license MIT
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.1.0/socket.io.slim.js
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/371240/code/TagPro%20Userscript%20Library.js
// @connect koalabeast.com
// @connect script.google.com
// @connect script.googleusercontent.com
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/152992
// ==/UserScript==
/* todo
Use TPUL's GroupComm:
ready states
Kicking should also make a "doink" sound
// I use tpul for this userscripts' options.
// see: https://github.com/wilcooo/TagPro-UserscriptLibrary
var settings = tpul.settings.addSettings({
id: 'GroPro',
title: "Configure GroPro",
tooltipText: "GroPro",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/gropro.png",
fields: {
show_notifications: {
label: 'Notify chat messages while doing something else',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
sound_on_chat: {
label: '"Bwep" whenever someone sends a message',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
sound_on_join: {
label: '"Dink" whenever someone joins',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
sound_on_left: {
label: '"Donk" whenever someone leaves',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
color_names: {
label: 'Color names in chat',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_timestamps: {
label: 'Show timestamps in chat',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_seconds: {
label: 'Show seconds on those timestamps',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
fade_read_chats: {
label: 'Fade those timestamps when you\'ve read it',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
chat_history: {
label: 'Use the up/down keys to resend messages (console-like)',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
prevent_scroll: {
label: 'Show an arrow when new chats arrive, while you\'re reading old chats',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
/*groups_on_home: {
label: 'Show available groups (worldwide) on the homepage',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
groups_on_find: {
label: 'Show available groups (worldwide) while finding a game',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
groups_in_group: {
label: 'Show available groups (worldwide) while in a group',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
position: {
label: 'Position of the groups on the homepage',
type: 'select',
options: ['top','bottom'],
default: 'top',
show_description: {
label: 'Show the group\'s description, and enables you to set one',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_ready_states: {
label: 'Show which players are ready',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_ready_btn: {
label: 'Show an "I\'m ready!" button',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_play_btn: {
label: 'Show a "Join a pub" button, which will take only you to the joiner.',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
show_someball_btn: {
label: 'Show an "Add Some Ball" button, in case you need more players to launch',
type: 'checkbox',
default: true,
events: {
open: function () {
// Changing the layout a bit after the config panel is opened...
[...this.frame.getElementsByClassName('field_label')].forEach( function(el) {
} );
save: function() {
// Making sure (most) options take effect immediately after a save...
show_notifications = settings.get("show_notifications");
sound_on_chat = settings.get("sound_on_chat");
sound_on_join = settings.get("sound_on_join");
sound_on_left = settings.get("sound_on_left");
show_timestamps = settings.get("show_timestamps");
show_seconds = settings.get("show_seconds");
fade_read_chats = settings.get("fade_read_chats");
chat_history = settings.get("chat_history");
prevent_scroll = settings.get("prevent_scroll");
/*position = settings.get("position");
groups_on_home = settings.get("groups_on_home");
groups_on_find = settings.get("groups_on_find");
groups_in_group = settings.get("groups_in_group");*/
show_ready_states = settings.get("show_ready_states");
show_ready_btn = settings.get("show_ready_btn");
show_play_btn = settings.get("show_play_btn");
show_someball_btn = settings.get("show_someball_btn");
/*// Update the position of the groups if necessary:
var groups_div = document.getElementById('GroPro-groups');
if (window.location.pathname === '/' && groups_on_home ||
window.location.pathname.match(/^\/groups\/[a-z]{8}$/) && groups_in_group ||
window.location.pathname === '/games/find' && groups_on_find ) {
if (groups_div) {
var pos = document.getElementById('userscript-'+position);
if (insertBefore) pos.insertBefore(groups_div, pos.firstChild);
else pos.append(groups_div);
} else show_groups();
if (window.location.pathname === '/' && !groups_on_home ||
window.location.pathname.match(/^\/groups\/[a-z]{8}$/) && !groups_in_group ||
window.location.pathname === '/games/find' && !groups_on_find ) {
// Some options need a refresh, show a warning when they're changed:
if (color_names != settings.get("color_names") ||
show_description != settings.get("show_description") ||
show_ready_btn != settings.get("show_ready_btn") ||
show_play_btn != settings.get("show_play_btn") ||
show_someball_btn != settings.get("show_someball_btn")) {
if (tpul.playerLocation == 'group')
setTimeout(tpul.notify, 1500, "Some settings might only take effect after a refresh", "warning");
var show_notifications = settings.get("show_notifications");
var sound_on_chat = settings.get("sound_on_chat");
var sound_on_join = settings.get("sound_on_join");
var sound_on_left = settings.get("sound_on_left");
var color_names = settings.get("color_names");
var show_timestamps = settings.get("show_timestamps");
var show_seconds = settings.get("show_seconds");
var fade_read_chats = settings.get("fade_read_chats");
var chat_history = settings.get("chat_history");
var prevent_scroll = settings.get("prevent_scroll");
/*var groups_on_home = settings.get("groups_on_home");
var groups_on_find = settings.get("groups_on_find");
var groups_in_group = settings.get("groups_in_group");
var position = settings.get("position");*/
var show_description = settings.get("show_description");
var show_ready_states = settings.get("show_ready_states");
var show_ready_btn = settings.get("show_ready_btn");
var show_play_btn = settings.get("show_play_btn");
var show_someball_btn = settings.get("show_someball_btn");
// ### --- SOUNDS --- ### //
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// //
var chat_sound = new Audio('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/chat.mp3'); // //
var left_sound = new Audio('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/left.mp3'); // //
var join_sound = new Audio('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/joined.mp3'); // //
// //
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// //
var short_name = 'gropro'; // An alphabetic (no spaces/numbers, preferably lowercase) distinctive name for the script.
