AIGPT Everywhere

Mini A.I. floating menu that can define words, answer questions, translate, and much more in a single click and with your custom prompts. Includes useful click to search on Google and copy selected text buttons, along with Rocker+Mouse Gestures and Units+Currency+Time zone Converters, all features can be easily modified or disabled.

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Du vil kanskje også like Precise Time Converter on Google.

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// ==UserScript==
// @name               AIGPT Everywhere
// @namespace          OperaBrowserGestures
// @description        Mini A.I. floating menu that can define words, answer questions, translate, and much more in a single click and with your custom prompts. Includes useful click to search on Google and copy selected text buttons, along with Rocker+Mouse Gestures and Units+Currency+Time zone Converters, all features can be easily modified or disabled.
// @version            74
// @author             hacker09
// @include            *
// @exclude  *
// @icon     
// @grant              GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant              GM_getResourceText
// @grant              GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant              GM_setClipboard
// @grant              GM_deleteValue
// @grant              GM_openInTab
// @grant              window.close
// @run-at             document-end
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @connect  
// @connect  
// @resource           AIMenuContent
// @require  
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint esversion: 11 */

const BypassTT = window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy('BypassTT', { createHTML: HTML => HTML }); //Bypass trustedTypes

if ((location.href === '' && document.querySelector(".apikey-link") !== null) && GM_getValue("APIKey") === undefined || GM_getValue("APIKey") === null || GM_getValue("APIKey") === '') { //Set up the API Key
  window.onload = setTimeout(function() {
    document.querySelectorAll(".apikey-link")[1].click(); //Click on the API Key
    setTimeout(function() {
      GM_setValue("APIKey", document.querySelector(".apikey-text").innerText); //Store the API Key
      (GM_getValue("APIKey") !== undefined && GM_getValue("APIKey") !== null && GM_getValue("APIKey") !== '') ? alert('API Key automatically added!') : alert('Failed to automatically add API Key!');
    }, 500);
  }, 1000);

if (GM_getValue("SearchHighlight") === undefined) { //Set up everything on the first run
  GM_setValue("SearchHighlight", true);
  GM_setValue("MouseGestures", true);
  GM_setValue("TimeConverter", true);
  GM_setValue("UnitsConverter", true);
  GM_setValue("CurrenciesConverter", true);

function ToggleFeature(feature)
  GM_setValue(feature, GM_getValue(feature) === true ? false : true);

//Mouse Gestures__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("MouseGestures") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Mouse Gestures`, function() { ToggleFeature("MouseGestures"); });

if (GM_getValue("MouseGestures") === true) //If the MouseGestures is enabled
  var link;

  document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(el => {
    el.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
      link = this.href; //Store the hovered link

    el.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
      const previousLink = link; //Save the hovered link
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (previousLink === link) { //Check if the same link is still hovered
          link = 'about:newtab'; //Open a new tab
      }, 200);

  const funcs = { //Store the MouseGestures functions

    'DL': function() { //Detect the Down+Left movement
      GM_openInTab(location.href, { incognito: true, });;

    'L': function() { //Detect the Left movement

    'R': function() { //Detect the Right movement

    'D': function(e) { //Detect the Down movement
      if (e.shiftKey) {
        open(link, '_blank', 'height=' + screen.height + ',width=' + screen.width);
      else {
        GM_openInTab(link, { active: true, insert: true, setParent: true });

    'UD': function() { //Detect the Up+Down movement

    'DR': function(e) { //Detect the Down+Right movement

    'DU': function() { //Detect the Down+Up movement
      GM_openInTab(link, { active: false, insert: true, setParent: true });

  //Math codes to track the mouse movement gestures
  var x, y, path;
  const TOLERANCE = 3;
  const SENSITIVITY = 3;
  const s = 1 << ((7 - SENSITIVITY) << 1);
  const t1 = Math.tan(0.15708 * TOLERANCE),t2 = 1 / t1;

  const tracer = function(e) {
    var cx = e.clientX, cy = e.clientY, deltaX = cx - x, deltaY = cy - y, distance = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
    if (distance > s) {
      var slope = Math.abs(deltaY / deltaX), direction = '';
      if (slope > t1) {
        direction = deltaY > 0 ? 'D' : 'U';
      } else if (slope <= t2) {
        direction = deltaX > 0 ? 'R' : 'L';
      if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) !== direction) {
        path += direction;
      x = cx;
      y = cy;

  window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
    if (e.which === 3) {
      x = e.clientX;
      y = e.clientY;
      path = "";
      window.addEventListener('mousemove', tracer, false); //Detect the mouse position
  }, false);

  window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) { //When the right click BTN is released
    window.removeEventListener('mousemove', tracer, false); //Track the mouse movements
    if (path !== "") {
      if (funcs.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
  }, false);

