Azar User Data IP GENDER COUNTRY -" is a more concise and informative title that accurately reflects the script's functionality. The description can be further expanded to provide more details:
"This TamperMonkey script discreetly collects and displays user information, including IP address, gender, and country, for users on the Azar platform ( The script creates a user-friendly interface that allows users to view the collected data and navigate through multiple users' information."
To use this script, you'll need to have a browser extension like TamperMonkey or Greasemonkey installed.
You can install the script directly by clicking on the "Download" button on the Greasy Fork page:
Once the script is installed and running, you'll see a new window appear on the right side of the Azar platform (
This window displays the collected user information, including the user's IP address, gender (which is randomly assigned), and country.
You can use the "Next" button to cycle through the information of different users, and the "Esc" button to close the window.
The user information window is also draggable, so you can move it to a more convenient location on your screen.
Privacy Considerations:
This script is designed to collect user information discreetly, without disrupting the user experience on the Azar platform.
However, please use this tool responsibly and ethically, respecting the privacy of Azar users.
The gender information is randomly assigned, as the script does not have a direct way to obtain the user's actual gender.
By using this script, you agree to the GNU GPLv3 license terms, which can be found in the script's metadata.
If you have any questions or issues with the script, feel free to reach out to the author, isaac, on the Greasy Fork platform.