Greasy Fork is available in English.

Duolingo PRO

The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of July 2024.

< Duolingo PRO 피드백


작성: 2023-11-03

Claiming gem chests in auto lesson mode doesn't work.

작성: 2023-12-05

Hey there, sorry about this issue.

Are you currently using chrome or a chromium based browser?


작성: 2023-12-06

Yes. I am using chrome.

작성: 2023-12-06

Hey there again, it seems like it's going to be hard to tackle this problem as it's working on my side, would you be able to email me at and tell me which course and from which language you're taking while this problem persists? Also which Duolingo layout are you currently using?

We can also try to solve it here, but it might be slower, harder and may invade your privacy a bit as it'll be public.


작성: 2023-12-06

No worries! It's working now!

작성: 2024-01-07

Got it, thanks!

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