//Rocker Mouse Gestures___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Rocker Gestures`, function() { ToggleFeature("RockerMouseGestures"); });

if (GM_getValue("RockerMouseGestures") === true) //If the RockerMouseGestures is enabled
  const mouseState = { 0: false, 2: false }; //0: Left, 2: Right

  window.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
    mouseState[e.button] = false; //Update the state for the released button

    if (mouseState[0] && !mouseState[2]) { //Left clicked, Right released
    } else if (mouseState[2] && !mouseState[0]) { //Right clicked, Left released
  }, false);

  window.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
    mouseState[e.button] = true; //Update the state for the pressed button
  }, false);

//Search HighLight + Time + Currencies + Units Converters + Search HighLight + AI menus___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("SearchHighlight") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Search Highlight`, function() { ToggleFeature("SearchHighlight"); });

if (GM_getValue("SearchHighlight") === true) //If the SearchHighlight is enabled
  var SelectedText;
  const Links = new RegExp(/\.org|\.ly|\.net|\.co|\.tv|\.me|\.biz|\.club|\.site|\.br|\.gov|\.io|\.ai|\.jp|\.edu|\.au|\.in|\.it|\.ca|\.mx|\.fr|\.tw|\.il|\.uk|\.zoom\.us|\.youtu\.be|\.com|\.us|\.de|\.cn|\.ru|\.es|\.ch|\.nl|\.se|\.no|\.dk|\.fi|\.pl|\.tr|\.xyz|\.za/i);

  document.body.addEventListener('mouseup', async function() { //When the user releases the mouse click after selecting something = 'block'; //Display the container div
    SelectedText = getSelection().toString().trim(); //Store the selected text
    shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerText = ''; //Remove the previous Units/Currency text

    function ShowConvertion(UnitORCurrency, Type, Result) {
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN span")?.remove(); //Return previous HTML
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)('<span class="GreyBar">│ </span>' + shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerHTML);

      if (UnitORCurrency === 'Currencies') {
        const hasSymbol = SelectedText.match(Currencies)[2].match(CurrencySymbols) !== null;
        const currencyFormat = Intl.NumberFormat(navigator.language, {
          style: 'currency',
          currency: GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")

        const displayText = hasSymbol ? (Type + ' 🠂 ' + currencyFormat) : currencyFormat;
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(displayText);
        UnitORCurrency === 'Units' ? shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(`${Result} ${Type}`) : shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(Result); //Show the converted time results

      setTimeout(() => { //Wait for Units to show up to get the right offsetWidth
        const offsetWidth = shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").offsetWidth; //Store the current menu size
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmouseover = function() { //When the mouse hovers the unit/currency
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(`Copy`);
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").style.display = 'inline-flex';
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").style.width = `${offsetWidth}px`; //Maintain the aspect ratio
      }, 0);

      const htmlcode = shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML; //Save the converted unit/currency value
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onmouseout = function() { //When the mouse leaves the unit/currency
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").style.width = ''; //Return the original aspect ratio
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").style.display = ''; //Return the original aspect ratio
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(htmlcode); //Return the previous html

      shadowRoot.querySelector("#ShowCurrencyORUnits").onclick = function() { //When the unit/currency is clicked
        UnitORCurrency.match(/Units|Time/) ? GM_setClipboard(`${Result} ${Type}`) : GM_setClipboard(Intl.NumberFormat(navigator.language, { style: 'currency', currency: GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency") }).format(Result));

    function Get(url) { //Get the final converted time/currency value
      return new Promise(resolve => GM.xmlHttpRequest({
        method: "GET",
        url: url,
        onload: response => resolve(new DOMParser().parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'))

