Dyskusje » Greasy Fork Feedback
webhook not picking up release notes
Currently, no, and I don't think I will change that. The message for each version is supposed to be fairly short, like a commit message. Release notes typically are much longer, so don't really belong there.
When using a webhook from github, the release notes that are added when publishing a release are not included in the Greasy Fork changelog/history page. Only "name" is added. For example: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/368141-wme-ur-mp-tracking/versions
You will see the version numbers are included in the version history, which is the "release > name" attribute in the Github webhook. The "release > body" attribute has the change log/release notes as they are entered in Github.
Is there any way to have Greasy Fork include the release notes/body from the Github webhook?