pURLfy for Tampermonkey

The ultimate URL purifier - for Tampermonkey

// ==UserScript==
// @name         pURLfy for Tampermonkey
// @name:zh-CN   pURLfy for Tampermonkey
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.5.0
// @description  The ultimate URL purifier - for Tampermonkey
// @description:zh-cn 终极 URL 净化器 - Tampermonkey 版本
// @icon         https://github.com/PRO-2684/pURLfy/raw/main/images/logo.svg
// @author       PRO
// @match        *://*/*
// @run-at       document-start
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// @grant        GM_setClipboard
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @connect      *
// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@trim21/gm-fetch@0.1.15
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/492078/1443165/pURLfy.js
// @require      https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/470224/1460555/Tampermonkey%20Config.js
// @resource     rules-tracking https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PRO-2684/pURLfy-rules@core-0.3.x/tracking.min.json
// @resource     rules-outgoing https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PRO-2684/pURLfy-rules@core-0.3.x/outgoing.min.json
// @resource     rules-shortener https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PRO-2684/pURLfy-rules@core-0.3.x/shortener.min.json
// @resource     rules-alternative https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PRO-2684/pURLfy-rules@core-0.3.x/alternative.min.json
// @resource     rules-other https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PRO-2684/pURLfy-rules@core-0.3.x/other.min.json
// @license      gpl-3.0
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    const tag1 = "purlfy-purifying";
    const tag2 = "purlfy-purified";
    const eventName = "purlfy-purify-done";
    const window = unsafeWindow;
    const configDesc = {
        $default: {
            autoClose: false
        rules: {
            name: "📖 Rules Settings",
            title: "Enable or disable rules",
            type: "folder",
            items: {
                tracking: {
                    name: "Tracking",
                    title: "Rules for purifying tracking links",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                outgoing: {
                    name: "Outgoing",
                    title: "Rules for purifying outgoing links",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                shortener: {
                    name: "Shortener",
                    title: "Rules for restoring shortened links",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                alternative: {
                    name: "Alternative",
                    title: "Redirects you from some websites to their better alternatives",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
                other: {
                    name: "Other",
                    title: "Rules for purifying other types of links",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
                removeTextFragment: {
                    name: "Remove Text Fragment",
                    title: "Remove Text Fragments from URL",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
        hooks: {
            name: "🪝 Hooks Settings",
            title: "Enable or disable hooks",
            type: "folder",
            items: {
                locationHref: {
                    name: "location.href",
                    title: "Check location.href",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                click: {
                    name: "click",
                    title: "Intercept `click` events",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                mousedown: {
                    name: "mousedown",
                    title: "Intercept `mousedown` events",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                auxclick: {
                    name: "auxclick",
                    title: "Intercept `auxclick` events",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                touchstart: {
                    name: "touchstart",
                    title: "Intercept `touchstart` events",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                windowOpen: {
                    name: "window.open",
                    title: "Hook `window.open` calls",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                pushState: {
                    name: "pushState",
                    title: "Hook `history.pushState` calls",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
                replaceState: {
                    name: "replaceState",
                    title: "Hook `history.replaceState` calls",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
                bing: {
                    name: "Bing",
                    title: "Site-specific hook for Bing",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
        statistics: {
            name: "📊 Statistics",
            title: "Show statistics",
            type: "folder",