    //Time Converter______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("TimeConverter") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Time Converter`, function() { ToggleFeature("TimeConverter"); });
    const time = new RegExp(/^[ \t\xA0]*(?=.*?(\d{1,2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2})?\s?(?:[aApP]\.?[mM]\.?)?)|\d{1,2}(?::\d{2}(?::\d{2})?)?\s?(?:[aApP]\.?[mM]\.?)?)(?=.*?(PST|PDT|MST|MDT|CST|CDT|EST|EDT|AST|ADT|NST|NDT|GMT|BST|MET|CET|CEST|EET|EEST|WET|WEST|JST|KST|IST|MSK|UTC))(?:\1[ \t\xA0]*\2|\2[ \t\xA0]*\1)[ \t\xA0]*$/i);

    if (GM_getValue("TimeConverter") === true && SelectedText.match(time) !== null) //If the TimeConverter is enabled and if the selected text is a time
      const timeResponse = await Get(`${SelectedText.match(time)[0].replace("WET", "Western European Time")} to local time`);
      const ConvertedTime = timeResponse.querySelector(".aCAqKc")?.innerText;
      const Secs = SelectedText.match(time)[0].match(/(?:\d{1,2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})\s?[ap]\.?m)/i)?.[1] || '';
      ConvertedTime && ShowConvertion('Time', '', ConvertedTime.replace(/(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})\s?([pP][mM])/, (_, h, m) => `${(h % 12 + 12) % 24}:${m}`).match(/[\d:]+/g)[0] + Secs); //Convert PM to 24-hour format if we got the final time convertion value

    //Currencies Converter________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("CurrenciesConverter") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Currencies Converter`, function() { ToggleFeature("CurrenciesConverter"); });
    const CurrencySymbols = new RegExp(/AU\$|HK\$|US\$|\$US|R\$|\$|¥|€|Rp|Kč|kr(?!w)|zł|£|฿|₩|лв|₪|円|₱|₽|руб|lei|Fr|krw|RON|TRY|₿|Br|₾|₴|₸|₺/i);
    const Currencies = new RegExp(/^[ \t\xA0]*\$?(?=.*?(\d+(?:.*\d+)?))(?=(?:\1[ \t\xA0]*)?(Dólares|dolares|dólares|dollars?|AU\$?D?|BGN|BRL|BCH|BTC|BYN|CAD|CHF|Fr|CNY|CZK|DKK|EUR|EGP|ETH|GBP|GEL|HKD|HUF|IDR|ILS|INR|JPY|LTC|KRW|MXN|NOK|NZD|PHP|PLN|RON|RUB|SEK|SGD|THB|TRY|USD|UAH|ZAR|KZT|YTL|\$|R\$|HK\$|US\$|\$US|¥|€|Rp|Kč|kr|krw|zł|£|฿|₩|лв|₪|円|₱|₽|руб|lei|Kč|₿|Br|₾|₴|₸|₺))(?:\1[ \t\xA0]*\2|\2[ \t\xA0]*\1)[ \t\xA0]*$/i); // Davidebyzero

    if (GM_getValue("CurrenciesConverter") === true && SelectedText.match(Currencies) !== null) { //If Currencies Converter is enabled and if the selected text is a currency
      if (GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency") === undefined) {
        const UserInput = prompt('Write your local currency.\nThe script will always use your local currency to make exchange-rate conversions.\n\n*Currency input examples:\nBRL\nCAD\nUSD\netc...\n\n*Press OK');
        GM_setValue("YourLocalCurrency", UserInput);
      const currencyMap = { 'AU$': 'AUD', '$': 'USD', 'us$': 'USD', '$us': 'USD', 'r$': 'BRL', 'hk$': 'HKD', '¥': 'JPY', '€': 'EUR', 'rp': 'IDR', 'kč': 'CZK', 'kr': 'NOK', 'zł': 'PLN', '£': 'GBP', '฿': 'THB', '₩': 'KRW', 'лв': 'BGN', '₪': 'ILS', '円': 'JPY', '₱': 'PHP', '₽': 'RUB', 'руб': 'RUB', 'lei': 'RON', 'ron': 'Romanian Leu', 'krw': 'KRW', 'fr': 'CHF', '₿': 'BTC', 'Br': 'BYN', '₾': 'GEL', '₴': 'UAH', '₸': 'KZT', '₺': 'YTL', 'try': 'Turkish Lira' };
      const CurrencySymbol = currencyMap[SelectedText.match(CurrencySymbols)?.[0].toUpperCase()] || SelectedText.match(Currencies)[2]; //Store the currency symbol

