TVShow Time - T411, CPasBien and Google search button

Provide a "Search in , CPasBien or Google" button in the "show" and "to-watch" pages

< Feedback op TVShow Time - T411, CPasBien and Google search button

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

z 2
Geplaatst: 16-11-2015

Pull request

Could you urlencode the search terms instead of replacing spaces with '+' sign please ?
This code shoud be posted to github!
Thank you!

Geplaatst: 16-11-2015
Could you urlencode the search terms instead of replacing spaces with '+' sign please ?
This code shoud be posted to github!
Thank you!

It does not work with urlencode, and this function only replace characters by others.

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