Dit script moet niet direct worden geïnstalleerd - het is een bibliotheek voor andere scripts om op te nemen met de meta-richtlijn // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/5426/70466/GOTA_Extender_Custom.js
doLog = function() {
log("Logging killed.", "initialize");
animatedCoins.init = function(b, a, e, g) {
if (isWeb()) {
var c,
k = { images: ["/images/animations/coin_flip.png"], animations: { all: [0, 32] }, frames: { regX: 0, height: 60, count: 33, regY: 0, width: 61 } },
m = {
images: ["/images/animations/coin_sparkle.png"],
animations: { all: { frames: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] } },
frames: [
[0, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [128, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [256, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [384, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [512, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [640, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [768, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [896, 0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [0, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0],
[128, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [256, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [384, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [512, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [640, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0], [768, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0]
p = false;
//EXTENDER :: Modification, seriously?
// bugfix: b.offset is undefined (offset from button to silver visually)
if (null === b || void 0 === b || b.length == 0) {
} else if (null === a || void 0 === a) {
} else {
if (null === e || void 0 === e)
e = [
if (null === g || void 0 === g) g = [0, 0];
d = $("<canvas>").attr({ id: "animatedCoins", "class": "coinCanvasAnimation", width: "130", height: "120" }).prependTo($("body"));
c = d[0];
h = $("<canvas>").attr({ id: "animatedCoinsSparkle", "class": "coinCanvasAnimation", width: "130", height: "120" }).prependTo($("body"));
f = h[0];
c = new createjs.Stage(c);
f = new createjs.Stage(f);
null === b.offset() ? (h.remove(), d.remove(), console.warn("animatedCoins: startingElement.offset() is null. Exiting script.")) : null === a.offset() ? (h.remove(), d.remove(),
console.warn("animatedCoins: endingElement.offset() is null. Exiting script.")) : (d.offset({ left: b.offset().left + e[0], top: b.offset().top + e[1] }), h.offset({ left: b.offset().left + e[0], top: b.offset().top + e[1] }), e = new createjs.SpriteSheet(k), m = new createjs.SpriteSheet(m), l = new createjs.Sprite(e), l.x = 30, l.y = 25, n = new createjs.Sprite(m), l.on("animationend", function(c, f) {
c.visible = false;
doLog("animation end");
null === b.offset() ? (h.remove(), d.remove(), console.error("animatedCoins: startingElement.offset() is null")) :
null === a.offset() ? (h.remove(), d.remove(), console.error("animatedCoins: endingElement.offset() is null")) : (h.offset({ left: a.offset().left + g[0], top: a.offset().top + g[1] }), n.visible = true, n.gotoAndPlay("all"), l.stop(), p = true);
}), n.on("animationend", function(a, b) {
n.visible = false;
p && (n.stop(), d.fadeOut(500, function(a) { d.remove(); }), h.remove());
}), l.gotoAndPlay("all"), n.gotoAndPlay("all"), f.addChild(n), c.addChild(l), createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30), createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", c), createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick",
f), $(d).animate({ left: a.offset().left + g[0], top: a.offset().top + g[1] }, 1E3));
log("Animated coins fixed.", "initialize");
doInstantSpeedUp = function doInstantSpeedUp(c, a, callback) {
var b = buildingById(c),
d = getCurrentSpeedUpType(b.producing_archetype_id, b.recipe_symbol);
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (instantSpeedCost(b.build_remaining, d) > 0) {
console.log('EXTENDER :: The instant speed up costs money. Exiting...');
return false;
if (false == hasGold(instantSpeedCost(b.build_remaining, d), function() {
doInstantSpeedUp(c, true, callback);
}, a) && true != a) return false;
return speedBuild(-1, c, callback);
log("Instant speed up returns if gold is required.", "initialize");
doFinishProduction = function doFinishProduction(b, callback) {
var a = buildingByItemId(b), c = itemFromId(a.producing_archetype_id);
userContext.lastFinish = a.symbol;
doLog("doFinishProduction: building_id=" + b + " symbol=" + a.symbol + " producing=" + c.symbol);
"Upgrade" !== c.slot && (analytics.track("Production Finish", { building_symbol: a.symbol, item_symbol: c.symbol, item_category: c.slot }), analytics.wizardtrack("Production Finish", { building_symbol: a.symbol, item_symbol: c.symbol, item_category: c.slot }));
var d = "finish-" + b;
userLock(d) && (playSound("build"),
isWeb() && $("#collect_" + a.symbol).html(""), $.ajax({
url: "/play/finish_production/" + b,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(a) {
//console.debug("Logging server response for doFinishProduction: ", a);
doLog("doFinishProduction: succeess ");
var c = buildingByItemId(b, a.building);
userContext.playerData.character = a.character;
userContext.playerData.user.money = a.user.money;
userContext.playerData.stat.onboarding = a.stat.onboarding;
userContext.playerData.stat.num_items_produced = a.stat.num_items_produced;
userContext.playerData.stat.produced_stone = a.stat.produced_stone;
userContext.playerData.stat.building_upgrades_finished =
c.producing_archetype_id = null;
c.modifier = null;
c.recipe_symbol = null;
var f = extractItemBySymbol(playerInventory, c.symbol);
f.effective_upgrade_level = a.building.effective_upgrade_level;
f.producing_archetype_id = null;
f.modifier = null;
f.recipe_symbol = null;
// EXTENDER :: Modification, execute current code ONLY if there's a produced item returned!
