Small thumbnails CSS - Are thumbnails too large?
Small Thumbnails + No Background CSS - Are thumbnails too large? Too close together? Would you rather always see titles and get rid of that useless background? Gotcha.
Small Thumbnails + Visible Titles CSS - Are thumbnails too large? Too close together? Would you rather always see titles? Gotcha.
Promos Begone CSS - Considerably reduces the number of ads.
SPAM JS - So Pictures A Many! ... Shh, it's a perfect acronym. This script will hide a comment when it contains more than 3 images / embeds, with the option to show it anyway. With 6 images or more, it gets deleted.
Better Gallections JS - Do horizontal folders bother you? What about those huge titles and wasted space?
Better Gallections alt JS - Some visual updates to galleries and collections.
DA Logo to Watch (DYW) JS - When clicking the logo, the site usually takes you to the Home page, aka. the recommended feed. This script will change the link to lead to the Deviants You Watch page instead. If you are already there, it will go to the home page as normal.
DA Logo to Watch (Old Watch) JS - When clicking the logo, the site usually takes you to the Home page, aka. the recommended feed. This script will change the link to lead to the Watch page instead. If you are already there, it will go to the home page as normal.
I don't wanna welcome new deviants. CSS - Maybe you just aren't a social butterfly.
Crop Stop CSS - The crop on some thumbnails is just bad. So, rather than having them cropped, this style resizes the image.