Dota 2 & CSGO Lounge item price displayer

Displays an item's price information from the Steam Community Market and helps to copy an item's name.

< Dota 2 & CSGO Lounge item price displayer 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2014-08-27

New cases/stickers subpage

Community market changed subpages with cases, stickers, etc. and now this script is not able to fetch prices for them. Can you fix that?

작성: 2014-10-01


Yes, I have noticed that for a while now, but never got the chance to fix it. It is on my mind and, as soon as I get some spare time, I`ll handle it.

Thanks for using my script!

작성: 2014-12-06

Check out the latest 3.0 version of the script!

The problem you have reported is fixed an many more improvements are added. You`ll love it :)


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