      const currencyResponse = await Get(`${SelectedText.match(Currencies)[1].replaceAll(/\.|,/g, '')} ${CurrencySymbol} in ${GM_getValue("YourLocalCurrency")}`);
      const FinalCurrency = parseFloat(currencyResponse.querySelector(".SwHCTb, .pclqee").innerText.split(' ')[0].replaceAll(',', '')); //Store the FinalCurrency and erase all commas
      ShowConvertion('Currencies', CurrencySymbol, FinalCurrency);

    //Units Converter_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    GM_registerMenuCommand(`${GM_getValue("UnitsConverter") ? "Disable" : "Enable"} Units Converter`, function() { ToggleFeature("UnitsConverter"); });
    const conversionMap = {};
    const Units = new RegExp(/^[ \t\xA0]*(-?\d+(?:[., ]\d+)?)(?:[ \t\xA0]*x[ \t\xA0]*(-?\d+(?:[., ]\d+)?))?[ \t\xA0]*(in|inch|inches|"|”|″|cm|cms|centimeters?|m|mt|mts|meters?|ft|kg|lbs?|pounds?|kilograms?|ounces?|g|ozs?|fl oz|fl oz (us)|fluid ounces?|kphs?|km\/h|kilometers per hours?|mhp|mphs?|meters per hours?|(?:°\s?|º\s?|)(?:degrees?\s+)?(?:celsius|fahrenheit|[CF])|km\/hs?|ml|milliliters?|l|liters?|litres?|gal|gallons?|yards?|yd|Millimeter|millimetre|kilometers?|mi|mm|miles?|km|ft|fl|feets?|grams?|kilowatts?|kws?|brake horsepower|mechanical horsepower|hps?|bhps?|miles per gallons?|mpgs?|liters per 100 kilometers?|lt?\/100km|liquid quarts?|lqs?|qt|foot-? ?pounds?|ft-?lbs?|lb fts?|newton-? ?meters?|n·?m|\^\d+)[ \t\xA0]*(?:\(\w+\)[ \t\xA0]*)?$/i); // Davidebyzero

    function addConversion(keys, unit, factor, convert) { //Helper function to add multiple keys with the same value
      keys.forEach(key => { conversionMap[key] = { unit, factor, convert }; });