            items: {
                $default: {
                    input: (prop, orig) => confirm(`Reset "${prop}"?`) ? 0 : orig,
                    processor: "same",
                    formatter: "normal",
                url: {
                    name: "URL",
                    title: "Number of links purified",
                    value: 0,
                param: {
                    name: "Parameter",
                    title: "Number of parameters removed",
                    value: 0,
                decoded: {
                    name: "Decoded",
                    title: "Number of URLs decoded (`param` mode)",
                    value: 0,
                redirected: {
                    name: "Redirected",
                    title: "Number of URLs redirected (`redirect` mode)",
                    value: 0,
                visited: {
                    name: "Visited",
                    title: "Number of URLs visited (`visit` mode)",
                    value: 0,
                char: {
                    name: "Character",
                    title: "Number of characters deleted",
                    value: 0,
        advanced: {
            name: "⚙️ Advanced options",
            title: "Advanced options",
            type: "folder",
            items: {
                purify: {
                    name: "Purify URL",
                    title: "Manually purify a URL",
                    type: "action",
                senseless: {
                    name: "Senseless Mode",
                    title: "Enable senseless mode",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: true,
                debug: {
                    name: "Debug Mode",
                    title: "Enable debug mode",
                    type: "bool",
                    value: false,
    const config = new GM_config(configDesc);
    function log(...args) {
        if (config.get("advanced.debug")) console.log("[pURLfy for Tampermonkey]", ...args);
    // Initialize pURLfy core
    const purifier = new Purlfy({
        fetchEnabled: true,
        lambdaEnabled: true,
        fetch: GM_fetch,
        log: config.get("advanced.debug") ? undefined : () => { },
    async function purify(url) {
        if (config.get("rules.removeTextFragment")) { // Remove Text Fragment
            const index = url.indexOf("#:~:");
            if (index !== -1) url = url.slice(0, index);
        return purifier.purify(url);
    // Import rules
    for (const key of config.list("rules")) {
        const enabled = config.get(`rules.${key}`);
        if (enabled) {
            log(`Importing rules: ${key}`);
            const rules = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText(`rules-${key}`));
    // Senseless mode
    const senseless = config.get("advanced.senseless");
    log(`Senseless mode is ${senseless ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.`);
    // Statistics listener
    purifier.addEventListener("statisticschange", e => {
        log("Statistics increment:", e.detail);
        for (const [key, increment] of Object.entries(e.detail)) {
            config.set(`statistics.${key}`, config.get(`statistics.${key}`) + increment);
    // Hooks
    const hooks = [];
    class Hook { // Dummy class for hooks
        constructor(name) { // Register a hook
            this.name = name;
            // hooks.set(name, this);
            this.enabled = config.get(`hooks.${name}`);
        toast(content) { // Indicate that a URL has been intercepted
            log(`Hook "${this.name}": ${content}`);
        async enable() { // Enable the hook
            throw new Error("Over-ride me!");
        async disable() { // Disable the hook
            throw new Error("Over-ride me!");
    // Check location.href (not really a hook, actually)
    const locationHook = new Hook("locationHref");
    locationHook.enable = async function () { // Intercept location.href
        const original = location.href;
        const purified = (await purify(original)).url;
        if (original !== purified) {
            window.stop(); // Stop loading
            this.toast(`Redirect: "${original}" -> "${purified}"`);
    locationHook.disable = async function () { } // Do nothing
    // Mouse-related hooks
    function cloneAndStop(e) { // Clone an event and stop the original
        const newEvt = new e.constructor(e.type, e);
        return newEvt;
    async function mouseHandler(e) { // Intercept mouse events
        const ele = e.composedPath().find(ele => ele.tagName === "A");
        if (ele && !ele.hasAttribute(tag2) && ele.href && !ele.getAttribute("href").startsWith("#")) {
            const href = ele.href;
            if (!href.startsWith("https://") && !href.startsWith("http://")) return; // Ignore non-HTTP(S) URLs
            if (!ele.hasAttribute(tag1)) { // The first to intercept
                ele.toggleAttribute(tag1, true);
                const newEvt = senseless ? null : cloneAndStop(e);
                this.toast(`Intercepted: "${href}"`);
                const purified = await purify(href);
                if (purified.url !== href) {