var version = GM_info.script.version; // The version number is automatically fetched from the metadata.
tagpro.ready(function(){ tagpro.scripts = Object.assign( tagpro.scripts || {}, {short_name:{version:version}} ); });
console.log('START: ' + GM_info.script.name + ' (v' + version + ' by ' + GM_info.script.author + ')');
if (tpul.playerLocation == 'groups') { // If we are on the groups selection page
else if (tpul.playerLocation == 'group') { // If we are in a group
//if (groups_in_group) show_groups();
tagpro.ready( function(){
// Keep track of all interesting variables.
// TagPro does this too, but it's hidden :(
// Thats why we do this ourselfs too :)
var group = tagpro.group = Object.assign(tagpro.group, {
self: null,
players: {},
privateGame: $(".group.container").hasClass("js-private-game"),
privateGroup: false,
currentGamePort: null,
chat: [],
selfAssignment: false,
settings: {},
maxPlayers: 0,
maxSpectators: 0,
var socket = group.socket;
socket.on('chat', function(chat) {
chat.time = Date.now(); // This is not in the original TagPro code, but it's handy
socket.on('port', function(port) {
group.currentGamePort = port;
socket.on('member', function(member) {
if (!group.players[member.id]) send_description(); // Not original TP code either
// This is slightly altered to allow a 'ready' variable to persist
group.players[member.id] = Object.assign(group.players[member.id] || {}, member);
if (group.self) group.self = group.players[group.self.id];
socket.on('removed', function(removed) {
delete group.players[removed.id];
socket.on('full', function() {
alert('GroPro: This group is full :(');
socket.on('banned', function() {
alert('GroPro: You got banned :(');
socket.on('you', function(you) {
group.self = group.players[you];
socket.on('private', function(private){
group.privateGame = private.isPrivate;
group.maxSpectators = private.maxSpectators;
group.maxPlayers = private.maxPlayers;
group.selfAssignment = private.selfAssignment;
group.noScript = private.noScript;
group.respawnWarnings = private.respawnWarnings;
socket.on('setting', function(setting) {
group.settings[setting.name] = setting.value;
socket.on('publicGroup', function(publicGroup) {
group.public = publicGroup;
var chat_log = document.getElementsByClassName('js-chat-log')[0];
// Show notifications on receiving chats // Play sound
function notify(chat){
if (show_notifications && !document.hasFocus()) {
// GM_notification( text, title, icon (defaults to script icon), onclick)
GM_notification( chat.message, chat.from || group.settings.groupName, null, window.focus );
// Play a sound
if (chat.from && sound_on_chat) chat_sound.play();
//has been kicked from the group.
else if (sound_on_left && (chat.message.endsWith(' has left the group.') || chat.message.endsWith(' has been kicked from the group.')) )
else if (sound_on_join && chat.message.endsWith(' has joined the group.'))
