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Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 03-03-2019

Not Working

Doesn't click it, although attributes are still right...

Geplaatst: 03-03-2019

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I just tested the script version 2.3 with Firefox 65.0.2, Tampermonkey 4.8.5847 and it still works fine. Can you reproduce with a fresh profile? I also got a ton of other extensions like uBO running, but I don't think they interfere to make the script work.

tldr: Cannot reproduce, please more info.

Geplaatst: 19-03-2019

Please provide info to let me reproduce.

Geplaatst: 15-05-2019

Sorry for the late response. Using version 2.3, Firefox 66.0.5, Tampermonkey 4.9.5921. I deactivated all other scripts. Also it shows your script did run once while visting after login, but it doesn't switch to Email tab. :/

Geplaatst: 16-05-2019

Hmm. Does it work for you, if you add // @run-at document-start to the metadata section at the top?

Geplaatst: 17-05-2019

That did actually fix it! Thanks a lot :)

Geplaatst: 17-05-2019
Bijgewerkt: 17-05-2019

Nice, I'll give it an update. Strange thing is, it works for me every time, even without // @run-at document-start.

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