Voorafgaand aan de installatie wil Greasy Fork je waarschuwen dat dit script functies voor eigen gewin van de maker bevat in plaats van functies die voor jouw gewin.
Dit script bevat code die je volgt tijdens het bezoeken van websites.
The best mope.io hack out there, ALL SKINS UNLOCKER BOT (SEE VID IN DESC FOR TUTORIAL), MOVEMENT LOCKER! PRESS Z FOR LOCKER. Hotkeys (V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALLSKINS, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, REMOVE ADS, CUSTOM CURSOR). Auto-see people underwater and in holes. You can see people who are invisible too!
We're here with a new release of a Mope.io script!
The best mope.io hack out there, bots coming soon! Hotkeys: Z = LOCK MOVEMENT, C = TOGGLE AUTOBOOST, X = TOGGLE AUTO DIVE, V = TOGGLE RESPAWN BOT / ALL SKINS, REMOVE ADS = AUTO, CUSTOM CURSOR = AUTO. Auto-see people underwater and in holes (broken). You can see people who are invisible too! (broken)
This script will be updated with bots soon. Join https://discord.gg/UYHqCsY for more features!
Made with love, from Zyenith