Omgå Alle Kortlenker

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< Feedback on Omgå Alle Kortlenker

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 15.06.2023

Just wondering if the author(bloggerpemula) is allright/well? Since the creation of script in Aug 31,2021; this is the first time its been 20+ days since the last update.

I hope you are doing well

Posted: 16.06.2023

Happy to know that i was not the only one worried. I just came to see what is going on.

Posted: 16.06.2023

Thank you all for your attention, i'm fine here but i don't have much time to update my script , because my third son has been born

Posted: 18.06.2023

Thank you all for your attention, i'm fine here but i don't have much time to update my script , because my third son has been born

Congratulations. Hope you are having a great time with him :)

Posted: 20.06.2023

Thank you all for your attention, i'm fine here but i don't have much time to update my script , because my third son has been born

Your son is lucky to have a very smart father like you.

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