    if (GM_getValue("UnitsConverter") === true && SelectedText.match(Units) !== null) { //If the Units Converter option is enabled and if the selected text is an unit
      addConversion(['inch', 'inches', 'in', '"', '”', '″'], 'cm', 2.54);
      addConversion(['centimeter', 'centimeters', 'cm', 'cms'], 'in', 1/2.54);
      addConversion(['meter', 'meters', 'm', 'mt', 'mts'], 'ft', 3.281);
      addConversion(['kilogram', 'kilograms', 'kg'], 'lb', 2.205);
      addConversion(['pound', 'pounds', 'lb', 'lbs'], 'kg', 1/2.205);
      addConversion(['ounce', 'ounces', 'oz', 'ozs'], 'g', 28.35);
      addConversion(['gram', 'grams', 'g'], 'oz', 1/28.35);
      addConversion(['kilometer', 'kilometers', 'km'], 'mi', 1/1.609);
      addConversion(['kph', 'kphs', 'km/h', 'km/hs', 'kilometers per hour', 'kilometers per hours'], 'mph', 0.621371);
      addConversion(['mph', 'mphs', 'meters per hour', 'meters per hours'], 'km/h', 1.609);
      addConversion(['mi', 'mile', 'miles'], 'km', 1.609);
      addConversion(['°c', 'ºc', 'celsius', 'degrees celsius', '° celsius', 'º celsius'], '°F', null, v => (v*9/5)+32);
      addConversion(['°f', 'ºf', 'fahrenheit', 'degrees fahrenheit', '° fahrenheit', 'º fahrenheit'], '°C', null, v => (v-32)*5/9);
      addConversion(['milliliter', 'milliliters', 'ml'], 'fl oz (US)', 1/29.574);
      addConversion(['fl oz (US)', 'fl oz', 'fl', 'fluid ounce', 'fluid ounces'], 'ml', 29.574);
      addConversion(['litre', 'liter', 'litres', 'liters', 'l'], 'gal (US)', 1/3.785);
      addConversion(['gal', 'gallon', 'gallons'], 'l', 3.785);
      addConversion(['yard', 'yards', 'yd'], 'm', 1/1.094);
      addConversion(['millimetre', 'millimeters', 'millimetres', 'mm'], 'in', 1/25.4);
      addConversion(['feet', 'feets', 'ft'], 'm', 0.3048);
      addConversion(['kilowatt', 'kilowatts', 'kw', 'kws'], 'hp', 1.341);
      addConversion(['mhp', 'mhps', 'hp', 'hps', 'brake horsepower', 'mechanical horsepower'], 'kW', 1/1.341);
      addConversion(['mpg', 'mpgs', 'miles per gallon', 'miles per gallons'], 'l/100km', null, v => 235.215/v);
      addConversion(['l/100km','lt/100km', 'liters per 100 kilometer', 'liters per 100 kilometers'], 'mpg (US)', null, v => 235.215/v);
      addConversion(['qt', 'lq', 'lqs', 'liquid quart', 'liquid quarts'], 'l', 1/1.057);
      addConversion(['foot-pound', 'foot-pounds', 'foot pound', 'foot pounds', 'ft-lbs', 'ft-lb', 'ft lbs', 'ft lb', 'lb ft', 'lb-ft'], 'Nm', 1.3558179483);
      addConversion(['nm','n·m', 'newton-meter', 'newton-meters', 'newton meter', 'newton meters'], 'lbf ft', 1/1.3558179483);

      const selectedUnitType = SelectedText.match(Units)[3].toLowerCase();
      const SelectedUnitValue = SelectedText.match(Units)[1].replaceAll(',', '.');
      const SecondSelectedUnitValue = SelectedText.match(Units)[2]?.replaceAll(',', '.') || 0;

      const convertValue = (value, unitType) => {
        const { factor, convert } = conversionMap[unitType] || {};
        return convert ? convert(value) : value * factor;

      var NewUnit = conversionMap[selectedUnitType]?.unit || selectedUnitType;
      var ConvertedUnit = SecondSelectedUnitValue != 0 ? `${convertValue(parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue), selectedUnitType).toFixed(2)} x ${convertValue(parseFloat(SecondSelectedUnitValue), selectedUnitType).toFixed(2)}` : convertValue(parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue), selectedUnitType).toFixed(2);
      ConvertedUnit = SelectedText.match(/\^(\d+\.?\d*)/) ? (NewUnit = 'power', Math.pow(parseFloat(SelectedUnitValue), parseFloat(SelectedText.match(/\^(\d+\.?\d*)/)[1]))) : ConvertedUnit;
      ShowConvertion('Units', NewUnit, ConvertedUnit);

    //Mini Menu___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    if (shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText === 'Open') //If the Search BTN text is 'Open'
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu > ul").style.paddingInlineStart = '19px'; //Increase the menu size
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText = 'Search'; //Display the BTN text as Search again
      shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".AI-BG-box button").forEach(button => { = ''; }); //Remove the margin left
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#OpenAfter").remove(); //Remove the custom Open white hover overlay

    if (SelectedText.match(Links) !== null) //If the selected text is a link
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu > ul").style.paddingInlineStart = '27px'; //Increase the menu size
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").innerText = 'Open'; //Change the BTN text to Open
      shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".AI-BG-box button").forEach(button => { = '-2%'; }); //Add a margin left
      shadowRoot.innerHTML += (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(` <style id="OpenAfter"> #SearchBTN::after { width: 177% !important; transform: translate(-34%, -71%) !important; } </style> `); //Add a custom Open white hover overlay

    shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN").onmousedown = function() {
      GM_openInTab(SelectedText.match(Links) !== null ? SelectedText.replace(/^(?!https?:\/\/)(.+)$/, 'https://$1') : '' + SelectedText.replaceAll('&', '%26').replace(/\s+/g, ' '), { active: true, setParent: true, loadInBackground: true }); //Open link or google and search for the selected text
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").classList.remove('show'); //Hide the menu

