
Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.

< Feedback op YoutubeDL


Geplaatst: 01-08-2024

doesn't work

Geplaatst: 02-08-2024

Hello there,

Could you provide details?

Geplaatst: 02-08-2024

Hello, even on isntallation process it reports some errors (see attachments).
You can ignore the error tho and install the script, however, on youtube video page nothing changes, there are no any new buttons for downloading.

Geplaatst: 02-08-2024

Hey there, YoutubeDL isnt supported by ViolentMonkey. Use Tampermonkey instead.

Geplaatst: 02-08-2024

Hey there, YoutubeDL isnt supported by ViolentMonkey. Use Tampermonkey instead.

Oh... didn't knew, alright, good to know.

Geplaatst: 02-08-2024

Sorry. I had tried my best to make it work with ViolentMonkey but I simply could not getting it to work without it breaking on tampermonkey aswell. I recommend you switch to tampermonkey to enjoy YoutubeDL.

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