ppixiv for Pixiv

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< Feedback op ppixiv for Pixiv

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 23-01-2023

There used to be a "view manga pages" button on the thumbnail for multi-page results, next to the "expand manga pages" one with the page count. If it's not missing due to a bug, any chance it can come back?

Geplaatst: 23-01-2023

You can access it from the context menu: right-click on a thumbnail and select the "View manga pages" button in the top row. It was a bit cluttered in the thumbnail, and this can be accessed anywhere (such as while viewing an image).

Geplaatst: 23-01-2023

I'd argue it didn't look too cluttered to me, but I'll take it, thanks! Any way to make it clickable with the scroll wheel so it opens in a new tab?

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