if (a.produced_item) {
if (userContext.intCurrentRecipeIndex = null,
doLog("doFinishProduction: data.produced_item.id=" + a.produced_item.id + " quantity=" + a.produced_item.quantity),
insertInventoryFromItem(playerInventory, a.produced_item),
theNewItem = extractItemById(playerInventory, a.produced_item.id), 1 == a.is_loot) {
0 < a.enhanced_loot_roll
? dialogAlert({
style: "alert",
text: "The result of your production (enhanced) is: " + a.produced_full_name,
items: [theNewItem],
heading: "You have produced...",
button1: "Okay"
}) : dialogAlert({
style: "alert",
text: "The result of your production is: " + a.produced_full_name,
items: [theNewItem],
heading: "You have produced...",
button1: "Okay"
} else if (0 < a.affix_chance) {
var m;
m = "" + ("You have a " + a.affix_chance_from_stats +
"% chance to produce a superior-quality item from your talents, equipment and buildings.");
a.bonus_item_name && (m += " Your " + a.bonus_item_name + " adds another +" + a.affix_chance_from_bonus + "% chance to produce a superior-quality item from your talents, equipment and buildings.");
m = a.affix_roll1 <= a.affix_chance && a.affix_roll2 <= a.affix_chance ? m + "<p/>Critical Success! You obtained a superb result!" : a.affix_roll1 > a.affix_chance && a.affix_roll2 > a.affix_chance ? m + "<p/>You obtained a normal result." : m + "<p/>Success! You obtained a good result.";
dialogAlert({ style: "alert", text: m, items: [theNewItem], heading: a.produced_full_name, button1: "Okay" });
userContext.newBldgOrUpgrade = true;
var q;
"Upgrade" != theNewItem.slot ?
(userContext.newProducedItem = theNewItem, isWeb()
&& $("#collect_" + f.symbol).html(renderUpgradeCollect(f)),
isWeb() && $("#build_panel_action_" + f.id).html(renderBuildPanelAction(f)),
isWeb() && $("#speed_button_" + f.id).hide())
: q = theNewItem.symbol;
isWeb() ? (renderBuildingInventory(userContext.playerData),
: (f = null, f = null == q
? { symbol: c.symbol, status: "idle" }
: { symbol: c.symbol, status: "idle", upgrade: q },
iosSignal("finish_production", "update", f),
&& mobileCooldownDataSignal([{ mode: "building", symbol: c.symbol }]),
$("#building_tab_prod, .buildingupgradetree").fadeTo("slow", "1"));
uiEvent("building_panel_" + userContext.activeBuildingPanel);
a.produced_item && ("stacks_of_coins" == a.produced_item.symbol ? retrievePlayerData(!0, function (a) {
userContext.playerData.quests = a.quests;
}) : "stacks_of_coins" == a.produced_item.symbol && (userContext.playerData.stat.ftpe_decorative_blade = 1));
"Upgrade" == theNewItem.slot && (buildingUpgradePanel(c.symbol), userContext.playerData.stat[c.symbol + "_upgrades_finished"] = void 0 == userContext.playerData.stat[c.symbol + "_upgrades_finished"] ? 1 : userContext.playerData.stat[c.symbol +
"_upgrades_finished"] + 1);
} else {
// EXTENDER :: Modification ...
console.debug("This building is still producing! Building: ", a.building);
if (typeof callback == "function") {
//console.debug("Calling callback... ");
callback(a); // pass response
log("Finish production and call callback if any. Fix bug.", "initialize");
doProduction = function(c, a, b, d, g, callback) {
userContext.lastFinish = null;
null == b && (b = 1);
doLog("doProduction: symbol=" + c + " producer=" + a + " quantity=" + b);
var p = null, f = "", m = null, q = "", k = null, D = null;
null == userContext.playerData.stat.num_shop_items_started && (userContext.playerData.stat.num_shop_items_started = 0);
userContext.playerData.stat.num_shop_items_started += 1;
for (var u = 0; u < userContext.recipeData.length; u++)
if (console.log("DEBUG: n=" + userContext.recipeData[u].category + ", symbol: " +
userContext.recipeData[u].output), g == userContext.recipeData[u].symbol || null == g && (userContext.recipeData[u].output == c || userContext.recipeData[u].output_loot == c) && userContext.recipeData[u].category == a) {
p = userContext.recipeData[u];
p.output == c ? (k = itemFromSymbol(c), q = k.full_name) : (p.output_loot == c && (m = c), q = p.name);
D = u;
components = userContext.recipeData[u].input.split(",");
quantity_components = userContext.recipeData[u].input_quantity.split(",");
var s = itemFromSymbol(userContext.recipeData[u].category);
if (true ==
userContext.recipeData[u].unlocked) {
if (1 < userContext.recipeData[u].input.length)
for (s = 0; s < components.length; s++) {
var y = itemFromSymbol(components[s]), w = false;
0 == s && true == userContext.recipeData[u].evolution && (w = true);
w = sumInventoryQuantity(y.symbol, w);
if (parseInt(quantity_components[s]) * b > w) {
"" == f && (f = "You need more of the following:<p/>");
f += "<div>";
if (4 <= userContext.playerData.character.level)
switch (components[s]) {
case "stone":
case "iron":
case "fur":
case "ore":
case "horse":
case "riverways_fish_consumable":
case "smallfolk":
case "wood":
case "cloth":
case "grains":
w =
parseInt(quantity_components[s]) * b - w;
if (cost_item = itemFromSymbol("pennyroyal")) var z = cost_item.price_perk_points * w;
f += '<div id="basic_resource_' + components[s] + '">';
f += itemMiniView(y, { extra_styles: "left:-70px", quantity_override: w });
f += '<span style="position: relative; left: 250px; top: -88px" class="btnwrap btnmed btnprice" onclick="getBasicResource(\'' + components[s] + "'," + w + ',true);"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">Get Now</a><em>for</em><strong>' + z + "</strong></span></span>";
f += "</div>";
f += itemMiniView(y);
f += "</div>";
f += "<p>" + y.howto + "</p>";
} else f = "You need <em>" + s.full_name + "</em> to produce that.";
if ("" != f) doAlert("Requirements: " + q, f), analytics.track("Production Blocked-Resources", { item_symbol: c }), analytics.wizardtrack("Production Blocked-Resources", { item_symbol: c });
else if (p && hasMoney(p.craft_cost * b, function() { doProduction(c, a, b, d, g); })) {
f = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(userContext.playerData.inventory));
u = [];
p.output == c ? (k = itemFromSymbol(c), q = k.full_name) : (p.output_loot ==
c && (m = c), q = p.name);
components = p.input.split(",");
quantity_components = p.input_quantity.split(",");
s = itemFromSymbol(p.category);
if (true == p.unlocked && (userContext.intCurrentRecipeIndex = D, 1 < p.input.length)) for (s = 0; s < components.length; s++) y = itemFromSymbol(components[s]), w = false, 0 == s && true == p.evolution && (w = true), depleteItems(y.symbol, parseInt(quantity_components[s]) * b, null, u, w);
q = "";
D = null;
for (s = 0; s < u.length; s++)
if (y = itemFromSymbol(u[s].symbol), u[s].full_name != y.full_name)
D = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(u[s])),
q += "[" + u[s].full_name + "]";
else if (itemHasSeals(u[s]) && (!u[s].preserve_attributes || false == u[s].preserve_attributes)) D = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(u[s])), y = generateSealNameList(u[s]), q += "[" + u[s].full_name + " : " + y + "]";
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (true != d && null != D && !production.superiorMaterials) {
return playerInventory = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(f)), userContext.playerData.inventory = playerInventory, dialogAlert({
style: "confirm",
margin_top: 100,
items: [D],
button2: "Not Now",
button2_action: function() { closeAlert(); },
button1: "Confirm",
button1_action: function() {
return doProduction(c, a, b, true, g);
heading: "Confirm Superior Materials",
text: "Producing this item now will consume superior versions of your materials: " + q + "<p/>Are you sure you want to contribute superior versions of materials to produce this item?"