                    ele.href = purified.url;
                    // if (ele.innerHTML === href) ele.innerHTML = purified.url; // Update the text
                    if (ele.childNodes?.length === 1
                        && ele.firstChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
                        && ele.firstChild.textContent === href) { // Update the text
                        ele.firstChild.textContent = purified.url;
                    this.toast(`Processed: "${ele.href}"`);
                } else {
                    this.toast(`Same: "${ele.href}"`);
                ele.toggleAttribute(tag2, true);
                senseless || ele.dispatchEvent(newEvt);
                ele.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventName, { bubbles: false, cancelable: true }));
            } else { // Someone else has intercepted
                if (!senseless) {
                    const newEvt = cloneAndStop(e);
                    this.toast(`Waiting: "${ele.href}"`);
                    ele.addEventListener(eventName, function () {
                        log(`Waited: "${ele.href}"`);
                    }, { once: true });
    ["click", "mousedown", "auxclick"].forEach((name) => {
        const hook = new Hook(name);
        hook.handler = mouseHandler.bind(hook);
        hook.enable = async function () {
            document.addEventListener(name, this.handler, { capture: true });
        hook.disable = async function () {
            document.removeEventListener(name, this.handler, { capture: true });
    // Listen to `touchstart` event
    async function touchstartHandler(e) { // Always "senseless"
        const ele = e.composedPath().find(ele => ele.tagName === "A");
        if (ele && !ele.hasAttribute(tag1) && !ele.hasAttribute(tag2) && ele.href && !ele.getAttribute("href").startsWith("#")) {
            const href = ele.href;
            if (!href.startsWith("https://") && !href.startsWith("http://")) return; // Ignore non-HTTP(S) URLs
            ele.toggleAttribute(tag1, true);
            this.toast(`Intercepted: "${href}"`);
            const purified = await purify(href);
            if (purified.url !== href) {
                ele.href = purified.url;
                if (ele.innerHTML === href) ele.innerHTML = purified.url; // Update the text
                this.toast(`Processed: "${ele.href}"`);
            } else {
                this.toast(`Same: "${ele.href}"`);
            ele.toggleAttribute(tag2, true);
            ele.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventName, { bubbles: false, cancelable: true }));
    const touchstartHook = new Hook("touchstart");
    touchstartHook.handler = touchstartHandler.bind(touchstartHook);
    touchstartHook.enable = async function () {
        document.addEventListener("touchstart", this.handler, { capture: true });
    touchstartHook.disable = async function () {
        document.removeEventListener("touchstart", this.handler, { capture: true });
    // Hook form submit
    // function submitHandler(e) { // Always "senseless"
    //     let submitter = e.submitter;
    //     const form = submitter.form;
    //     if (!form || form.method !== "get" || form.hasAttribute(tag2)) return;
    //     const url = new URL(form.action, location.href);
    //     if (url.protocol !== "http:" && url.protocol !== "https:") return; // Ignore non-HTTP(S) URLs
    //     if (!form.hasAttribute(tag1)) { // The first to intercept
    //         e.preventDefault();
    //         e.stopImmediatePropagation();
    //         form.toggleAttribute(tag1, true);
    //         for (const input of form.elements) {
    //             url.searchParams.set(input.name, input.value);
    //         }
    //         this.toast(`Intercepted: "${url.href}"`);
    //         purify(url.href).then(result => {
    //             this.toast(`Processed: "${result.url}"`);
    //             const purified = new URL(result.url);
    //             if (purified.href !== url.href) {
    //                 form.action = purified.origin + purified.pathname;
    //                 for (const input of form.elements) {
    //                     if (input.name) {
    //                         if (purified.searchParams.has(input.name)) {
    //                             input.value = purified.searchParams.get(input.name);
    //                             purified.searchParams.delete(input.name);
    //                             input.toggleAttribute("disabled", false);
    //                         } else {
    //                             input.value = "";
    //                             input.toggleAttribute("disabled", true);
    //                             if (submitter === input) submitter = undefined;
    //                         }
    //                     }
    //                 }
    //                 for (const [key, value] of purified.searchParams) {
    //                     const input = document.createElement("input");
    //                     input.type = "hidden";
    //                     input.name = key;
