YouTube Comments Delete Advanced

Convenient deletion of your comments on YouTube, on the comment history page

< YouTube Comments Delete Advanced 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-07-11
수정: 2024-07-11

It's the best script ever! .. I was about to delete my account as selecting comments 1 by 1 takes ages.
Goed gedaan makker!
One thing, it takes time for YT to delete a few 1000 comments so just to be sure I kept it running in the background till it stopped displaying this message in the corner.

작성: 2024-07-12
수정: 2024-07-12

One thing, it takes time for YT to delete a few 1000 comments


It works, left my PC running all night and a lot of the comments are gone!

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