}), false;
var I = buildingBySymbol(userContext.activeBuildingPanel);
I.build_remaining = p.craft_duration * b;
I.original_build_seconds = p.craft_duration * b;
I.build_progress = 0;
"" != p.output && (I.producing_archetype_id = itemFromSymbol(p.output).id);
I.recipe_symbol = p.symbol;
I.action_sub_id = b;
f = renderBuildingConstruction(I);
isWeb() && $("#bc_" + I.id).html(f);
"Upgrade" == itemFromId(I.producing_archetype_id).slot ? buildingUpgradePanel(userContext.activeBuildingPanel, true, false) : (buildingUpgradePanel(userContext.activeBuildingPanel, true, false, true), buildingTabProd(), isWeb() && $("#collect_" + I.symbol).html(renderUpgradeCollect(I)));
p = "/play/set_production";
p = (m ? p + ("?loot_symbol=" + m + "&producer_symbol=" + a) : k ? p + ("/" + c + "?producer_symbol=" + a) : p + ("?producer_symbol=" + a)) + ("&quantity=" + b);
g && (p += "&recipe_symbol=" + g);
//console.debug("Tampering with the url: ", p);
url: p,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(a) {
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (!a.num_shop_items_started && a.status) {
//console.debug("Server responded with: ", a);
userContext.prodProgressShow = null;
userContext.playerData.stat.num_shop_items_started = a.num_shop_items_started;
isWeb() || iosSignal("building", "cooldown", mobileCooldownData({ mode: "building", symbol: I.symbol, flag: "production_started" }));
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (typeof callback == "function") {
log("Do production and call callback if any. Inject superior materials condition.", "initialize");
buildTimerUpdate = function(c, a, b) {
$("#timer-" + c).html(renderBuildTime(a));
$("#timer-panel-" + c).html(renderBuildTime(a));
percent = 100 - 100 * (a / b);
$("#progress-" + c).html('<span style="width:' + percent + '%;"></span>');
var d = buildingById(c);
d.build_remaining = a;
markup = renderBuildPanelAction(d);
//console.debug("Debugging building: " + d.symbol + ", " +
//"build time remaining: " + a + " ms, " +
//"original build seconds: " + b + " ms");
$("#speed_button_" + c).show();
$("#build_panel_action_" + c).html(markup);
$("#production_timer_" + c).html(renderBuildTime(d.build_remaining, true));
$("#production_timer_upper_" +
$("#production_progress_" + c).css({ width: percent + "%" });
$("#duration_long_" + c).html(durationLong(buildTimerDescription(d), a, b));
userContext.doBuildId == c && (300 >= a ?
$("#speed_up_skip_use").show()) :
$(".speed_building_" + c).html() != renderSpeedUpButton(c) && $(".speed_building_" + c).html(renderSpeedUpButton(c)));
d.cooldown = a;
d.original_cooldown_seconds = b;
0 < a || (closeSpeedUp(), finalizeBuildingConstruction(d), clearBuildingTimer(d.symbol));
// EXTENDER :: Modification
production.speedUp(d, a);
log("Build custom timer update. Speed up and finish automatically, grab production item if any and execute.", "initialize");
doCollect = function(c) {
lock_name = "collect-" + c;
if (userLock(lock_name)) {
var a = buildingByItemId(c);
0 < predictCollect(a) && (playSound("coins"), isWeb() && animatedCoins.init($("#collectbtn"), $("#silver"), [-10, -40], [-72, -44]));
uiEvent("collect_" + buildingSymbolFromItemId(c), userContext.PlayerData);
the_url = "/play/collect_building/" + c + "?client_seqnum=" + userContext.player_data_seqnum;
isWeb() || showSpinner();
url: the_url,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(b) {
doLog("doCollect: building_id=" +
c + " data.money=" + b.money);
a.last_collected_at = b.last_collected_at;
userContext.playerData.stat.buildings_collected = b.buildings_collected;
userContext.playerData.stat.onboarding = b.onboarding;
isWeb() || (iosSignal("building_collected"), hideSpinner());
isWeb() && $("#collect_" + a.symbol).html(renderUpgradeCollect(a));
b = renderBuildingOwned(a);
isWeb() && $("#bc_" + a.id).html(b);
// EXTENDER :: Modification
log("Close dialog when silver is collected.", "initialize");
claimDaily = function() {
url: "/play/advice_claim_daily",
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(c) {
//console.debug("Logging response from the server: ", c);
// EXTENDER :: Modification
// bugfix: undefined silver and gold
if (c.status && c.status == "OK") {
$("#daily_reward_statview").html(itemStatViewFromSymbol(c.item, { produce: "Continue", produce_callback: "welcomeClaimed" }));
var a = buildingBySymbol("keep");
userContext.playerData.stat.daily_streak_claimed = userContext.playerData.stat.daily_streak;
a && $("#bc_" + a.id).html(renderBuildingOwned(a));
isWeb() || iosSignal("daily_reward_claimed", null, c.item);
// EXTENDER :: Modification
//log("Daily reward claimed: " + c.item + ", gold: " + c.gold + ", silver: " + c.silver, "CLAIM_DAILY", true);
c.item && log({
symbol: c.item,
quantity: 1
}, "DAILY");
c.gold && log({
symbol: "gold_coins",
quantity: c.gold
}, "DAILY");
c.silver && log({
symbol: "silver_coins",
quantity: c.silver
}, "DAILY");
return false;
log("Claim daily updates money only if claimed. Close when ready.", "initialize");
finishAll = function() {
log("Checking buildings...");
var btn = $("#extender_finishBtn a");
if (btn && btn.length > 0) btn.text("Finishing...");
for (var i = 0; i < userContext.buildingsData.length; i++) {
var b = userContext.buildingsData[i];
if(b.symbol === "keep"){
if (buildingFinished(b)) {
log("Attempt to finish production on " + b.symbol);
doFinishProduction(b.item_id, finishAll);
if (btn && btn.length > 0) btn.text("Finished");
log("All buildings are now finished.");
