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Turkmaster (Mturk)

A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.

< Feedback op Turkmaster (Mturk)

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 29-08-2015

Can't delete existing watchers

I see where others had this problem, but did not see if anyone found a way around this? I had to reinstall this after getting a new computer. I can't delete the watchers now. Any way to remove them? I have removed the program and reinstalled, but still cannot delete them.

Geplaatst: 29-08-2015

I can't find the post, but someone found out that the Turkopticon extension was interfering with Turkmaster. They were able to delete watchers after uninstalling TO.

It works fine using the TO script instead.

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