else if (sound_on_chat) chat_sound.play();
// This function will fade the timestamp when you've seen the message
function fadeTimestamp(t) {
// If the window isn't focussed
if(!document.hasFocus()) {
return window.addEventListener("focus", function() {
}, {once:true});
// If the chat row is not in view (due to scrolling)
if ( t[0].offsetTop < chat_log.scrollTop || t[0].offsetTop > chat_log.scrollTop + chat_log.clientHeight ) {
return chat_log.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
}, {once:true});
// Wait 3 secs, and fade if the document is still focussed
else {
setTimeout( function(){
if (document.hasFocus())
else fadeTimestamp(t);
}, 3000);
// Don't scroll down when reading old messages
var scrolled = true;
chat_log.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
scrolled = chat_log.scrollTop >= chat_log.scrollHeight - chat_log.clientHeight;
if (scrolled) arrow.style.display = 'none';
function scrollChat() {
if (!prevent_scroll || scrolled)
chat_log.scrollTop = chat_log.scrollHeight;
else {arrow.style.display = '';}
var last_chat = '';
// Show an arrow instead, that'll bring you back down
$('<img id="chat-log-arrow" style="position:absolute;right:30px;top:150px;display:none" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wilcooo/TagPro-ScriptResources/master/arrow.png">').appendTo(chat_log);
var arrow = document.getElementById('chat-log-arrow');
arrow.style.cursor = 'pointer';
arrow.title = 'New messages!';
arrow.onclick = function(){
chat_log.scrollTop = chat_log.scrollHeight;
arrow.style.display = 'none';
// This function receives all chat messages
function handleChat(chat) {
var player = group.players[Object.keys(group.players).filter( id => group.players[id].name == chat.from )[0]];
var match;
// Append messages starting with ⋯
var last = group.chat[group.chat.length-1] || {from:null};
if ( chat.message.startsWith('⋯') && last.from == chat.from && last.time > Date.now()-5) {
last_chat = last_chat + chat.message.slice(1);
$(".js-chat-log .chat-message").last().text( last_chat );
if ( ( match = chat.message.match(/^\[GroPro:(\w{1,11})\](.{0,100})$/) ) ) { // If the message is of the form [GroPro:xxx]yyy
var command = match[1], // the xxx part
value = match[2]; // the yyy part
if (command=='description' && player.leader) {
group.description = value;
if (show_description) update_gd();
if (command=='ready') {
player.ready = true;
if (!value) return;
if (command=='notready') {
player.ready = false;
if (!value) return;
var warning = tagpro.helpers.displayError('Someone sent an unrecognizable command (as you can see in chat). The sender probably doesn\'t know what GroPro is, or you don\'t have the latest version installed.');
warning[0].onclick = ()=>warning.fadeOut(); // Click to hide
warning[0].style.cursor = 'pointer';
warning[0].title = 'Click to hide';
// Handle an actual message
last_chat = chat.message;
var timestamp;
if (show_timestamps) {
var time = new Date().toTimeString().substr(0, show_seconds ? 8 : 5 );
timestamp = $("<span></span>").addClass("timestamp").text( time );
if (fade_read_chats) fadeTimestamp(timestamp);
var player_name = null;
if (chat.from) {
var team = player && player.team+1 ? " team-"+player.team : "";
player_name = $("<span></span>").addClass("player-name" + team).text(chat.from + ": ");
var chat_message = $("<span></span>").text(chat.message).addClass("chat-message");
// Replace TagPro's function that puts chats in the chat-log
socket.listeners('chat')[0] = handleChat;
// Find the correct styleSheet
for (var styleSheet of document.styleSheets) if (styleSheet.href.includes('/style.css')) break;
// Add a rule to the sheet for the timestamp and player names
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .timestamp { margin-right: 5px; color: Yellow; }");
if (color_names) {
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .player-name { color: #4c4c4c }"); // Gray
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .player-name.team-0 { color: #8BC34A; }"); // Green
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .player-name.team-1 { color: #D32F2F; }"); // Red
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .player-name.team-2 { color: #1976D2; }"); // Blue
styleSheet.insertRule(".group .chat-log .player-name.team-3 { color: #e0e0e0; }"); // White
// The New Commands System (using 'touch' events / location). Max 12 chars per message!