    const menu = shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu");
    if (document.getSelection().toString().trim() !== '') { //If text has been selected
      const p = document.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect(); //Store the selected position

      menu.classList.add('show'); //Show the menu
      menu.offsetHeight; //Trigger reflow by forcing a style calculation = p.left + (p.width / 2) - (menu.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; = - menu.offsetHeight - 10 + 'px';

      return; //Keep the menu open
    menu.classList.remove('show'); //Hide the menu
    shadowRoot.querySelector("#SearchBTN span")?.remove(); //Return previous HTML
  }); //Finishes the mouseup event listener

  //AI Menu_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  var desiredVoice = null, isRecognizing = false;
  const HtmlMenu = document.createElement('div'); //Create a container div
  HtmlMenu.setAttribute('style', `width: 0px; height: 0px; display: none;`); //Hide the container div by default
  const shadowRoot = HtmlMenu.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' });
  const UniqueLangs = navigator.languages.filter((l, i, arr) => !arr.slice(0, i).some(e => e.split('-')[0].toLowerCase() === l.split('-')[0].toLowerCase()) ); //Filter unique languages
  const Lang = UniqueLangs.length > 1 ? `${UniqueLangs[0]} and into ${UniqueLangs[1]}` : UniqueLangs[0]; //Use 1 or 2 languages

  shadowRoot.innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(GM_getResourceText("AIMenuContent")); //Set the AI menu HTML+CSS

  function Generate(Prompt, button) { //Call the AI endpoint
    const context = !!shadowRoot.querySelector("") ? `(You're not allowed to say anything like "Based on the provided text")\n"${Prompt} mainly base yourself on the text below\n${document.body.innerText}` : Prompt; //Add the page context if context is enabled
    const isQuestion = Prompt.includes('?') ? 'Give me a very short, then a long detailed answer' : 'Help me further understand/learn a term or topic from the text/word';
    const isWord = Prompt.split(' ').length < 5 ? `After showing (in order) "${Prompt}", a few possible "Synonyms: (Don't use bullet points for Synonyms)", "Definition:" and "Example:".` : '';
    const AIFunction = button.match('translate') ? `(You're not allowed to say anything like (The text is already in ${UniqueLangs[0]}\nNo translation is needed).\Translate into ${Lang} the following text:\n"${Prompt}".\n${isWord}${UniqueLangs.length > 1 ? `You must answer using only 1 language first, then use only the other language, don't mix both languages! ${Prompt} should be translated for the 2nd language` : ''}` : button.match('Prompt') ? context : `(PS*I'm unable to provide you with more context, so don't ask for it! Also, don't mention that I haven't provided context or anything similar to it!). ${isQuestion}: "${Prompt}"`; //AI prompts
    const msg = button.match('translate') ? `Translate this text: "${Prompt.length > 215 ? Prompt.trim().slice(0, 215) + '…' : Prompt.trim()}"` : button.match('Prompt') ? Prompt.length > 240 ? Prompt.trim().slice(0, 240) + '…' : Prompt.trim() : `Help me further explore a term or topic from the text: "${Prompt.length > 180 ? Prompt.trim().slice(0, 180) + '…' : Prompt.trim()}"`; //User text

    function handleState(state) { //Show #AIMenu + #dictate but hide #TopPause for the load/abort states. Do the opposite for the 'start' state.
      ["#AIMenu", "#dictate", "#TopPause"].forEach(el => {
        if (el === "#TopPause") {
          shadowRoot.querySelector(el).classList[state !== 'start' ? 'remove' : 'add']('show');
        } else {
          shadowRoot.querySelector(el).classList[state !== 'start' ? 'add' : 'remove']('show');

    const Generating = setInterval(function() { //Start the interval to change the text
      if (shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerText === 'ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ▋') { //Start the if condition
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerText = 'ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ'; //Remove ▋
      } else { //Toggle between showing and hiding ▋
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerText = 'ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ▋'; //Add ▋
    }, 200);

