Filter Kick emojis, words & Set Character Limit

will remove all emojis and limit the messages to 75 characters ( you can change filters below)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Filter Kick emojis, words & Set Character Limit
// @namespace    no
// @version      0.3
// @description  will remove all emojis and limit the messages to 75 characters ( you can change filters below)
// @author       restrictedword (discord)
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
! function() {
    "use strict";
    console.log("Chat Optimization script loaded.");
    const e = {
        characterLimit: 75,
        whitelistedEmojis: ["emojiExample", "emojiOther"],
        blockedWords: ["word1", "Word1", "Word 1"]

    function t() {
        const o = e.whitelistedEmojis.length,
            n = e.blockedWords.length;
        document.querySelectorAll(".chat-entry").forEach((t => {
            const c = t.querySelectorAll('[data-emote-name*="emoji"]'),
                r = t.querySelector(".chat-entry-content"),
                l = o > 0 && Array.from(c).some((t => t.getAttribute("data-emote-name").includes(e.whitelistedEmojis))),
                i = r && r.textContent.length > e.characterLimit,
                s = n > 0 && e.blockedWords.some((e => r && r.textContent.trim().includes(e)));
            (c.length > 0 && !l || i || s) && t.remove()
        0 === document.querySelectorAll(".chat-entry").length && setTimeout(t, 2e3)
    console.log("Waiting for DOM content to load..."), window.onload = () => {
        console.log("DOM content loaded."), t(),
            function() {
                const e = new MutationObserver((e => {
                        for (const o of e) "childList" === o.type && t()
                    o = document.querySelector(".chat-container");
                o ? (e.observe(o, {
                    childList: !0,
                    subtree: !0
                }), console.log("Observer set up.")) : console.log("Chat container not found.")