MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED

Script automating MH horn sounding and gifting, mostly functional as of 14/04/2024; updating the outdated script from nobodyrandom, who adapted the original versions by CnN and Ooi.

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Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Deleted user 801240
Geplaatst: 07-08-2021

Scaffolding Code for Auto QCGT Mapping Function. Automatically Snipes PP/CQ/QR/Corky. Requires Mapping Helper Script.

function check(){
magic_dict_qr = ["Croquet Crusher", "Croquet Crusher","Pump Raider","Tiny Saboteur", "Sleepy Merchant",]
magic_dict_pp = {"Bland Queso": ["Spice Seer","Old Spice Collector"],
"Mild Queso": ["Spice Farmer", "Granny Spice"],
"Medium Queso": ["Spice Finder","Spice Sovereign",],
"Hot Queso": ["Spice Reaper","Spice Raider",]};
magic_dict_cq = {"Bland Queso": ["Chip Chiseler","Tiny Toppler"],
"Mild Queso": ["Ore Chipper", "Rubble Rummager"],
"Medium Queso": ["Nachore Golem", "Rubble Rouser",],
"Hot Queso": ["Grampa Golem", "Fiery Crusher",]};
magic_dict_qg = {"Bland Queso": ["Fuzzy Drake"],
"Mild Queso": ["Cork Defender",],
"Medium Queso": ["Burly Bruiser",],
"Hot Queso": ["Corky, the Collector","Horned Cork Hoarder"],
"Flamin' Queso": [ "Rambunctious Rain Rumbler"],
"Wildfire Queso": ["Corkataur"]};
magic_dict_qg2 = {"Mild Queso": ["Warming Wyvern",],
"Medium Queso": ["Steam Sailor",],
"Hot Queso": ["Vaporior"],
"Flamin' Queso": ["Pyrehyde"],
"Wildfire Queso": ["Emberstone Scaled"]};
if (true){
qg_bait = ["Hot Queso","Medium Queso", "Mild Queso", "Bland Queso"]
let remaining_mice = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("tsitu-maptem-mapmice"));
if (remaining_mice == null) return;
console.plog("Mode = 2");
if (user.environment_name == "Prickly Plains"){
if (objBestTrap.weapon.arcane[0] == "" ) objBestTrap.weapon.arcane.shift();
if(user.bait_name == "SUPER|brie+") checkThenArm(null, 'bait', "Medium Queso");
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
console.plog("user in pp");
qg_bait = ["Bland Queso", "Mild Queso", "Medium Queso", "Hot Queso"]
for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
console.log("checking", check_bait);
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_pp[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
console.log(check_bait, "present")
for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_cq[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
console.plog(findCommonElements(magic_dict_pp["Bland Queso"], remaining_mice));
if (user.environment_name == "Cantera Quarry"){
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.shadow);
console.plog("user in cq");
for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
console.log("checking", check_bait);
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_cq[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
console.log(check_bait, "present")
let temp = true;
for (const check_bait of qg_bait){
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
temp = false;
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Mild Queso');
if (user.environment_name == "Queso Geyser"){
console.log("before", objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
if (objBestTrap.weapon.draconic[0] == "" ) {objBestTrap.weapon.draconic.shift(); console.log("reached 2");}
console.log("after", objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.draconic);
if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state != "collecting") {console.log("wrong stage"); return;}
if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "collecting"){
ext = ["Flamin' Queso", "Wildfire Queso"]
for (const check_bait of ext.concat(qg_bait)){
console.log("checking", check_bait);
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
console.log(check_bait, "present")
if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "corked") {
for (const check_bait of ext.concat(qg_bait)){
console.log("checking", check_bait);
if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.max_pressure == 35) {qg_bait = ["Mild Queso", "Bland Queso", "Hot Queso", "Medium Queso"]}
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qg2[check_bait], remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', check_bait);
console.log(check_bait, "present")
if (user.quests.QuestQuesoGeyser.state == "collecting") {
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
if (user.environment_name == "Queso River") {
if (findCommonElements(magic_dict_qr, remaining_mice)){
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'SUPER');
else {
checkThenArm('best', 'weapon', objBestTrap.weapon.arcane);
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
checkThenArm(null, 'bait', 'Bland Queso');
//console.plog(user.environment_name == "Cantera Quarry");

function Travel(location) {;
window.setTimeout(function () { reloadWithMessage("Fail to retrieve data. Reloading...", false); }, 5000);

function findCommonElements(arr1, arr2) {
if (arr1 == null || arr2 == null) return;
return arr1.some(item => arr2.includes(item))

Geplaatst: 15-08-2022

added this; @require for the script does not work as it is unapproved

Geplaatst: 16-08-2022

How does this work? I don't see any option or button for it. Have mapping helper installed.

Geplaatst: 30-11-2022

How does this work? I don't see any option or button for it. Have mapping helper installed.

hey! sorry, I do not really know how it works but I included it in case someone would know how to use it

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