    const request = GM.xmlHttpRequest({ //Call the AI API
      method: "POST",
      url: `${GM_getValue("APIKey")}`,
      responseType: 'stream',
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      data: JSON.stringify({
        contents: [{
          parts: [{
            text: `${AIFunction}` //Use the AI prompt
        safetySettings: [ //Allow all content
          { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
          { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
          { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" },
          { category: "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT", threshold: "BLOCK_NONE" }
      onerror: function(err) {
        clearInterval(Generating); //Stop showing ▋
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#msg").innerHTML = 'Error';
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(`<br>Please copy and paste the error below:<br><a class="feedback" href="">Click here to report this bug</a><br><br> Prompt: ${Prompt}<br> Button: ${button}<br> Error: <pre>${JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)}</pre><br><br><br>`);
      onload: function(response) {
      onabort: function(response) {
        clearInterval(Generating); //Stop showing ▋
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)('<div>ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤResponse has been interrupted.<div>');
      onloadstart: function(response) {
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#msg").innerHTML = msg;

        shadowRoot.querySelector("#copyAnswer").onclick = function() {
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#copyAnswer").style.display = 'none';
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#AnswerCopied").style.display = 'inline-flex';
          GM_setClipboard(shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerText.replace('ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ', ''));
          setTimeout(() => { //Return play BTN svg
            shadowRoot.querySelector("#copyAnswer").style.display = 'inline-flex';
            shadowRoot.querySelector("#AnswerCopied").style.display = 'none';
          }, 1000);

        const reader = response.response.getReader();
        const decoder = new TextDecoder();
        var buffer = '', partialMarkdown = '';

        function readStream() {
{ value }) => {
            buffer += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
            var startIdx = 0;
            while (true) {
              const openBrace = buffer.indexOf('{', startIdx);
              if (openBrace === -1) break;
              var balance = 1, closeBrace = openBrace + 1;

              while (balance > 0 && closeBrace < buffer.length) {
                if (buffer[closeBrace] === '{') balance++;
                if (buffer[closeBrace] === '}') balance--;

              if (balance !== 0) break; //Incomplete JSON object

              const jsonString = buffer.substring(openBrace, closeBrace);
              const item = JSON.parse(jsonString);
              clearInterval(Generating); //Stop showing ▋
              partialMarkdown += item.candidates ? item.candidates[0][0].text : item.error.message; //If there's no error show the AI answer, else show the error message

              const tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
              tempDiv.innerHTML = window.marked.parse(partialMarkdown);

              shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerHTML = '';
              startIdx = closeBrace;
            buffer = buffer.substring(startIdx);


        shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").classList.remove('show'); //Hide the mini menu on the page
        shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("#AIBox, .animated-border, #AIBox.AnswerBox").forEach(el => el.classList.add('show')); //Show the AI input and box

        var SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
        const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
        recognition.interimResults = true; //Show partial results
        recognition.continuous = true; //Keep listening until stopped

        var transcript = ""; //Add words
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#CloseOverlay").onclick = function() {
          [...shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer div").childNodes].slice(0, -1).forEach(node => node.remove()); //Reset the text content
          shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("#AIBox, .animated-border, #AIBox.AnswerBox").forEach(el => el.classList.remove('show')); //Hide the AI input and box
          recognition.stop(); //Stop recognizing audio
          speechSynthesis.cancel(); //Stop speaking
          request.abort(); //Abort any ongoing request
          if (shadowRoot.querySelector("#gemini").style.display === 'none') {
            shadowRoot.querySelector("#AddContext").remove(); //Return original prompt input styles
            shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").placeholder = 'Enter your prompt to Gemini'; //Return default placeholder

        shadowRoot.querySelector("#TopPause").onclick = function() {

        recognition.onend = function() {
          isRecognizing = false;
          shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.state1, .state2, .state3').forEach((state, index) => { //ForEach SVG animation state
            index.toString().match(/1|2/) ? = 'none' : ''; //Show only the 1 state
            state.classList.remove('animate'+index); //Stop the voice recording animation

          transcript !== '' ? Generate(transcript, shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").className) : shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerHTML = (html => BypassTT?.createHTML(html) || html)(`<br>No audio detected. Please try again or check your mic settings.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ<br><br>`); //Call the AI API if audio has been detected or show an error message
        }; //Finish the recognition end event listener