log("Finish all buildings whole different way, make use of doFinish callback.", "initialize");
applySelectedUpgrade = function(c, a, callback) {
lock_name = "upgrade-" + c.id;
userContext.lastFinish = null;
var b;
if (0 < c.gold && null == a)
doGoldUnlock(c.id, function() {
applySelectedUpgrade(c, true, callback);
else if (hasMoney(c.silver, function() {
applySelectedUpgrade(c, a, c.silver);
}) && userLock(lock_name)) {
var d = buildingUpgradeResourceCheck(c.building_id, c.id);
if (isWeb()) {
if (null != d.markup && "" != d.markup) {
doAlert("Resources Required", "You need additional resources to construct that upgrade:<p/>" + d.markup);
return false;
} else if (null !=
d.strMissingComponentText) {
if (isAndroid()) {
iosSignal("building", "upgrade_fail", d);
return false;
return d;
b = d.item;
var g = buildingById(c.building_id);
d = extractItemBySymbol(userContext.playerData.inventory, g.symbol).upgrade_level - 1;
0 > d && (d = 0);
g.build_progress = 0;
g.producing_archetype_id = b.id;
url: "/play/apply_upgrade/" + c.id,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(result) {
if (result.resource_list)
for (var i = 0; i < result.resource_list.length; i++) {
var m =
extractItemBySymbol(playerInventory, result.resource_list[i]);
m && (m.quantity -= parseInt(result.resource_quantities[i]));
userContext.playerData.stat.onboarding = result.onboarding;
userContext.playerData.stat.building_upgrades_added = result.building_upgrades_added;
g.build_remaining = result.build_remaining;
g.original_build_seconds = result.original_build_seconds;
isWeb() && buildingUpgradePanel(g.symbol);
result = renderBuildingConstruction(g);
$("#bc_" + g.id).html(result);
uiEvent("add_" +
userContext.activeBuildingPanel, userContext.PlayerData);
selectedUpgrade = extractItemBySymbol(playerInventory, b.symbol);
q_upgrade = 1;
selectedUpgrade && (q_upgrade = selectedUpgrade.quantity + 1);
$("#addbtn_container").html(addButtonUpgrade(b, false, q_upgrade));
isWeb() ? selectUpgrade(userContext.activeUpgrade) : iosSignal("building", "cooldown", mobileCooldownData({ mode: "building", symbol: g.symbol, flag: "production_started" }));
analytics.track("Building Apply-Upgrade", {
building: userContext.activeBuildingPanel,
upgrade: itemData[itemById[c.id]].symbol,
cost: itemData[itemById[c.id]].cost
analytics.wizardtrack("Building Apply-Upgrade", { building: userContext.activeBuildingPanel, upgrade: itemData[itemById[c.id]].symbol, cost: itemData[itemById[c.id]].cost }); // EXTENDER :: Modification
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (typeof callback == "function") {
return false;
log("Do upgrade and call callback function.", "initialize");
speedBuild = function speedBuild(c, a, callback) {
doLog("speedBuild: speed_item=" + c + " item_id=" + a);
url: "/play/build_now/" + a + "?complete=" + c,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(b) {
//console.debug("Logging server response for speedBuild: ", b);
userContext.playerData.user.money = b.user.money;
userContext.playerData.stat.onboarding = b.stat.onboarding;
userContext.playerData.chapter = b.chapter;
var d = buildingById(a, b.building);
doLog("speedBuild: speed_item:");
b.speed_item && insertInventoryFromItem(userContext.playerData.inventory,
insertInventoryFromItem(userContext.playerData.inventory, b.produced_item);
userContext.buildingsData && (userContext.playerData.buildings = userContext.buildingsData);
playerInventory && (userContext.playerData.inventory = playerInventory);
userContext.chapterData = b.chapter;
d && (analytics.track("SpeedUp-Building", { building: d.symbol, speed_item: c }), analytics.wizardtrack("SpeedUp-Building", { building: d.symbol, speed_item: c }));
isItemBuildingUpgrade(d) || null == d.producing_archetype_id && null == d.recipe_symbol ? (renderBuildingInventory(userContext.playerData, buildingUpgradePanel, userContext.activeBuildingPanel, true), isWeb() || iosSignal("building", "cooldown", mobileCooldownData({ mode: "building", symbol: d.symbol, flag: "speed_up" }))) : (userContext.craftingItemFinished = true, renderBuildingInventory(userContext.playerData, buildingUpgradePanelProd, userContext.activeBuildingPanel, true), $("#collect_" + d.symbol).html(renderUpgradeCollect(d)),
$("#build_panel_action_" + d.id).html(renderBuildPanelAction(d)), $("#speed_button_" + d.id).hide());
d && uiEvent("building_panel_" + d.symbol);
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (typeof (callback) == "function") {
log("Speed build is what actually calls the callback (not doInstantSpeedUp).", "initialize");
doAdventure = function doAdventure(c, a, b, callback) {
//console.debug("First passed parameter: ", c);
// EXTENDER : Modfification
if (userContext.setSwornSword && userContext.setSwornSword.damage && userContext.setSwornSword.damage == 4) {
warn("Sworn sword has 4 wounds. Adventure will not continue.");
//console.debug("Logging parameters of doAdventure: ", c, a, b);
if (void 0 != userContext.setSwornSword && void 0 != userContext.setSwornSword.batch_type && 0 != userContext.setSwornSword.batch_type)
return 1 == userContext.setSwornSword.batch_type && (!1 == b && prepareAdvPartyTimeout(), $.ajax({
url: "/play/batch_set_sworn_sword_target?batch_type=1&ss_id=" + userContext.setSwornSword.id + "&batch_action=" + a + "&target_symbol=" + c,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(a) {
return !0;
error: function(b) {
400 ==
b.status ? advPartyFail() : 409 == b.status ? setTimeout(function() { doAdventure(c, a, !0); }, 5E3) : spinTimeout();
})), !1;
