
Shows season statistics for TV Shows on IMDB

// ==UserScript==
// @name        IMDbTvShowStatistics
// @namespace   notableTieView
// @author      notableTieView
// @description Shows season statistics for TV Shows on IMDB
// @include*
// @include*/eprate*
// @version     1.6
// @grant       none
// @license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
// This script uses the following external libraries which are available under different licenses:
// jQuery ( is provided under the MIT License
// d3 ( is provided under the BSD 3-Clause License
// Chart.js ( is provided under the MIT License
// Highcharts ( is provided by Highsoft ( for non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 license:
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

// compatibility
this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);

var processedRows=0;

Plot a box plot for every season (min, q1, median, q3, max)
divId - the div to add the plot to
plotData - the data
function plotBoxPlot(divId, plotData, width) {
    chart: {
      type: 'boxplot',
      width: width,
      height: 200
    title: {
      text: ''
    legend: {
      enabled: false
    xAxis: {
      categories: plotData.labels,
      title: {
        text: '' //Seasons'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: ''
      plotLines: [
          value: plotData.median,
          color: 'red',
          width: 2,
          label: {
            align: 'left',
            style: {
              color: 'gray'
    series: [
        name: 'Stats',
        data: plotData.quartiles,
        tooltip: {
          headerFormat: '<em>Season {point.key}</em><br/>'
Compute the average over an array
ar - the array (numeric)

function getAverage(ar) {
  var count = 0;
  for (var i = 0, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) {
    count += ar[i];
  return count / ar.length;
Get a quartile of an array
ar - array, sorted (highest first)
q - the quartile we want: e.g. 0.25, 0.5 (median), 0.75

function getQuartile(q, ar) {
    var realQ = (1 - q) * ar.length;
    var floorQ = Math.floor(realQ);
    if (realQ === floorQ) {
      if (floorQ === 0) {
        return ar[0];
      } else if (floorQ === ar.length) {
        return ar[ar.length - 1];
      } else {
        return getAverage([ar[floorQ - 1], ar[floorQ]]);
    return ar[floorQ];
Transform seasonData into data structure thats easy to use for plotting
seasonData - a hash with an array of ratings for each season 
the index in the hash is the seaons, season 0 is for specials

function getPlotData(seasonData) {
  seasons = Object.keys(seasonData);
  n = seasons.length;
  seasonLabels = [
  seasonAverages = [
  seasonQuartiles = [
  allRatings = [
  specials = false;
  seasons.forEach(function (season) {
    index = season - 1;
    if (season == 0) {
      index = n - 1;
      seasonLabels[index] = 'S'; //specials';
      specials = true;
    } else {
      seasonLabels[index] = season.toString();
    seasonAverages[index] = getAverage(seasonData[season]);
    seasonQuartiles[index] = [
      Math.min.apply(null, seasonData[season]),
      getQuartile(0.25, seasonData[season]),
      getQuartile(0.5, seasonData[season]),
      getQuartile(0.75, seasonData[season]),
      Math.max.apply(null, seasonData[season])
    allRatings = allRatings.concat(seasonData[season]);
  allRatings.sort(function (a, b) {
    return b - a
  }); //sort in reverse order
  averageData = {
    averages: seasonAverages,
    labels: seasonLabels,
    quartiles: seasonQuartiles,
    minimumFloor: Math.max(Math.floor(Math.min.apply(null, seasonAverages)) - 1, 0),
    median: getQuartile(0.5, allRatings),
    num: n,
    specials: specials
  return averageData;
Plot a simple chart with season averages as bars
divId - the id to add the plot to
plotData - the datastructure 

function plotChart(divId, plotData) {
  var data = {
    labels: plotData.labels,
    datasets: [
        label: 'Average Season Ratings',
        fillColor: 'rgba(19,108,178,0.5)',
        strokeColor: 'rgba(220,220,220,0.8)',
        highlightFill: 'rgba(19,108,178,0.9)',
        highlightStroke: 'rgba(220,220,220,1)',
        data: plotData.averages
  var options = {
    scaleOverride: true,
    scaleStepWidth: 1,
    scaleSteps: (10 - averageData.minimumFloor),
    scaleStartValue: averageData.minimumFloor,
  var ctx = $(divId).get(0).getContext('2d');
  new Chart(ctx).Bar(data, options);

Get the suffix for a title attribute 
if the season is 0, return the title for specials,
otherwise return the title for that season
function getTitleSuffix(season) {
  titleSuffix=' episode of Season '.concat(season).concat('.')
  if (season==0) {
    titleSuffix=' special.'
  return titleSuffix;

Add css classes to highlight the top three episodes of a season
row - the current row in the episodes table
season - the season of that row
seasonScores - the extracted ratings for that season so far (including the current row)
Since the episodes are ordered from best to worst, the first three encountered rows of a season are the top three episodes
function colorizeTopEpisodes(row, season, seasonScores) {
  switch(seasonScores.length) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      place='second best';
    case 3:
      place='third best';
  $(row).children().eq(0).attr('title', 'The '.concat(place).concat(getTitleSuffix(season)));

