추가 검색 바 + Deep Web

일반 브라우저에서도 딥 웹 링크에 액세스하고 Google에 여러 가지 대체 검색 엔진 옵션을 추가합니다. CTRL+SPACE를 눌러보세요.

< 추가 검색 바 + Deep Web 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2024-03-03

It looks really useful but is uncomfortable that the popup keeps floating at the top of the screen whenever I move around the page. I think it would be great if the popup could be toggled with a small floating button or keyboard shortcut.

Jhon Pérgon개발자
작성: 2024-03-03

I think you're right. I will implement the change.

Jhon Pérgon개발자
작성: 2024-03-06

I updated it, check it out. Version 1.6 or higher.

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