url: "/play/adventure/" + userContext.setSwornSword.id + "?action_name=" + a + "&symbol=" + c,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(b) {
//analytics.track("Adventure Start", { adventure_region: b.location, adventure_action: a, adventure_swornsword_id: userContext.setSwornSword.id, adventure_swornsword_level: userContext.setSwornSword.ugprade_level });
//analytics.wizardtrack("Adventure Start", {
// adventure_region: b.location,
// adventure_action: a,
// adventure_swornsword_id: userContext.setSwornSword.id,
// adventure_swornsword_level: userContext.setSwornSword.ugprade_level
if (b.symbol) {
adventureProgress(userContext.setSwornSword.id, b);
"1" == userContext.playerData.stat.onboarding_ftue && uiTelemetry("ss_adventure");
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if(b.reward_item != void 0 && b.duration_remaining === 0){
//console.debug("Logging reward: ", b);
symbol: b.reward_item,
quantity: 1
b.reward_silver && log({
symbol: "silver_coins",
quantity: b.reward_silver
b.prestige_awarded && log({
symbol: "prestige_item",
quantity: b.prestige_awarded
// TODO: Decide fate of xp logging
//b.reward_upgrade_points && log({
// symbol: "XP",
// quantity: b.reward_upgrade_points
//}, "ADVENTURE");
if (typeof callback == "function") {
userContext.setSwornSword.not_on_adventure = !b.symbol;
log("Don't do adventure if sworn sword is about to die. Call callback when ready (bruting).", "initialize");
playSound = function playSound(a, d) {
if (!1 != doSound())
if ($.browser.msie || doLog("playSound [1]: " + a), !1 == soundEnabled) $.browser.msie || doLog("playSound [1]: sound disabled");
else {
void 0 == d && (d = 0);
musicMuted = userContext.mute_music;
soundMuted = userContext.mute_sound;
try {
if (-1 != a.indexOf("voice-") && ($.browser.msie || doLog("play voiceover"), soundMapChannel[a] = "voice"), theUrl = soundMap[a], void 0 == soundMapChannel[a] && (soundMapChannel[a] = "channel1"), isWeb()) {
if ($.browser.msie || doLog("playSound[2]: " +
a + " soundReady=" + soundReady), !0 == soundReady) {
$.browser.msie || doLog("soundReady: " + soundMapChannel[a]);
play_it = !0;
if ("music" == soundMapChannel[a]) {
if (0 == musicVolume || !0 == musicMuted) play_it = !1;
vol = musicVolume;
$.browser.msie || doLog("MUSIC vol=" + vol);
} else {
if (0 == soundVolume || !0 == soundMuted) play_it = !1;
vol = soundVolume;
$.browser.msie || doLog("SOUND vol=" + vol);
if ("channel1" == soundMapChannel[a] || "channel2" == soundMapChannel[a] || "channel3" == soundMapChannel[a] || "channel4" == soundMapChannel[a] ||
"channel5" == soundMapChannel[a] || "music" == soundMapChannel[a] || "voice" == soundMapChannel[a] || "voice2" == soundMapChannel[a])
if (!0 == soundChannel[soundMapChannel[a]]) $.browser.msie || doLog("Sound channel busy: " + soundMapChannel[a] + " playing=" + soundActive[a]), "music" == soundMapChannel[a] && currentMusic != a && (doLog("switch to new music"), soundCrossFade("music", vol, function() { playSound(a, d); }));
else if (sound_url = assetUrl() + theUrl, $.browser.msie || doLog("SOUND: play_it=" + play_it), !0 != play_it)
$.browser.msie ||
doLog("SOUND: returning");
else {
"music" == soundMapChannel[a] && (doLog("currentMusic = " + currentMusic), currentMusic = a);
$.browser.msie || doLog("SOUND: createSound");
soundObject = soundManager.createSound({
id: soundMapChannel[a],
url: theUrl,
volume: vol,
onfinish: function() {
$.browser.msie || doLog("soundObject.onfinish: id=" + a + " soundMapChannel=" + soundMapChannel[a]);
soundChannel[soundMapChannel[a]] = !1;
"music" == soundMapChannel[a] && (0 < musicVolume && !0 !=
userContext.mute_music) && playSound(a);
if (null == soundObject || void 0 == soundObject) $.browser.msie || doLog("soundObject: invalid");
!0 == play_it && (soundChannel[soundMapChannel[a]] = !0, soundActive[soundMapChannel[a]] = sound_url, soundManager.getSoundById(soundMapChannel[a]).setVolume(vol), 0 < d ? setTimeout(soundObject.play, d) : ($.browser.msie || doLog("soundObject.play: [" + soundMapChannel[a] + "] " + soundActive[soundMapChannel[a]]), soundObject.play()));
0 < vol && ($.browser.msie || doLog("playing [3]: [" +
soundMapChannel[a] + "] vol=" + vol), soundManager.getSoundById(soundMapChannel[a]).setVolume(vol), soundManager.getSoundById(soundMapChannel[a]).volume = vol, soundManager.play(a));
} else iosSignal("playsound", soundMapChannel[a] + ":" + soundMap[a].substring(soundMap[a].lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + ":" + d);
} catch (e) {
$.browser.msie || doLog("playSound exception: " + e);
log("Cleared playSound from console logging.", "initialize");
submitWorldEventAction = function submitWorldEventAction(c, a, b) {
console.debug("Logging parameters, " +
"sworn sword id: " + c + ", order: " + a + ", weakness attack? " + b);
data = { sworn_sword_id: c, order: a };
!0 == b && (data.weakness_attack = b);
url: "/play/world_event_attack",
data: data,
complete: function() {
success: function(a) {
a.error && doAlert("Error Sending Swornsword", formatWorldEventError(a.error, a.error_code));
a.swornsword && (insertInventoryFromItem(userContext.playerData.inventory, a.swornsword), doItemCooldown(a.swornsword));
// EXTENDER :: Modification
// full loop implemented
worldEvent.afterSubmit(a, c);
a.challenge && updateWorldEventChallenge(a.challenge);
isWeb() && ($(".command_pts").contents().first()[0].textContent = userContext.playerData.stat.current_command + "/" + userContext.playerData.stat.command + " Command Points");