Colorize the worst Episode of each season
* scoresBySeason - a season-to-ratings map. Needed to check that there are more than three episodes in that season
* worstEpisodesRows - a season-to-row map. The row is that of the worst episode in a season.
Colored is the worst episode in a season unless the season had three or less episodes (in that case, the worst episode is one of the top three and thus colored respectively):
function colorizeWorstEpisodes(scoresBySeason, worstEpisodesRows) {
  seasons = Object.keys(scoresBySeason);
  seasons.forEach(function(season) {
    if (scoresBySeason[season].length>3) {
      $(row).children().eq(0).attr('title', 'The worst'.concat(getTitleSuffix(season)));

Extract the data from one table row of the ratings table
row - the row (jquery object)
scoresBySeason - the hash of arrays to append the extracted rating to

function workOnTableRow(row, scoresBySeason, worstEpisodesRows) {
  seasonEpisodeField = $(row).children().eq(0);
  if ('th')) {
  } else {
    seasonEpisode = $.trim(seasonEpisodeField.text());
    season = 0;
    if (seasonEpisode != '-') {
      season = seasonEpisode.split('.') [0];
    rating = parseFloat($(row).children().eq(2).text());
    if (season in scoresBySeason) {
    } else {
      scoresBySeason[season] = [
    colorizeTopEpisodes(row, season, scoresBySeason[season]);
    worstEpisodesRows[season] = row;
    $(row).children().eq(3).before('<td align="right">'.concat(processedRows).concat('</td>'));
    $(row).children().eq(4).attr('bgcolor', '#eeeeee');

Extract a hash with rating arrays for each season from the ratings table

function collectDataPointsBySeasonAndAddRanks() {
  scoresBySeason = {
  worstEpisodesRows = {};
  tabRowsVar = $('#tn15content table').eq(0).find('tr');
  tabRowsVar.each(function () {
    workOnTableRow(this, scoresBySeason, worstEpisodesRows);
  colorizeWorstEpisodes(scoresBySeason, worstEpisodesRows);
  return scoresBySeason;
Plot all the Charts (use on a eprate page)

function addPlotsAndRanksToEpRatePage() {
  var seasonData = collectDataPointsBySeasonAndAddRanks();
  plotData = getPlotData(seasonData);
  n = plotData.num;
  width = Math.max(300, n * 30);
  addGlobalStyle('.statsHeading { margin-left:10px !important; margin-bottom:10px !important; }');
  addGlobalStyle('.statsDiv { float:left; max-width:100%; margin-top:10px; width:'.concat(width).concat('px;}'));
  addGlobalStyle('#seasonAverage { margin-top: -3px; max-width:100%; width:'.concat(width).concat('px;}'));
  addGlobalStyle('#seasonBoxPlot { margin-left: -10px; }');
  addGlobalStyle('#statisticsClear { clear:both; margin-bottom: 10px; }');
  //addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonBest { color: gold; background-color: #eeeeee;}');
  //addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonSecond { color: silver;}');
  //addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonThird { color: #CD7F32;}');
  addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonBest { background-color: gold;}');
  addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonSecond { background-color: silver;}');
  addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonThird { background-color: #CD7F32;}');
  addGlobalStyle('#root td.seasonWorst { background-color: red;}');
  if (plotData.specials) {
    clearDivContent='(S = Specials)';
  $('#tn15adrhs').css('display', 'none');
  var statisticsHtml = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;">\
                            <h4>Season Statistics</h4>\
                            <div class="statsDiv">\
                              <h5 class="statsHeading">Rating Averages</h5>\
                              <canvas id="seasonAverage" height=190 width='.concat(width).concat('></canvas>\
                            <div class="statsDiv">\
                              <h5 class="statsHeading">Rating Box Plots</h5>\
                              <div id="seasonBoxPlot"></div>\
                            <div id="statisticsClear">').concat(clearDivContent).concat('</div>\
  $('div#tn15content h4').eq(0).before(statisticsHtml);
  plotChart('#seasonAverage', plotData);
  plotBoxPlot('#seasonBoxPlot', plotData, width);
Add a Link to a regular page, linking to the eprate page
if it is a TV-Show pages

function addLinkToTVShowPage(linkDest) {
  episodesHeadline = $('#main_bottom .article h2');
  if ((episodesHeadline != undefined) && (episodesHeadline.eq(0).text() == 'Episodes')) {
    // this is a TV show
    $('#overview-top .star-box-details').eq(0).append('<br/><a href=\''.concat(linkDest).concat('eprate\'>Show Episode Ranking</a>'));

function addLinkToTVShowPage(linkDest) {
  episodesHeadline = $('#main_bottom .article h2');
  if ((episodesHeadline != undefined) && (episodesHeadline.eq(0).text() == 'Episodes')) {
    // this is a TV show
    ratingBox=$('#overview-top .star-box-details');
    if (ratingBox.length == 0) {
    ratingBox.eq(0).append('<br/><a href=\''.concat(linkDest).concat('eprate\'>Show Episode Ranking</a>'));

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
  var head,
  head = document.getElementsByTagName('head') [0];
  if (!head) {
  style = document.createElement('style');
  style.type = 'text/css';
  style.innerHTML = css;
Run on every matching imdb page

currURL = document.URL.split('?') [0];
if (currURL.match(/eprate/g) != undefined) {
  // we are on an eprate page
} else {