        recognition.onresult = function(event) { //Handle voice recognition results
          transcript = ""; //Clear the transcript at the start of the event
          for (var i = 0; i < event.results.length; i++) { //For all transcript results
            transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript + ' '; //Concatenate all intermediate transcripts
          shadowRoot.querySelector("#msg").innerText = transcript.length > 240 ? transcript.slice(0, 240) + '…' : transcript; //Display recognized words

        shadowRoot.querySelector("#dictate").onclick = function() {
          if (isRecognizing) {
          } else {
            isRecognizing = true;
            shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.state1, .state2, .state3').forEach((state, index) => { //ForEach SVG animation state
     = 'unset'; //Show all states
              state.classList.add('animate'+index); //Start the voice recording animation

        speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = () => desiredVoice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().find(v => === "Microsoft Zira - English (United States)"); //Find and store the desired voice
        speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged(); //Handle cases where the event doesn't fire

        shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("#speak, #SpeakingPause").forEach(function(el) {
          el.onclick = function() { //When the speak or the bottom pause BTNs are clicked
            if (speechSynthesis.speaking) {
              shadowRoot.querySelector("#speak").style.display = 'inline-flex'; //Show the play BTN
              shadowRoot.querySelector("#SpeakingPause").classList.remove('show'); //Hide the pause BTN
              shadowRoot.querySelector("#speak").style.display = 'none'; //Hide the play BTN

              var audio = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(shadowRoot.querySelector("#finalanswer").innerText.replace(/.*?\(..-..\)|[^\p{L}\p{N}\s%.,!?]/gui, '')); //Play the AI response text, removing non-alphanumeric characters and lang locales for better pronunciation
              audio.voice = desiredVoice; //Use the desiredVoice
              speechSynthesis.speak(audio); //Speak the text

              audio.onend = (event) => {
                shadowRoot.querySelector("#speak").style.display = 'inline-flex'; //Show the play BTN

        shadowRoot.querySelector("#NewAnswer").onclick = function() {
          recognition.stop(); //Stop recognizing audio
          speechSynthesis.cancel(); //Stop speaking
          Generate(Prompt, button); //Call the AI API
      } //Finishes the onloadstart event listener
    });//Finishes the GM.xmlHttpRequest function
  } //Finishes the Generate function

  shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
    if (event.key === "Enter") {
      Generate(shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").value, shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").className); //Call the AI API
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").value = ''; //Erase the prompt text
    if (event.key === "Tab") {
      if (shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").placeholder.match('using')) { //If the input bar contains the word "using"
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#AddContext").remove(); //Return original prompt input styles
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#context").classList.remove('show'); //Hide the context view
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").placeholder = 'Enter your prompt to Gemini'; //Return default placeholder
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#context").classList.add('show'); //Show the context view
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").placeholder = `Gemini is using ${'www.','')} for context...`; //Change placeholder
        shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', ` <style id="AddContext"> #gemini { display: none; } #prompt { left: 12%; width: 75%; } #tabcontext { display: none; } .animated-border { --color-OrangeORLilac: #FF8051; /* Change the border effect color to orange */ } </style> `); //Show the context bar
    setTimeout(() => { //Wait for the code above to execute
      shadowRoot.querySelector("#prompt").focus(); //Refocus on the input bar
    }, 0);

  shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("#AIBTN").forEach(function(button) {
    button.onmousedown = function(event, i) { //When the Explore or the Translate BTNs are clicked
      if (GM_getValue("APIKey") === undefined || GM_getValue("APIKey") === null || GM_getValue("APIKey") === '') { //Set up the API Key if it isn't already set
        GM_setValue("APIKey", prompt('Enter your API key\n*Press OK\n\nYou can get a free API key at'));
      if (GM_getValue("APIKey") !== null && GM_getValue("APIKey") !== '') {
        Generate(SelectedText, this.className); //Call the AI API

  if (document.body.textContent !== '' || document.body.innerText !== '') //If the body has any text
    document.body.appendChild(HtmlMenu); //Add the script menu div container

  shadowRoot.querySelector('#CopyBTN').onmousedown = function() {

  window.addEventListener('scroll', async function() {
    shadowRoot.querySelector("#highlight_menu").classList.remove('show'); //Hide the menu