!0 == a.show_outmaneuver_alert && dialogAlert({ style: "alert", text: "The order you just sent is guaranteed to critically hit and will have a bonus chance to find a weakness.", heading: "", button1: "Okay" });
log("Analyzing world event action.", "initialize");
getWorldEventAttackResults = function getWorldEventAttackResults(c, a) {
console.debug("Logging parameters, " +
"sworn sword id: " + c + ", refresh? " + a);
url: "/play/world_event_attack_results",
data: { sworn_sword_id: c },
complete: function() {
success: function(b) {
// EXTENDER :: Modification
// full loop implemented
worldEvent.afterGet(b, c);
? doAlert("Error Getting Results", formatWorldEventError(b.error, b.error_code))
: (b.swornsword && (insertInventoryFromItem(userContext.playerData.inventory, b.swornsword), doItemCooldown(b.swornsword)),
b.character && (userContext.playerData.stat.level_progress = b.xp_after, userContext.playerData.character = b.character,
infoBar(userContext.playerData, userContext.playerData.inventory)), isWeb() ? (b = _.template('<div class="modalbg"></div><div class="contentframe1" style="top:44px; z-index:22;"><div class="contentframe2"><div class="contentframe3"><div class="contentframe4"><span class="corner tl"></span><span class="corner tr"></span><a class="closebtn" onclick="closeWorldEventAttackResults();">close</a> <h2 class="alertheader"><%= translateString(\'we_order_completed\') %></h2> <div class="alertcontents"> <div class="alertbox"> <div class="alertboxinner"> <div class="weinforow"> <%= itemMiniView(data.swornsword) %> <% if(data.wounds > 0) { %> <div class="orderwound">Wounded</div> <% } %> <div class="bossopttop"> <div class="bossoptbtn"> <span class="btnwrap btnlg"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btnbrown"> \x3c!-- Selected button is brown --\x3e <span><img src="<%= assetUrl() %>/images/content/talent/<%=data.action%>.png" /></span> <strong><%= translateString(data.action) %></strong> <em><%= data.label %></em> </a></span></span> <div class="challengebar"> <div class="challengeicon"></div> <div class="challenge-outer challengelose"> <div style="width:<%= data.cr %>%;" class="challenge-yours"></div> <div style="width:<%=100 - data.cr%>%;" class="challenge-target"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <% if(data.outcome > 0) { %> <h3 class="challengerewardhead-success">Success!</h3> <% } else { %> <h3 class="challengerewardhead-lose">Failure!</h3> <% } %> <div class="weinforow orderresult"> <p><%= data.damage %> Damage Dealt</p> <% if(data.xp_after > data.xp_before) { %> <%= xpReward(data.xp_before, data.xp_after) %> <% } %> <div class="weinforow"> <div class="weinfo"><%= data.text %></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="alertbtm"> <% if(data.can_repeat) { %> <span class="btnwrap btnlg" onclick="submitWorldEventAction(<%=data.swornsword.id%>,\'<%=data.action%>\');closeWorldEventAttackResults();"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">Repeat</a></span></span> <% } %> <span class="btnwrap btnlg" onclick="closeWorldEventAttackResults();"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">Close</a></span></span> </div></div></div></div></div>',
{ data: b }), $(".weordercomplete").html(b).show()) : iosSignal("we", "viewSSResult", b), a && refreshWorldEventChallenge());
log("Logging information from world event action.", "initialize");
var originalCharCharacterTab = window.charCharacterTab;
window.charCharacterTab = function() {
// hook before call
var ret = originalCharCharacterTab.apply(this, arguments);
afterCharCharacterTab(); // hook after call
return ret;
function afterCharCharacterTab(){
$("#character_sheet_portrait").after(formatStats(playerData.got_battle, playerData.got_trade, playerData.got_intrigue, playerData.level));
inventoryDisplayStatsWithTab = function inventoryDisplayStatsWithTab(c, symbol) {
// EXTENDER :: Modification, useless junk,
// use this function as it appears to work better
c = extractItemById(playerInventory, c);
if (c && c.id == 0 && typeof symbol != "undefined") {
"unit" == c.slot
? inventorySubTab("companion")
: inventorySubTab(c.slot);
inventoryDisplayStats(void 0, void 0, c, void 0, !0);
log("Use alternative function for item popup if the initial fails.", "initialize");
inventoryTab = function inventoryTab(b) {
gLastInventoryTab = b;
$("." + b + "view").show();
//EXTENDER :: Modification
var a = playerInventory;
], b) && ($("#character_inventory_modal_filter_container").show(), a = inventoryFilter.runFilterOnList(playerInventory));
var c = [], d = void 0;
"character" == b ? ($("#inventorybtm").addClass("character"), $("#weapontab").show(),
$("#armortab").show(), $("#companiontab").show(), equipContextPrefix = equipContextTarget = "character", equipContextPosition = "right", $("#inventory_toolbar_Weapon").show()) : "swornswords" == b ? ($("#inventorybtm").addClass("character"), first_sworn = extractFirstSwornSword(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_sworn), $("#weapontab").show(), $("#armortab").show(), $("#swordcompaniontab").show(), equipContextPrefix = "item", $("#inventory_toolbar").show(), d = "Sworn Sword", c.push(d)) : "boons" == b ? ($("#character_inventory_modal_filter_container").show(),
first_boon = extractFirstBoon(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_boon), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Boon", c.push(d)) : "food" == b ? (first_consumable = extractFirstConsumable(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_consumable), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Consumable", c.push(d)) : "seal" == b ? ($("#character_inventory_modal_filter_container").show(), first_seal = extractFirstSeal(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_seal), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Seal", c.push(d)) :
