ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Opinie na ppixiv for Pixiv

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 12-02-2022


Love this script a whole lot and does mostly exactly what it's supposed to do. I've noticed a problem though that I'm not sure when it started happening. I have a very large amount of bookmarks on Pixiv (2000+) and now whenever I go to the Bookmarks page in the script site the Bookmark tag list is so massively big that after I keep scrolling down it for a while and images start loading, the tag list will actually block most of the images from view. It is at the point where no matter how far down I seem to scroll the tag list just keeps going and still blocks out most bookmarked images. I at first thought there was some button that would hide the list but have been unable to find one. Not sure if it's just something that I'm missing.

Am using the latest version of Google Chrome and Tampermonkey 4.13.

Napisano: 12-02-2022

I only use a dozen or two tags for organizing bookmarks, the flat list doesn't work well for people who use bookmark tags like post tags and have lots of them. I'm planning on having it switch to a dropdown list if there are too many tags to fit, but I haven't got around to doing that yet. https://github.com/ppixiv/ppixiv/issues/35

Napisano: 15-03-2022

I've updated the bookmark page to put bookmark tags in a dropdown instead of at the top of the screen. It's not perfect (there's no search so finding tags will be annoying if you have hundreds of them), but it should at least get the tags out of your way.


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