// Split long messages, so that you can send those too
// Also save all sent messages
// for the history option
var sent = [], hist = -1, curr = "";
$('.js-chat-input').off('keydown'); // Remove old handler
document.getElementsByClassName('js-chat-input')[0].onkeydown = function(key){
if (key.which == 13) { // ENTER
hist = -1;
if (this.value.length <= 120) socket.emit("chat", this.value);
else {
var cut, chats = [ this.value.slice( 0, 120 ) ];
while ((cut = this.value.slice( chats.length*119+1 ))) {
chats.push( '⋯' + cut.slice(0,119) );
for (var c of chats) socket.emit("chat", c);
this.value = "";
//chat_log.scrollTop = chat_log.scrollHeight;
if (chat_history && key.which == 38) { // ARROW-UP
if (hist == -1) curr = this.value;
if (hist < sent.length-1) {
this.value = sent[ ++hist ];
key.preventDefault(); // Prevent the caret/cursor to jump to the start
if (chat_history && key.which == 40) { // ARROW-DOWN
if (hist > -1) {
this.value = sent[ --hist ] || curr;
key.preventDefault(); // Prevent the caret to jump to the end
// Group description
document.getElementsByClassName('js-chat-input')[0].placeholder = 'Send a message';
if (show_description) {
<div id="gd-container" class="col-md-12" style="display:none"><hr>
<h3 style="float:left;font-size:16px">Group Description</h3>
<div id="gd-btns" style="display:none;float:right;margin-bottom:14px">
<a id="gd-save" class="btn btn-default">Save</a>
<a id="gd-cancel" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</a>
<textarea readonly id="gd-text" maxlength=100 placeholder="Group description (this is also sent to those without the script)" type="text" style="background:#212121;width:100%;padding:5px 10px;resize:vertical" class="chat"></textarea>
var gd_container = document.getElementById('gd-container');
var gd_text = document.getElementById('gd-text');
var gd_save = document.getElementById('gd-save');
var gd_cancel = document.getElementById('gd-cancel');
var gd_btns = document.getElementById('gd-btns');
gd_save.onclick = function(){
if (gd_text.value != group.description)
socket.emit('chat', "[GroPro:description]"+gd_text.value);
gd_btns.style.display = 'none';
gd_cancel.onclick = function(){
gd_btns.style.display = 'none';
socket.once('you', function(you){
socket.on('member', function(member){
if (member.id == group.self.id)
group.description = "";
function editDescription(){
// Show the save/cancel buttons
gd_btns.style.display = '';
function onLeader(){
gd_text.readOnly = false;
gd_text.onfocus = editDescription;
function onNonLeader(){
gd_text.readOnly = true;
gd_text.onfocus = null;
gd_text.value = group.description;
gd_btns.style.display = 'none';
function update_gd(text=true) {
if (!show_description) return;
if (group.description || group.self.leader)
gd_container.style.display = ''; //show
gd_container.style.display = 'none'; //hide
if (group.self.leader) {
gd_text.readOnly = false;
gd_text.onfocus = editDescription;
} else {
gd_text.readOnly = true;
gd_text.onfocus = null;
gd_btns.style.display = 'none';
if (text) gd_text.value = group.description;
function send_description() {
if (group.self && group.self.leader && group.description ) {
socket.emit('chat', "[GroPro:description]"+gd_text.value);
// Play (only you) button
if (show_play_btn) {
//<button id="launch-private-btn" class="btn btn-primary js-socket-btn start-game" data-event="groupPlay" onclick="this.blur();">Launch Game</button>
var play_public_btn = document.createElement('a');
play_public_btn.className = 'btn btn-primary';
play_public_btn.innerText = 'Join a Pub';
play_public_btn.title = 'Only you.\nYou will stay in the group.';
play_public_btn.href = '/games/find';
var play_private_btn = play_public_btn.cloneNode(true);
var launch_public_btn = document.getElementById('launch-public-btn');
var launch_private_btn = document.getElementById('launch-private-btn');
launch_public_btn.parentElement.appendChild( play_public_btn );
launch_private_btn.parentElement.appendChild( play_private_btn );
// Add Some Ball button
if (show_someball_btn) {
// This function is all the code we need to add a Some Ball
function addSomeBall(){
var http = new XMLHttpRequest()
http.open('GET','http://free.pagepeeker.com/v2/thumbs.php?size=t&url=' + location.href + '?r=pagekeeperyoucancontactmeonreddituWILCOOO' + Math.random())
// The rest is just adding & styling the button
var add_someball_btn = document.createElement('button')
add_someball_btn.title = "For when you need more players to launch.\nThe some ball will leave after a minute."