"resources" == b ? (first_resource = extractFirstTreasure(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_resource), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Treasure", c.push(d)) : "gearinv" == b ? ($("#character_inventory_modal_filter_container").show(), first_gearinv = extractFirstGear(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_gearinv), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Weapon, Armor", c.push("Weapon"), c.push("Armor")) : "companionsinv" == b && ($("#character_inventory_modal_filter_container").show(), first_companionsinv =
extractFirstCompanion(a), inventoryDisplayStatsRight(void 0, void 0, first_companionsinv), $("#inventory_toolbar").hide(), d = "Companion, Unit", c.push("Companion"), c.push("Unit"));
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if ("permanentitems" == b) {
d = "pass please";
doLog("inventoryTab: category=" + b + " listing_slot=" + d);
if (void 0 != d) {
initPagination(b, 6);
for (var g = !1, k = [], f = "", p = 0; p < a.length; p++){
// EXTENDER :: Modification
if (b === "permanentitems" && a[p].permanent_item) {
for (var q = 0; q < c.length; q++){
a[p].slot == c[q] && k.push(a[p]);
0 == k.length && (g = !0);
f += "<div id='mv_container'></div>";
"character" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html(f).hide() : !0 == g ? "swornswords" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html('You have no sworn swords. Visit the <a class="shop_link" href="#" onclick="return shopModal();">shop</a> to hire one.').show() :
"food" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html('You have no Food. Visit the <a class="shop_link" href="#" onclick="return shopModal();">shop</a> to purchase some.').show() : "boons" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html('You have no Boons. Visit the <a class="shop_link" href="#" onclick="return shopModal();">shop</a> to purchase one.').show() : "seal" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html("You have no Seals. Earn seals from PtP.").show() : "gearinv" == b ? $("#inventory-listing").html('You have no Gear. Visit the <a class="shop_link" href="#" onclick="return shopModal();">shop</a> to purchase some.').show() :
"companionsinv" == b && $("#inventory-listing").html('You have no Companions. Visit the <a class="shop_link" href="#" onclick="return shopModal();">shop</a> to purchase some.').show() : $("#inventory-listing").html(f).show();
g || ($.each(k, function (a, c) {
itemMiniView(c, {
callback: inventoryDisplayStatsRight,
extra_styles: pageStyle(b),
extra_class: pageClass(b)
}, "#mv_container")
}), $("#mv_container").append(bookPageNumbers(b)))
$("#" + b + "tab_inner").addClass("active");
void 0 != d && pageBegin(b)
log("Render permanent items.", "initialize");
var originalInventoryModal = window.inventoryModal;
window.inventoryModal = function() {
// hook before call
var ret = originalInventoryModal.apply(this, arguments);
afterInventoryModal(); // hook after call
return ret;
function afterInventoryModal(){
// EXTENDER :: Modification, inject permanent tab
var permanentsTab =
'<span onclick="return clickInventoryTab(\'permanentitems\');" id="permanentitemstab" class="inventorytabwrap">' +
'<span class="inventorytabedge">' +
'<a id="permanentitemstab_inner" class="inventorytab">' +
'<span></span>' +
'Permanent' +
'<em></em>' +
shopModal = function shopModal(b, a) {
userContext.playerData.user.new_items = 0;
// EXTENDER :: Modification, default tab: troopsequip
void 0 == a && (a = "troopsequip");
if (void 0 == b) {
var c;
c = "" + (shopModalHead() + shopModalFoot());
isWeb() && displayModalDialog(c, void 0, void 0, "min-height: 692px; top: 0px; margin-top: 40px");
url: "/play/shop/?view_direct=true",
dataType: "JSON",
complete: hideSpinner,
success: function (b) {
// EXTENDER :: Enwrap else - readability fixes bugs
} else {
c = sortShopItems(b.shop),
userContext.filteredShopData = distrubuteShopItemsToFilteredLists(c),
// EXTENDER :: Modification, extender filter by default
userContext.shopFilterIndex = userContext.shopFilterIndex || 4,
console.debug("Sorting shop and putting it in the filteredShopData.");
// EXTENDER :: Load extender filter with filtered data
= sortShop(userContext.filteredShopData[0].slice(0));
userContext.shopData = userContext.filteredShopData[userContext.shopFilterIndex],
baseShopTime = parseInt((new Date).getTime() / 1E3),
b.cost_refresh_shop = 2, b.userContext = userContext,
b.open_tab = a, b.featuredTabLabel && (phraseText.featured_tab_label = b.featuredTabLabel),
b.dealsData ? (b.overrideDealsData = [], b.dealsData.map(function (a) {
}), b.dealsData = [], b.overrideDealsData.map(function (a) {
a.price_perk_points && (itemFromSymbol(a.symbol).price_perk_points = a.price_perk_points)
}), userContext.defaultDeals_id = itemFromSymbol(b.dealsData[0]).id, userContext.defaultDeals_symbol = b.dealsData[0]) : b.dealsData = shopSetDealData("deals"), b.featuredItemPack ? (b.overridefeaturedItemPack = {}, b.overridefeaturedItemPack.symbol = b.featuredItemPack.symbol, b.overridefeaturedItemPack.price_perk_points =
