Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.
< Feedback op CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65)
The message filtering within TinyChat room options is a bit bugged, not much can be done to fix that but advise users turn it off especially if it acts against moderators.
It doesn't prove effective at all, if you do need the ability to block the keyword cryptography or a certain sentence you may through the keyword block feature in CTS; you may ban/kick upon receiving those messages but it won't foul out another moderator. :)
Users will appreciate knowing this, thank you.
Script: CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.47)
Issue: Unintended system-level integration function
Example: A TinyChat room has been set with the "Message Filtering" option enabled, and set with the keyword "cryptography" to be filtered. A user in the room invokes the Urban Dictionary lookup function (!urb) followed by a word/term to lookup. If the resulting UD definition returned by the moderated user account running this script contains any defined filtered keyword such as "cryptography" within the resulting text of the definition, that user (moderator) is autokicked.
I realize this is not a bug, but the result of unintended system-level integration with this script.