add_someball_btn.className = "btn btn-default"
add_someball_btn.onclick = addSomeBall
add_someball_btn.innerHTML += ' <svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="80pt" height="80pt" viewBox="0 0 80 80"> <g transform="translate(0,80)scale(0.1,-0.1)"><path d="M207 638 c-19 -45 -37 -89 -39 -97 -8 -36 195 -61 337 -42 133 18 131 14 85 118 -22 49 -46 92 -54 97 -9 7 -35 3 -76 -9 -55 -17 -67 -17 -108 -5 -108 30 -104 32 -145 -62z"/><path d="M75 474 c-162 -49 -56 -92 251 -101 251 -8 446 15 461 53 8 22 -5 31 -69 48 -54 14 -60 13 -110 -7 -46 -18 -73 -21 -213 -21 -141 0 -166 3 -215 22 -30 12 -55 22 -55 21 0 0 -22 -7 -50 -15z"/><path d="M40 305 c0 -8 9 -15 20 -15 18 0 20 -7 20 -80 0 -107 13 -120 121 -120 43 0 89 5 103 11 30 14 56 65 56 108 0 29 2 31 40 31 l40 0 0 -44 c0 -33 6 -52 24 -73 23 -26 30 -28 113 -31 122 -5 134 5 141 116 3 61 8 82 18 82 8 0 14 7 14 15 0 13 -46 15 -355 15 -309 0 -355 -2 -355 -15z m280 -73 c0 -91 -13 -102 -116 -102 l-84 0 0 80 0 80 100 0 100 0 0 -58z m360 -6 c0 -97 1 -96 -95 -96 -96 0 -106 7 -113 80 -7 79 -7 80 108 80 l100 0 0 -64z"/></g></svg> '
add_someball_btn.innerHTML += ' Add Some Ball '
// Ready button
// First, add the button
if (show_ready_btn) {
var ready_public_btn = document.createElement('label');
ready_public_btn.className = 'btn btn-default group-setting';
ready_public_btn.style.marginRight = '14px';
ready_public_btn.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" style="margin:0;vertical-align:middle"> I\'m Ready!';
var ready_private_btn = ready_public_btn.cloneNode(true);
var launch_public_btn = document.getElementById('launch-public-btn');
var launch_private_btn = document.getElementById('launch-private-btn');
launch_public_btn.parentElement.insertBefore( ready_public_btn, launch_public_btn);
launch_private_btn.parentElement.insertBefore( ready_private_btn, launch_private_btn);
var ready_public_box = ready_public_btn.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
var ready_private_box = ready_private_btn.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
var ready_state = false;
var last_clicked;
ready_public_btn.onchange = ready_private_btn.onchange = function(change){
// Find out what your new readystate is
ready_state = change.target.checked;
// Update both buttons accordingly (one of them obviously is already right)
ready_public_btn.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = ready_state;
ready_private_btn.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = ready_state;
// Disable the buttons for a few seconds to prevent spamming
ready_public_btn.style.cursor = 'wait';
ready_private_btn.style.cursor = 'wait';
ready_public_box.style.cursor = 'wait';
ready_private_box.style.cursor = 'wait';
ready_public_box.disabled = true;
ready_private_box.disabled = true;
ready_public_btn.style.cursor = '';
ready_private_btn.style.cursor = '';
ready_public_box.style.cursor = '';
ready_private_box.style.cursor = '';
ready_public_box.disabled = false;
ready_private_box.disabled = false;
// Warn if the state is changed right after the delay runs out
if (last_clicked > Date.now() - 6000) {
let warning = tagpro.helpers.displayError('Please don\'t change your ready-state more often than needed. Players without the script receive a chat message every time you change it. Thank you :)');
warning[0].onclick = ()=>warning.fadeOut(); // Click to hide
warning[0].style.cursor = 'pointer';
warning[0].title = 'Click to hide';
last_clicked = Date.now();
// Tell it to the world
socket.emit('chat', ready_state ? "[GroPro:ready]" : "[GroPro:notready]");
for (var event of ['port','member','removed','you','private'])
socket.on(event, updateReadyStates);
// This function updates the ready tag beneath each player
function updateReadyStates(){
if (!show_ready_states) return;
for (var player_item of document.getElementsByClassName('player-item')) {
var player = group.players[ $(player_item).data('model') && $(player_item).data('model').id ];
var location = player_item.getElementsByClassName('player-location')[0];
if (player.ready && player.location == "page") {
location.innerText = 'Ready!';
location.style.color = '#8BC34A';
else {
switch (player.location) {
case "page":
location.innerText = "In Here";
case "joining":
location.innerText = "Joining a Game";
case "game":
location.innerText = "In a Game";
location.style.color = '';
} );
else if (tpul.playerLocation == 'find') { // In the process of joining a game
else if (tpul.playerLocation == 'game') { // If we are in a game
/*if ( hide_system_messages && tagpro.group.socket ) {
var org_handleChat = tagpro.group.socket.listeners('chat')[0];
tagpro.group.socket.listeners('chat')[0] = function(chat) {
// Throw away messages of the form [GroPro:xxx]yyy
if ( ( match = chat.message.match(/^\[GroPro:(\w{1,11})\](.{0,100})$/) ) ) return;
else org_handleChat(chat);
else if (tpul.playerLocation == 'home') { // If we are on the homepage
else { // If we are on any other page of the server