    //                     input.value = value;
    //                     form.appendChild(input);
    //                 }
    //             } else {
    //                 this.toast(`Same: "${form.action}"`);
    //             }
    //             form.toggleAttribute(tag2, true);
    //             form.removeAttribute(tag1);
    //             form.dispatchEvent(new Event(eventName, { bubbles: false, cancelable: true }));
    //             form.requestSubmit(submitter);
    //         });
    //     }
    // }
    // const submitHook = new Hook("submit");
    // submitHook.handler = submitHandler.bind(submitHook);
    // submitHook.enable = async function () {
    //     document.addEventListener("submit", this.handler, { capture: true });
    // }
    // submitHook.disable = async function () {
    //     document.removeEventListener("submit", this.handler, { capture: true });
    // }
    // Intercept window.open
    const openHook = new Hook("windowOpen");
    openHook.original = window.open.bind(window);
    openHook.patched = function (url, target, features) { // Intercept window.open
        if (url && url !== "about:blank" && (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://"))) {
            this.toast(`Intercepted: "${url}"`);
            purify(url).then(purified => {
                this.toast(`Processed: "${purified.url}"`);
                this.original(purified.url, target, features);
            return true; // Ideally, return a window object; however, it's impossible to do so
        } else {
            return this.original(url, target, features);
    openHook.enable = async function () {
        window.open = this.patched;
    openHook.disable = async function () {
        window.open = this.original;
    function patch(orig) { // Patch history functions
        function patched(...args) {
            const url = args[2];
            if (url && (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("//") || url.startsWith("/") || url.startsWith("?"))) {
                this.toast(`Intercepted: "${url}"`);
                const resolved = new URL(url, location.href).href;
                purify(resolved).then(purified => {
                    this.toast(`Processed: "${purified.url}"`);
                    args[2] = purified.url;
                    orig.apply(history, args);
            } else {
                orig.apply(history, args);
        return patched;
    const pushStateHook = new Hook("pushState");
    pushStateHook.original = history.pushState;
    pushStateHook.patched = patch(pushStateHook.original).bind(pushStateHook);
    pushStateHook.enable = async function () {
        history.pushState = pushStateHook.patched;
    pushStateHook.disable = async function () {
        history.pushState = pushStateHook.original;
    const replaceStateHook = new Hook("replaceState");
    replaceStateHook.original = history.replaceState;
    replaceStateHook.patched = patch(replaceStateHook.original).bind(replaceStateHook);
    replaceStateHook.enable = async function () {
        history.replaceState = replaceStateHook.patched;
    replaceStateHook.disable = async function () {
        history.replaceState = replaceStateHook.original;
    // Site-specific hooks
    switch (location.hostname) {
        case "www.bing.com":
        case "cn.bing.com": { // Bing
            // Hook `addEventListener`
            const bingHook = new Hook("bing");
            bingHook.blacklist = { "A": new Set(["mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousedown"]), "P": new Set(["mouseover", "mouseout", "click"]) }
            bingHook.original = HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener;
            bingHook.patched = function (type, listener, options) {
                if (bingHook.blacklist[this.tagName] && bingHook.blacklist[this.tagName].has(type)) { // Block events
                return bingHook.original.call(this, type, listener, options);
            bingHook.enable = async function () {
                HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = bingHook.patched;
            bingHook.disable = async function () {
                HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = bingHook.original;
        default: {
    // Is there more hooks to add?
    // Enable hooks
    const promises = [];
    for (const hook of hooks) {
        hook.enabled && promises.push(hook.enable().then(() => {
            log(`Hook "${hook.name}" enabled.`);
    Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
        log(`[core ${Purlfy.version}] Initialized successfully! 🎉`);
    // Manual purify
    function trim(url) { // Leave at most 100 characters
        return url.length > 100 ? url.slice(0, 100) + "..." : url;
    function showPurify() {
        const url = prompt("Enter the URL to purify:", location.href);
        if (!url) return;
        purify(url).then(result => {
            alert(`Original: ${trim(url)}\nResult (copied): ${trim(result.url)}\nMatched rule: ${result.rule}`);
    config.addEventListener("get", (e) => {
        if (e.detail.prop === "advanced.purify") {