Video Speed Buttons

Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo

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迈克斯 26.10.2021
Last: Braden BestAuthor 21.05.2024
Bad Doesnt work on
Med X 03.05.2022
Last: Braden BestAuthor 21.05.2024
Bad Doesn't work on Vimeo anymore.
rokoe 31.08.2023
Last: Braden BestAuthor 21.05.2024
Bad Broken
RalfRoemling 24.09.2023
Last: Braden BestAuthor 21.05.2024
Bad doesn't work in 2023
xfangbao 12.12.2021
Last: decembre 13.04.2022
Doesnt work on

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