TTA boardgaming online improved info JS - Various tweaks to improve BGO (boardgaming-online.com).
Kanban Your turn Notifier JS - Notify Kanban in your turn
BGG Language dependence on game info panel. JS - Shows language dependence in BGG gameplay bar.
TOC Lista Ludopedia JS - Mostra um TOC para os itens de uma lista da ludopedia, bem como informação de leilões (preço) (ludopedia.com.br)
Geeklist Tweaks JS - Various tweaks to improve BGG (boardgamegeek.com).
BRASS online improved JS - Various tweaks to improve Order of the Hammer's brass (orderofthehammer.com)
Nations Your turn Notifier JS - Notify Nations in your turn (mabiweb.com)
Black list de leiloeiro JS - Chuta spammers para o fim da lista de leilão na ludopedia (ludopedia.com.br)
Filter for step 3 JS - Filter by type in step 3