b.featuredItemPack.price_perk_points, b.featuredItemPack = b.overridefeaturedItemPack.symbol, b.overridefeaturedItemPack.price_perk_points && (itemFromSymbol(b.overridefeaturedItemPack.symbol).price_perk_points = b.overridefeaturedItemPack.price_perk_points), userContext.defaultFeaturedPack_id = itemFromSymbol(b.featuredItemPack).id, userContext.defaultFeaturedPack_symbol = b.featuredItemPack) : b.featuredItemPack = shopSetDealData("featured_item_pack"), b.featuredItem ? (b.overridefeaturedItem = [], b.featuredItem.map(function (a) {
b.featuredItem = [], b.overridefeaturedItem.map(function (a) {
a.price_perk_points && (itemFromSymbol(a.symbol).price_perk_points = a.price_perk_points)
})) : b.featuredItem = shopSetDealData("featured_items"), userContext.shopMetadata = b, drawShopModal(userContext.shopMetadata)
log("Sort shop.", "initialize");
function hasGold(b, a, c) {
// EXTENDER :: Modification, the short answer is no
if (b > 0 && extender.options.neverSpendGold) {
return false;
if (0 < b) {
void 0 == c && (c = !1);
doLog("hasGold: cost=" + b + " [player perk_points=" + userContext.playerData.user.perk_points + "]");
if (b > userContext.playerData.user.perk_points) return currencyModal("gold"), iosSignal("purchase", "need_gold"), !1;
if (2 == (userContext.playerData.user.options_mask & 2) && !1 == c)
return dialogAlert({
style: "confirm",
button1: "Okay",
button1_action: function() {
button2: "Cancel",
heading: jsTranslate("Spend %{val} Gold", "val", numberWithDelimiter(b)),
text: jsTranslate("Please confirm that you wish to spend %{val} gold.",
"val", numberWithDelimiter(b)),
keep_previous: !0
}), !1;
return !0;
log("Never spend gold option.", "initialize");
function pvpLaunch(callback) {
json = { pvp: {} };
json.pvp.target_id = pvpForm.target_id;
json.pvp.sworn_sword_id = userContext.setSwornSword.id;
json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol = userContext.currentActionLabel;
json.pvp.region_symbol = fealtySymbol[pvpForm.target_faction_id];
pvpForm.sub_region_index = Math.floor(3 * Math.random());
var b = pvpForm.target_faction_id;
void 0 == b && (b = userContext.playerData.character.faction_id);
json.pvp.sub_region_symbol = fealtySubRegions[b][pvpForm.sub_region_index].symbol;
json.pvp.attack_value = userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].attacker_strength;
json.pvp.defense_value = userContext.currentQuest.action_type[userContext.currentActionLabel].defender_strength;
false || (showSpinner(),
type: "get",
url: "/pvps/create",
data: json,
dataType: "JSON",
complete: hideSpinner,
success: function(a) {
void 0 == a.error ?
(pvpForm = {},
userContext.pvp = a,
insertInventoryFromItem(playerInventory, a.attacker.sworn_sword),
analytics.track("PvP Start", { pvp_context: "attack", pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol }),
analytics.wizardtrack("PvP Start", {
pvp_context: "attack",
pvp_action: json.pvp.pvp_action_symbol
: handleSwornSwordError(a.error);
// EXTENDER :: Modification, call callback
// parameter indicates successfull sending
if (typeof callback == "function") {
if(a.error && a.error === "too_many_attacks") {
pvpFormStore = null;
log("Player vs player enhanced. Client pvpBan, hilarious.", "initialize");
function questSubmit(b, a, c, d, g, k, f) {
doLog("questSubmit: stage=" + a + " choice=" + c);
uiEvent("quest_submit_" + b + "_" + a + "_choice_" + c, userContext.playerData);
userContext.postQuestEvent = "quest_post_" + b + "_" + a + "_choice_" + c;
userContext.questActionChoice = c;
b = void 0 != f ? "/play/quest?quest_id=" + f + "&stage=" + a + "&choice=" + c + "&chosen=" + escape(d) : "/play/quest?quest_symbol=" + b + "&stage=" + a + "&choice=" + c + "&chosen=" + escape(d);
void 0 != g ? (b = isWeb() ? b + ("&chat=" + escape($("#" + g).val())) : b + ("&chat=" + escape(g)),
userContext.hideWarParty = !0) : playSound("page-turn");
void 0 != k && (userContext.dialogIndex++, userContext.dialogHistory[userContext.dialogIndex] = unescape(k));
isIpad() && showSpinner();
url: b,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(a) {
isIpad() && hideSpinner();
questById(f).action_taken = !0;
// EXTENDER :: Modification, auto boss challenger
bossChallenger.fight(a, c);
return !1;
log("Boss challenge code injected.", "initialize");
function doCampAttack(b, a, callback) {
console.debug("Logging parameters, send camp attack: ", b, a, callback);
if (!1 == checkParticipation() || !1 == allowCampAttack())
return !1;
if (void 0 != userContext.targetAllianceStance && void 0 == a) {
var c = !1, d = userContext.currentActionLabel;
if ("fight" == d || "hoodwink" == d || "steal" == d || "sabotage" == d || "hoodwink" == d || "harass" == d) c = !0;
if (2 == userContext.targetAllianceStance.status && !0 == c)
return doLog("show alert if you really want to attack your friendly alliance alert"), dialogAlert({
style: "confirm",
margin_top: 100,
button1: "NO",
button1_action: function() { return closeAlert(); },
button2: "YES",
button2_action: function() { doCampAttack(b, !0); },
heading: "Action Confirmation",
text: "Remember, this alliance is your friend! Are you certain you want to attack them?"
}), !1;
url: "/play/camp_attack_begin?id=" + b + "&item_id=" + itemCurrentSelection.id + "&ability=" + userContext.currentActionLabel,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(a) {
if (a.error) {
a.swornsword &&
insertInventoryFromItem(playerInventory, a.swornsword),
doAlert("Error Attacking Camp", a.error), !1;
} else {
// EXTENDER :: Modification, call callback
// parameter indicates successfull sending
if (typeof callback == "function") {
log("Camp attack now calls callback afterwards.", "initialize");